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LTE-Broadcast (eMBMS) Control & Data Plane Protocol Stack
May 02, 2018 | By Chris Changmo Yoo (cmyoo@netmanias.com)
Comments (7)


Narendhar @ PwC via LinkedIn 2018-05-04 11:43:11

Love it Mr.Chris. As usual presentation is outstanding.
Brings back the days of deploying eMBMS :)

Dae-Gunn Jei @ Volpe and Koenig, P.C. vi 2018-05-04 11:44:16

Will any service provider commercialize eMBMS any time soon?  I heard some US carriers did the test for eMBMS some years ago. 

Chris 2018-05-04 11:44:40

Jio, an Indian telecom operator, broadcasts real-time match on subscriber's smartphone through LTE-Broadcast (eMBMS) every IPL game season.

Dae-Gunn Jei @ Volpe and Koenig, P.C. vi 2018-05-04 11:45:07

Thank you for the reply.  A couple of years ago, I analyzed some good eMBMS patents, which well read on relevant standards.  However, I could not find any commercial services in the world.  Only some US carriers like VZW and ATT did some testings in a few cities.

robert 2018-05-10 15:07:27

Waht is stand for MSPV? Is it a 3GPP entity?

Chris 2018-05-15 12:06:37

MSPV stands for MBMS Service Provisioning server, which manages (create/update/delete) the eMBMS service by providing service information to the BM-SC. It is not 3GPP entity.

Please see the "LTE-Broadcast (eMBMS) Network Reference Architecture" at link https://www.netmanias.com/en/?m=view&id=oneshot&no=13379

SAHRAOUI 2018-05-17 18:52:46

Hello and thank you for this deep architecture. Is it compliant with release 14 (3GPP) with ROM(Receive Only mode) and CP=200µs and standalone mode( 100% spertral ressource)  ?



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