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Real World Private 5G Cases   4 Deployment Models On-Premise Cases 5G Core Control Plane Sharing Cases

5G Core Sharing Cases

Private 5G Deployment   Private 5G Deployment Status in Korea  UPDATED   South Korean government's regulations on private 5G and KT's strategy for entering the market
Cases in Korea   Private 5G Operators |   SK Networks Service (SI) Sejong Telecom (Wire-line Carrier) KT MOS (Affiliate of KT) • Newgens (SI) • NAVER Cloud more >>  
    Enterprise DIY |   Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (Power Plant) Korea Electric Power Corporation (Energy) • Republic of Korea Navy more >>
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In 2022, KT deployed private 5G networks at Bundang Seoul National University Hospital, Samsung Medical Center, Navy Headquarters, and Korea Aerospace Industries. In all four cases, the 5G RAN and 5G core were installed on-premise. KT announced its cloud-based private 5G network deployment strategy in cooperation with AWS and Nokia at the AWS Seoul Summit on May 3, 2023 (KT built a cloud-ba...
South Korea's Private 5G Government Policy and KT's Strategy Private 5G Spectrum in Korea, Source: Ministry of Science and ICT On October 28, 2021, the South Korean government (Ministry of Science and ICT: MSIT) started offering private 5G frequencies (100MHz@4.7GHz, 600MHz@28GHz) in an effort to deploy private...
Newgens (SI Company) In November 2022, Newgens (Korean SI company) was approved by the government as a private 5G common carrier, allowing it to provide private 5G services to corporate customers. Newgens was allocated a private 5G frequency of 4.7 GHz (4.72-4.82GHz), 28GHz (28.9-29.5GHz) by the government and built a pri...
Korea Electric Power Corporation (Energy) KEPCO has deployed a private 5G network at Shin-Jungbu substation and headquarters in December 2022 for predictive maintenance KEPCO's need for a private 5G network Preventing accidents in advance is important due to the aging of power facil...
In October 2022, KT MOS, an affiliate of KT, was approved as a private 5G common carrier by the government (Ministry of Science and ICT), becoming the sixth private 5G operator in South Korea. The government assigned KT MOS private 5G frequencies of 4.7 GHz (4.72-4.82 GHz) and 28 GHz (28.9-29.5 GHz) for Samsung Medical Center in October 2022, and KT MOS completed the building of a pr...
The Ministry of Science and ICT announced that it has finalized frequency allocation and common carrier registration, allowing Hyundai Autoever, LS ELECTRIC, and others to use private 5G frequencies beginning May 1. Private 5G Operator Privatre 5G Frequency 5G Applications Hyundai Autoever 4.7GHz (100MHz) AMR, Robot, AR Glass, CCTV LS Electronic...
Private 5G operator: SK networks service (Korean SI Company) In May 2022, SK networks service was approved by the government (MSIT: Ministry of Science and ICT) as a private 5G common carrier, becoming the third private 5G operator in South Korea after NAVER CLOUD (December 2021) and LG CNS (March 2022). On the same day, SK networks service was allocated private 5G frequencies of 4.7GH...
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) has deployed a private 5G network and applications at the Hanul Nuclear Power Plant in December 2022, enabling rapid response to disaster situations. Why did Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) build a private 5G network? Security: There have been 1,463 hacking attempts to KHNP in the last 10 years, and a closed network completely separa...
Private 5G operator: Sejong Telecom (Korean Wire-line Carrier) In October 2022, Sejong Telecom was approved by the government as a private 5G common carrier, allowing it to provide private 5G services to corporate customers. Currently, nine private 5G common carriers (Naver Cloud, LG CNS, SK Networks Service, Nable Communications, CJ Olive Networks, KT MOS, Sejong Tel...
KT employees monitor the dashboard screen of a private 5G intelligent monitoring and control solution Developed a solution to monitor and control all sections from private 5G terminals to private 5G cores with AI technology Applying the monitoring and control solution to KT's private 5G customers "In KT's new private 5G business, the monitoring and control solution is applied to KT...
In this blog, we look at the service cases of private 5G operators in Japan and the United States that share 5G core control plane (build UPF and RAN in corporate sites and use 5GC CP as a cloud service of private 5G operators). <Private 5G operator's service (5G core control plane sharing type) - network architecture> NTT East, NTT Com, NEC, and NESIC in Japan and AWS and G...
Let's take a look at the on-premise type (building both core and RAN in the workplace) private 5G service cases of private 5G operators in Japan, Germany, and the United States. <Private 5G operator's on-premise type service: network architecture> SI companies such as Hitachi and NSSOL in Japan, Becon, Siticom, and Cocus in Germany, Betacom in the U.S., Hyperscalers such a...
Collaboration with CJ Olive Networks to deploy private 5G in the entire space of the Icheon 2 Fulfillment Center Reduced infrastructure equipment compared to the existing Wi-Fi environment, 1000 times faster speed... Increased logistics center productivity CJ Logistics, an innovative technology company, has built a private 5G network for its logistics center. This is the first case where a p...
[From left, Aramco Senior Vice President of Digital & Information Technology Nabil Nuaim, Samsung Electronics President & Head of Networks Business Woojune Kim, Aramco President & CEO Amin H. Nasser, and Samsung Electronics Executive Vice President & Head of R&D June Moon] Aramco has signed a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., which sets forth pr...
Changwon National Industrial Complex in Korea Gyeongnam Techno Park will start building private 5G in Central (CTR), an automobile parts manufacturer, at the end of this month Optimized communication required for smart factory, smart logistics, etc. Gyeongsangnam-do to build 890 smart factories by 2025 Gyeongsangnam-do(province) will begin building private 5G networks in the Changwon Nat...
The Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) MSIT plans to create a representative private 5G service leading model in various industries such as manufacturing, medical care, logistics, and safety. According to the industry on the 14th, MSIT will announce its private 5G network expansion strategy next month at the earliest. Existing private 5G policies focused on industrial frequency alloca...
In this blog, we look at the background of the emergence of private 5G and private 5G operators, and examine four models for enterprises to deploy private 5G networks. In 2019, Germany's BNetzA, Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and Ofcom in the UK opened 5G frequencies for the industry to promote digital transformation, enabling enterprises to build and operate...
Private 5G spectrum in Korea Private 5G Spectrum in Korea, Source: Ministry of Science and ICT Private 5G Networks in Korea: Enterprise DIY Enterprise Location Private 5G Frequency Frequency Aquisition Date Private 5G Applivat...
From the left, Cho Sung-hoon, head of the telecommunications business platform division, AWS Chief Technician Ishiwal Farooker, managing director Min Hye-byeong, head of KT Enterprise Services DX, and vice president of Nokia Head of APJ Enterprise PWLS Campus Donny Jansen Cooperation in all aspects of equipment and solutions and sales to activate the global private 5G market. Disclosure of...
HFR, Inc. announced its participation in Mobile World Congress 2023 held in Barcelona, Spain from February 27th to March 2nd. HFR plans to introduce its private 5G technology and services by operating its own stand-alone booth. HFR’s booth is to be set up in the main exhibition hall 'Hall 2 (Booth 2B72)’ MWC is one of the most representative and important global event in the...
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