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5G 특화망


Private 5G/이음 5G


  넷매니아즈 5G 특화망 분석글 (142)   5G 특화망 4가지 구축모델   산업계 5G 응용   산업분야별 5G 특화망 활용사례  [5G 특화망 벤더Samsung | HFR | Nokia | more


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Telefónica의 Private 5G


     Telefónica의 Private 5G 서비스  


• AWS와 Telefonica Germany, Ericsson은 2020년 12월에 열린 AWS re:Invent에서 5G SA Private Networks on AWS Outpost 통합사례를 발표함.

• Telefonica Germany는 2021년 독일내 기업을 대상으로 Private 5G 상용 서비스 예정

• Ericsson의 Cloud-native 5G SA Core와 MEC가 AWS Outpost상에 배포되며, AWS Outpost는 Telefonica의 5G 망내 또는 고객기업의 사내에 위치한다. 

• AWS 인프라/서비스/API와 Ericsson 5G Orchestrator간의 인테그레이션 사례도 보여준다. 

• 5G Core 벤더(Ericsson)은 5G Core S/W(UPF, AMF, SMF 등)만 제공하면 되고 가상화 인프라 제공과 운용은 AWS가 수행함.



• Source: AWS re:Invent 2020: Telefónica: Enabling industry 4.0 with Ericsson’s 5G and edge cloud, 2021.02.06




• Netmanias One-Shot, 독일 최초 5G Core on AWS Public Cloud - Telefonica Germany, 2020.09.14



     Telefónica의 Private 5G 뉴스/고객 사례  





고객 기업   관련 기사   사설망 주파수   망구조   On-Prem.장비   5G 솔루션   부가 설명
  2022.03.29   Helios Park-Klinikum Leipzig 
(병원, 독일)

O2 Telefónica and Helios launch 5G network operation in hospital: 5G standalone campus network for Helios Klinikum in Leipzig ready for use

Digitization in the healthcare sector is necessary. The corona pandemic has made this visible in many places. To drive digitization forward in its own hospital, Helios Park-Klinikum Leipzig has been operating the first private 5G standalone campus network in a hospital in Germany since December 2021. The 5G standalone campus network designed and built by O2 Telefónica acts as a digitalization turbo. With the deployment of the government-funded 5G campus network, the hospital operator expects a boost in efficiency and innovation.

3.7-3.8GHz, 5G SA, Huawei








  2022.03.29   Dataport (공공, 독일)  

O2 Telefónica and Dataport launch 5G test lab: First 5G standalone campus network for Hamburg in operation

IT requirements for smart cities and public administration are continuously increasing. This involves, for example, coping with increased data traffic or the seamless system integration of wireless sensors. To drive the digitalization of the public sector, Dataport is commissioning the first private 5G standalone campus network in Hamburg for its new 5G test lab. Designed and built by O2 Telefónica, the 5G standalone campus network acts as a digitalization turbo.

3.7-3.8GHz, 5G SA, Ericsson EP5G (ericsson Private 5G)








  2020.11.10   Gestamp (자동차 부품 제조, 스페인)   Telefónica and Gestamp promote the digitalization of the industry with a 5G connected factory use case
It’s the first factory digitalized with 5G for industrial processes in Spain








(자동차 공장, 


  Mercedes-Benz opens €730m Factory 56 with private 5G from Telefónica, Ericsson       물리적 독점5G망 (Public 5G과 무관)   5G Core, 5G RAN   Ericsson  

벤츠가 Private 5G망을 자체 운용



벤츠 Factory 56, AR/VR, AGV, 5G망에 연결된 AGV (자동유도차량) 400대, 건물면적 66,300 m2, 벤츠는 생산효율성이 25% 향상되었다고 주장함.







  2020.09.01       Telefonica, Cooperation with Amazon Web Services and Ericsson drives new industrial 5G solutions               Ericsson    






  2020.06.02       Telefónica Deutschland builds 5G core network with Ericsson technology               Ericsson    








(자동차 공장,


  Ericsson and Telefónica to make 5G car manufacturing a reality for Mercedes-Benz       물리적 독점5G망 (Public 5G과 무관)   5G Core, 5G RAN   Ericsson’s Private Networks portfolio     

















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