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New home IoT services driven by the Korea's first Z-wave commercialization: U+ Switch, U+ Plug, U+ Energy Meter, U+ Open Sensor, Door Lock, and Room Temperature Regulator Remotely control lights, room temperature, plugs and door locks, check the electricity usage, or detect intrusion using window sensors at home In line with its open source IoT platform policy, LG U+ is currently in par...
[PDF] IPTV History in Korea (Channels, Resolution, VoD, Subscribers, Revenue)
As of end of March 2015, LG U+ recorded over 100,000 4K UHD service subscriptions - for the first time for a pay TV service - closely followed by its competitor, KT. As KT continues its effort to be the #1, the tight race for 4K UHD market domination between the two is expected to get even tighter. On April 29, LG U+ announced that as of March 2015, households subscribing to its 4K UHD...
Table of Content Netmanias Interview with Korean Companies at MWC 2015 KT's demonstrations of LTE-H and LTE-U At Barcelona's MWC 2015, KT demonstrated a variety of new 5G, Hetnet and IoT technologies and services. Of all those presented, below we will focus on our most interested topics, WiFi-related pre-5G technology, LTE-Hetnet and LTE-U...
LG Electronics will be releasing their ‘LG Watch Urbane LTE’ on the 27th in South Korea exclusively via LG U+. The factory price is 587 USD. LG U+ will be having smart watch plan that costs about 10 USD per month. LG watch Urbane LTE is supports long-term evolution (LTE) communication. It also has USIM card embedded in the wristband so separate number is given once the servi...
For the rest of the Q2 2015 issue of Korea Communication Review magazine please click here SKT and LG U+ to create more customer value, and KT to lead technology innovation through standardization...
As noted in the previous post, currently there are two types of user authentication in the Wi-Fi networks operated by Korean operators: IEEE 802.1X-based and captive portal-based authentication. 802.1X-based authentication targets primarily mobile devices with an operator's USIM card, whereas captive portal-based authentication to be discussed here is used to attract users without a permane...
SKT and LG U+ to create more customer value, and KT to lead technology innovation through standardization 5G era is arriving soon, probably by 2020 as planned, and is promising 100 times faster speeds than current LTE. Then, what benefits can customers get from it? What values can it bring to custo...
SK Telecom, KT, and LG U+—Korea’s three main telecommunication companies—are to show 5 Generation(5G) and IoT(Internet of Things) technologies in priority at the ‘Mobile World Congress(MWC) 2015.’ KT KT will demonstrate next generation telecommunication technologies and IoT technologies under the theme of ‘Life Innovation by 5G.’ Among the new tech...
We will talk about call flow in IEEE 802.1X-based user authentication used in Korean network operators' Wi-Fi networks. Before we continue, let's take a look at what Korean operators' current Wi-Fi authentication are like first. KT provides the following SSIDs in its Wi-Fi Hotspots: ollehWiFi (with lock icon): Users are authenticated based on the IMSI stored in USIM of their...
Resale phone makers are showing signs to competitively introduce ‘multiple MVNO’ strategy to use two or more mobile carrier circuits. This is analyzed as a strategy to expand the base of resale phones by increasing subscribers’ options. Accordingly, multiple circuit strategy is forecast to spread in the resale phone industry. Free Telecom (CEO: Kim Hong-cheol) announc...
SK Telecom organized the National Disaster and Safety Communication Network (hereinafter referred to as the emergency network) TFT (task force team). As a result, all three mobile carriers have dedicated teams for winning the emergency network project and are going head to head with one another. As KT overcame the crisis of debarment from participation in the project due to the unlawful company...
Korean Big 3 mobile carriers are forecast to reduce their CAPEX by about 9% this year compared to last year. Most of their LTE investments are completed, and their profitability declined last year despite the enforcement of the Terminal Distribution Structure Improvement Act. As the telecommunication industry cuts down CAPEX, small and medium-sized network equipment makers will be directly...
LG U+ to lower the service rate of its gigabit Internet service (see World IT Show 2014: LG U+'s Gigabit Internet (LAN and FTTH) Networks - Architecture and Equipments and Now giga Internet service available from all the Korean big 3 operators), 'U+ Optical Giga' LG U+ announced on February 1 that it is lowering the service rate of 'U+ Optical Giga' Internet service, cap...
For the rest of the Q1 2015 issue of Korea Communication Review magazine please click here 3. 5G Strategies by LG U+ LG U+, acknowledging service as a more important factor in 5G than speed, is putting more efforts into developing differentiated services than mere technologies competition. That is, it is taking a stance that it would develop 5G services first, and then take care of t...
Top 3 mobile carriers will join hands with manufacturers and release over 30 smart home (home IoT) products this year. They took aim at the most popular home IoT as the first case of success in the age of IoT. They are planning to flood the market with numerous products throughout the year unlike last year when they released a couple of pilot products. Beyond simply providing communication...
Table of Content Korean big 3, getting ready for 5G (1): KT KT is the No. 1 wired and No. 2 mobile operator in Korea, and has the most powerful wired and wireless integrated networks. The company does not see 5G network as its next generation network itself, but as just one of the components that comprise its GiGA infrastructure required in GiGAtopia, its n...
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