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Tutorial: End to End IPTV Design and Implementation
September 28, 2008 | By Ericsson
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End to End IPTV Design and
Implementation, How to avoid
Rajiv Chaudhuri
Ericsson Consulting
Agenda for the IP TV Design Tutorial
1IP TV Business Models and Challenges
2Key IP TV Design Considerations
3Delivering IP TV Services and Quality of Experience
4Testing Considerations
5Future Directions
6Finally  Key Messages
1 IP TV Business Models and Business Case Challenges
What is IP TV ?
It is “TV anytime” with no strict dependency on the fixed program guide
Can replace cable and satellite based video and TV broadcast services
It is broadband TV, video on demand and interactive TV
It offers triple play service bundling  voice, video and data on FTTP and ADSL 2+ and VDSL access
Viewers would expect a predictable or better service quality, when comparing IP TV with Broadcast FTA, cable and Satellite TV services
What is TV?
(Broadcast, Internet TV, IPTV)
Broadcast TV
Internet TV
IPTV Scenarios
Managed vs Unmanaged
IP TV Scenario Analysis
PC Based Internet TV Model A pure Video On Demand Approach Primarily portal based as extensions to
broadcaster’s linear digital channels Commercial Broadcasters -NBC in the US, Channel 4 and BBC in the UK have launched their own video on demand portals
Connectivity via Internet only Leveraging existing content from digital channels funded through a combination of revenue sources including
Advertising Pay-per-view Subscription based Download to own
User generated content from Portals such as YouTube and MySpace Video and music On-Demand Portals such as iTunes and Joost
IP TV via Set Top Box (STB) Model

