4K UHD VoD contents provided by Korean Big 3 Telco (June 30, 2015)
July 02, 2015 | By Netmanias (tech@netmanias.com)
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1. © Netmanias Consulting • www.netmanias.com Korea Communication Review • Q3 2015 39 UHD VoD contents provided by Korea Big 3 Telco (June 30, 2015) | Dr. Harrison J. Son (tech@netmanias.com) # of UHD VoD KT has 306 UHD titles, the largest UHD content libraries in Korea, followed by SK Broadband with 254, and LG U+ with 176. UHD VoD contents provided by Korea Big 3 Telco (June 30, 2015) UHD VoD Total Play Time KT, with the largest UHD VoD content collection, has secured a total of 17,974-minute (300-hour) running time, which is enough to play non-stop for 12 days. # of Free UHD VoD Almost everything, except American TV shows and commercial movies, can be watched for free. KT offers a total of 124 titles, the most among the big 3. Genre Common contents of Big 3 • Movie: Spider-Man, Elysium, Men In Black, Salt, Total Recall, etc. • Series: House of cards 2, Masters of sex 1, Breaking Bad, The Blacklist, etc. 254SK Broadband 267LG U+ 306KT 300 hoursKT 278 hoursSK Broadband 271 hoursLG U+ 124KT SK Broadband 78 82LG U+ 77 86 11078 128 111 6778 14 52 5778 17 33 22 15 1 9 9 0 Movie Series Documentary Life Sports Performance KT SK Broadband LG U+ 19