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LTE/Wi-Fi MultiPath Aggregation Solution (MPASTM)


Netvision Telecom's Multi-Path Aggregation Solution (MPAS)TM is an LTE/Wi-Fi path aggregation solution based on MPTCP developed by Netvision Telecom. MPAS consists of i) MPAS app, ii) MP-GW (MPTCP proxy gateway), and iii) MP-Manager in charge of managing MP-GW and providing service policies to UE. 


Netvision Telecom's Multi-Path Aggregation Solution (MPAS) architecture


Netvision Telecom's Multi-Path Aggregation Solution: Key Features

Unlike other LTE/Wi-Fi aggregation solutions that require installing of new LTE-U/LAA or LWA enabled small cells and replacement of user mobile devices, MPAS gives immediate enhancement of download speeds just through upgrading SW on mobile devices and adding MP-GW. No replacement or modification is required in existing networks. So, this solution can be deployed over any existing commercial networks immediately. 


This solution makes both users and operators happy – a true win-win situation. Users can download contents through multiple TCP sessions via both LTE and Wi-Fi, which theoretically means data can be downloaded at the sum of their maximum speeds (LTE and Wi-Fi combined). What’s even better is that even in case of Wi-Fi congestion in Wi-Fi hot spots, users can still be served uninterruptedly through LTE.


Operators are happy because they can provide affordable, differentiated high speed download service, attracting new customers and reaffirming existing customers’ loyalty. Also, they can leverage their existing LTE and Wi-Fi infrastructure with no change or addition, investment in building infrastructure for accelerated speeds can be kept minimum. They can also decide which applications they want to apply MPTCP to, and adjust traffic ratios of LTE and Wi-Fi, giving operators to offer different services and plans. 


This solution makes both users and operators happy – a true win-win situation. Users can download contents through multiple TCP sessions via both LTE and Wi-Fi, which theoretically means data can be downloaded at the sum of their maximum speeds (LTE and Wi-Fi combined). What’s even better is that even in case of Wi-Fi congestion in Wi-Fi hot spots, users can still be served uninterruptedly through LTE.

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Netvision Telecom's LTE/Wi-Fi Multipath Aggregation Solution - Instantly upgrade the performance of your mobile network



LTE/Wi-Fi Aggregation
   LTE/Wi-Fi Link Aggregation (LWA)
   LTE/Wi-Fi Path Aggregation
Netvision Telecom's Multi-Path Aggregation Solution (MPASTM)
   Boost Download Speeds through LTE/Wi-Fi Aggregation
   No Touch on Existing NW Infrastructure
   Application- or User-specific Policies - More Chances to Create Profits
   Load Balancing and Failover




Operators are happy because they can provide affordable, differentiated high speed download service, attracting new customers and reaffirming existing customers’ loyalty. Also, they can leverage their existing LTE and Wi-Fi infrastructure with no change or addition, investment in building infrastructure for accelerated speeds can be kept minimum. They can also decide which applications they want to apply MPTCP to, and adjust traffic ratios of LTE and Wi-Fi, giving operators to offer different services and plans. 


Boost Download Speeds through LTE/Wi-Fi Aggregation

Most smartphones today come with both LTE and Wi-Fi modems, but the two modems do not work simultaneously. That means only one modem, either LTE or Wi-Fi, can work at once. The biggest benefit of MPTCP is that it aggregates two paths for LTE and Wi-Fi, and so data can be downloaded at the combined rates of LTE and Wi-Fi. So, for example, if LTE supports 300Mbps and Wi-Fi supports 866Mbps, theoretically maximum download speeds can be 1.17Gbps. 


Another benefit of MPTCP is that it enables operators to use not only their own LTE and Wi-Fi, but also unmanaged Wi-Fi, such as user-deployed, public, or office Wi-Fi, when aggregating. In other words, they can access any Wi-Fi APs available to users in addition to their own APs. Also, with MPTCP, operators can cut down costs of spectrum as well as investment costs in small cells (Wi-Fi AP). 


No Touch on Existing NW Infrastructure

Netvision Telecom’s MPAS aggregates traffic on transport layer, significantly increasing data speeds at minimum costs without having to modify existing wireless network infrastructure. It allows for LTE aggregation with user-deployed Wi-Fi APs (like home, office, and municipal AP) as well as with operator-deployed carrier Wi-Fi APs. This nature gives an effect of expanding mobile network coverage without any extra costs caused on operator side. 


Application- or User-specific Policies - More Chances to Create Profits

Operators can set various user- and application-specific MPTCP policies as they want. They can apply MPTCP to all applications accessed by users, or to certain application services only. For instance, operators can apply MPTCP to their mobile video services to offer uninterrupted video service to their customers, ensuring greater service satisfaction. Or they can apply it to OTT video service provided by their partners (e.g. OTT, e-trading, etc.) to create a new profit model with B2B revenue.


In this type of profit model, partners can share their profits with operators in return of the operators’ provision of fast and reliable contents service (combined aggregation path of LTE and Wi-Fi). Or operator can even commercialize MPTCP service itself, and apply it to their customers with a plan of specific rates or higher only, generating additional profits (B2C revenue) and thereby improving ARPU. 


Load Balancing and Failover

Netvision Telecom’s MPAS solution works in out-of-band mode, not in in-line mode. This means, when accessing MP-GW, UE accesses MP-Manager first to acquire address information of MP-GW to access. Then, it creates an MPTCP session toward its allocated MP-GW, which then creates a TCP session with the original destination server, relaying the two sessions. 


MP-Manager monitors traffic loads at MP-GWs, and allocates a GW list (ex, UE1: GW1/GW2, UE2: GW2/GW3) to UE accordingly, to ensure all resources at MP-GWs are evenly utilized. Then the UE accesses primary GW first, but secondary GW if the primary GW fails. If all GWs are down or fully loaded, the UE directly accesses the destination server. This process helps distribute loads evenly to MP-GW servers so that service is not interrupted even when a GW or all GWs are down. 


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