Combination of both Linear Broadcast and Video on Demand Approach

Connectivity via Operator’s Closed Broadband Network

Standard Pay-TV distribution model

Revenue model is a combination of
Subscription based  Pay-per-view  Advertising
Broadcasters, content providers, advertisers or disintermediators have a revenue sharing arrangement with the Telco
Open the network to internet TV
IP TV Business Model Examples
A little VoD infrastructure and not own access
network Convenient access to video library at a user’s preferred time
Premium VoD Hot, Exclusive, large choices and speciality content for specific target segments
Pay per view or certain number of films per month Brand name and easy content navigation is essential
Advanced TV services at competitive price TV centric users with often own broadband
customer base or registered IP TV subscription users IP TV services including rich and varied bundles
of channels , EPG, PVR, NPVR and Interactive
services Subscription and additionally pay per view for VoD
Broadband Internet Access and rich value added services included IP TV and VoD
PC centric users and own customer base Internet Protal services including  information services, music downloads, online gaming
Flat broadband Access and IP TV Services and pay-per-view for VoD
Combined video, telephony and broadband
internet services for mass market TV centric users, telecommunications customers requiring to subscribe to triple play bundles
IP TV services including rich and varied bundles of channels, EPG, PVR, NPV, interactive services, VoIP and other IP services
Subscription  Triple Play bundles, plus pay per view charges for VoD
IPTV Penetration at Connected
16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0%
TV Service Provider
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
IP TV Business Case Challenges
IPTV study  Consumer Behaviors
Only 30% satisfied with service
People are referring to old technology
Features not living up to expectations/old technology are irritating
1Improve service reliability (73%)
2Would like to be able to choose their own channels (69%)
3Having the service available on more than one TV (60%)
4Most of all, care about the content and its quality! (75%)
5It must be very easy to get something showing what viewers want to watch (75%)
Source: Web survey with users
Critical Success Factors for IP TV
Summary Of IP TV Business Model and Challenges
Telco’s QoS managed network is a vehicle to deliver both managed TV and Internet TV with high Quality of User Experience
For IP TV Services, Content is the key, but operators need to be mindful of important commercial trade-offs between content and services
IP TV offers a new, more compelling model for advertisers to reach and influence consumers Ability to target adverts more accurately by time viewed, by programme and via viewer profile could deliver new revenue opportunities for both Telco’s and the advertisers
Product and technology choices are critical to ensure that, features delivered must meet the user expectations and preferences
Organisational realignment is necessary to develop User Centric IP TV value Delivery Model in a cost effective fashion
The IP TV business model could vary from operator to operator Whilst an incumbent Telco would like to own the entire network and services infrastructures,  content providers, aggregators and wholesale ISPs would look for a collaborative approach to the deployment of IP TV via a separate white label or wholesale entity  
Designing an IP TV Network
Service Transformation -Triggers
Consumer View of Services
User selects what services they subscribe to :
Services Subscription Voice
IP TV Streaming VoD Interactive Apps
eg gaming HSI
How Operator Handles Service Mixes ?
Operator translates customer subscriber to Bandwidth and IP QoS Profile at the Downstream Direction
Services Subscription Volume CIR PIR
05M 05M
Key Observation
4M 4M
Voice and IP TV
8M 8M require Constant Bit Rate (CBR)
Streaming VoD
performance2 M 2 M
Interactive Apps
eg gaming
01 M 05 M Voice and IP TV Services are highly sensitive to packet
Default 005M 12 M loss and delay
Total Line
1465M 26 M
Note : CIR  Commited Information Rate PIR Peak Information Rate
Network Transformation  A Journey towards Services World
Industry Direction  Revenue growth stimulation,
IP Network Rationalisation for all Access Types
Key IP TV Network Design Considerations
Requirement for IP TV Service Delivery
interaction per-sub, per-service
AN (Access Node);  EAS (Ethernet Aggregation Switch); BNG (Broadband Network Gateway)
Ethernet Aggregation Design Goals
MPLS Technologies In The Ethernet Aggregation Network
(anylayer 3 protocol)
(service label) (anylayer 3 protocol)
(optional )
(tunnel or transport label ) (optional )
(any layer 3 protocol)
(service label ) (any layer 3 pr otocol )
(optional )
(tunnel or transpor t label ) (optional )
Virtual Private Wire Service (VPWS) Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS)
Unicast VoD will be the main driver for Network Capacity Growth
BB TV Alternate Architecture Residential High Speed Internet
Internet Gaming
Multicast Broadband Services
Changed Orientation
WDM oriented Metro
SFP WDM module
Optimised Multicast Network
For Efficient Video Delivery
Subscriber QoS to meet Multi Services Requirements
Subscriber Bandwidth Model
End to End QoS Reference Model
Service Aware Network Elements with QoS Policies and Configuration End to end Service QoS
Transport QoS Priority  Traffic type  
7  Control & management  
5  Voice (residential & business)  
4  IPTV, multicast services  
3  IPTV, unicast services (VoD)  
2  Business data services  
0  Best effort Internet access  
Transport QoS Service Independent network elements
Location of QoS Functions for Service Mixes
Four Transport Classes
Expedited -VoIP Guaranteed  IP TV Premium -Business Standard -Internet
One Network for All Services:
Business & Residential
Residential TransportIP Service Edge Service Networks And Business Access Network Aggregation
Subscriber QoS for Fairness in Service Bandwidth Allocation
MPEG Error Retention
Always On Experience : Packet Loss Expectations
Single B-frame IP packet loss (1 frame affected) Single I-frame IP packet loss(14 frames affected)
High Availability: Network Resiliency (1/2)
Traffic Flow Through LDP tunnels within one or more RSVP-TE LSPs
High Availability: Network Resiliency (2/2)
High Availability: MPLS FRR and VRRP
High availability: Node Reliability Non-Stop Services is the ultimate goal
Extend Non-stop Routing to layer 2/3 VPN
Non-Stop Services
Standard operation of
routing networks
Route convergence
Node Reliability Initiatives
Security & Traffic Control
Network Security
Network Operations Tools
IP TV Network Architecture Options
Summary -Key Design Considerations
Unicast VoD is the main driver for network bandwidth growth
Ethernet technologies (VPLS, VPWS, T-MPLS) have matured enough to offer higher scalability, increased security and improved resiliency at the aggregation layer Any specific choice of technology however would depend on the operator’s products and service offerings (eg, Business or residential)
The delivery mechanism of Broadcast TV requires careful consideration A possible solution is to deliver long tail BTV and unicast VoD streaming via the opticaltransport bypass
MPLS FRR could be implemented to support 50 ms network failover  a key performance requirement for voice and video
Network operations and management tools are the key considerations, while making a choice about network technologies and systems
Subscriber level QoS and network policy control will be required to control  the fairness in bandwidth allocation and resource usage
End to End QoS management is the key to meeting Real time multimedia application performance
Delivering IP TV Services with
Quality of Experience
A Simplified IP TV System
Head-end in an IPTV Solution
Concept of IP-Headend
Head-end Building Blocks
Analogue CATV Digital satellite
satellite (IF)
eg compo-
site signal
Stream Trans-
Digital cable
optional Redundancy options etc CA not shown
Multicast addresses indicated as examples only
IPTV Headend Architecture
1+1 IP SwitchesASI/SDI Matrix Router
All IP based Headend
Standard Redundancy Solution
Single point of failure (If Active type) Can be expensive
Receivers EN80X0
Complete IP Transcode Headend
Reduces single point of failures Reduces Integration cost and simplifies design
1+1 IP Switch
Standard TTV Redundancy Solution Uses VLAN Membership MIB
1+1 IP Switch
Smaller System Foot Print CAS
IP TV Head End System Considerations
The number of satellite dishes?
The number of satellite transponders?
The number of TV and Radio services from each transponder?
The number of SD MPEG-2/4 TV services?
The number of HD MPEG-2/4 TV services?
The number of services to be Transrated?
The number of services to be Transcoded?
The number of services that require re-encoding?
The number of TV and Radio services?
The peak bit-rates of the services if VBR
What type of interface?
The number of SD MPEG-2/4 TV services?
The number of HD MPEG-2/4 TV services?
The number of services to be Transrated?
The number of services to be Transcoded?
The number of services that require re-encoding?
The number of TV and Radio services?
Details on the method of DVB-T transmissions?
The number of SD MPEG-2/4 TV services?
The number of services to be Transrated?
The number of services to be Transcoded?
The number of services that require re-encoding?
Locally Encoded Programmes The number and type of TV service SD MPEG-2/4 or HD MPEG-2/4 What type of interface ?
MPEG2 MPTS supply Considerations
Video Bandwidth Consideration Channel bandwidth per service  CBR and VBR services For pass through channels, service is VBR ranging typically from
1 to 5 Mb/s
IP TV Protocol Layer
1 MPEG TS = 188 Bytes 1 IP Packet  -7 MPEG TS approx ( GOP Length is Variable
12 Bytes  of RTP Header (op) 8 Bytes of UDP Header
20 Bytes of IP Header
14 Bytes of MAC Header
MPEG System
ALTHOS Inc 2008
MPEG GOP Pictures
Distance between successive Intra-Frames
IPTV Codec Rate Evolution
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Set Top Box -IPTV Key Challenging Area
MPEG2, MPEG-4 AVC/H264  AAC, AC3, MP3, G7xx  WMV, WMA
FLAC, Ogg Vorbis
Glossary of Terms
DLNA / UPnP AV ATSC  Advanced Television Standards
PowerPC Multimedia
Committee Standards
RTP/RTSP  MIPS  Proprietary protocols Dual-CPU  DVB, ATSC Hybrids  HD & SD
RTP-Real Time Transport
RTSP  Real Time Stream Protocol
FLAC  Free Lossless Audio Codec
Ogg Vorbis  Free Lossy Audio Code as replacement To MP3 MPEG  Standards for compression of Audio and Video Media WMV Windows Media Video WMA Windows Media Audio
H264-Video Compression Part in MPEG 4
Internet Browser  Media Player  Plays For Sure  Sync from PC  Photo Viewer  Games
DLNA  Digital Living Network Alliance
DTCP-Digital Transmission Content
Windows Media DRM10
IMS  IP Multimedia System
Why IMS?
Core service network independent of access technology  Same application is available from any Access method  Migrate and deploy across fixed and mobile users  Standards allow scalable deployment of new services  Evolution to combined services for enhanced user
experience (presence, messaging, address book)
Security through IMS built in Identity management, authentication, authorization and service access  Centralized user profiles shared between apps  Architecture designed for scalability and redundancy  Common solution to achieve Quality of Service  Flexible Charging of multimedia services  Common Provisioning
IMS IP TV Services  A Functional View
Applications  IAP  
Core Services  
IMSMessaging  IMSPresence  Browser  
Plug-ins r  
IGMP RTSP SIPMediaPlayerCA / DRM QoS Monito
IMS IP TV Services Architecture
IMS Based Triple Play Network Solution
HSS (S-, I-)
Session Control
Policy DHCP
Ethernet BNG
Carrier Carrier
Headend Output
Ethernet Ethernet
Head end
Metro Backbone
Transport WDM WDM
Transport WDM
New IMS Enabled RG supporting SIP and RTSP control signalling to RACS and IMS Core Simplify the STB configuration and client functionality A Standard based approach for Video Admission Control and BW Management Simplifying IP TV Middleware through Standard based value-add application creations A Scalable network solution for future converged services in an access agnostic fashion
IMS As a Transformation Catalyst for IP TV Middleware
Scalable PlatformScalability Issues Simplified Process With Vertical Platform Standard basedCustom build Middleware, STBs, RG Middleware Faster development of Long Lead Time for IMS As A Catalyst Value-add applications Value-add applications Easier Integration with Complex Integration Multi vendor products
Over time Economical Expensive Upgrade Upgrade
Current Middleware IMS Based Middleware
IP TV Performance Measures
Quality of Service (QoS)
QoS is one or more measure of desired performance and priorities through the IP TV Communication System
Key Measures Include­
service availability,
maximum bit error rate (BER), minimum committed bit rate (CBR)
packet Loss and Latency Performance
Quality of Experience (QoE) QoE is one or more measure of the total communication and entertainment experience from the perspective of end users Key Measures Include ­
service availability  service integrity
audio and video fidelity  Types of programming,  ability to use the system easily  The value of interactive services
Service and Transport QoS Model
ACCESS IP CORE Backbone Applications
Service Models
Service Classes
Transport and
Queue and
Transport Class Application Mapping
BE= Best Effort EF= Expedited Forwarding AF= Assured Forwarding NC= Network Control FC = Forwarding Class H2 = High L2 = Low
Transport Classes Example
Common Name  Transport Class  Primary Characteristics  Indicative Performance targets per Node  
Delay  Loss  Jitter  
Expedited  TCexpedited  Very Short Queue Highest Customer Priority Strictly Enforced Rates  <1ms  <01% in bytes  <1ms  
Guaranteed  TCguaranteed  Medium Queues Reliable delivery even if delayed  <200ms  <01%  <200ms  
Premium  TCpremiumHi  Small Queues Latency Sensitive Apps Low Discard Preference  <100ms  <05%  <50ms  
TCpremiumLo  High Discard Preference  <5%  
Standard  TCstandard Hi  Deep Queues Low Discard Preference  <500ms  <1%  <200ms  
TCstandard Lo  High Discard Preference  <5%  
Some Key Design Considerations to
Deliver QoE
Example A : When QoE is not Met
Source : Picture adopted
From IP TV Network Testing,
ALTHOS Inc 2008
Example B : When QoE is not met
Source : Picture adopted
From IP TV Network Testing,
ALTHOS Inc 2008
User Channel Change Performance
Source : Picture adopted
From IP TV Network Testing,
ALTHOS Inc 2008
“Alternative Packet” Stream for Low Network-Impact
Instant Channel Change
Video Resource Optimization -Subscriber Aware Resource
Three levels of congestion points

The port level identified by a node identifier, slot number, and a port number

Access node level congestion point identified by SVLAN

The residential gateway level identified customer VLAN
Current Video On Demand Services
Current On Demand Services Limited by Existing Network Capabilities

No Real Time Return Channel; Return Based on Dial Up

On Demand Content + Metadata Delivered Via Broadcast Infrastructure

Content Authorisation Based on Broadcast Conditional Access
Pay TV Operator Box Office (Current NVoD Service)

Current Implementation = Staggered Broadcast Delivery

Content Metadata Delivered to STB using EPG / Carousels

Authorization Implemented using Broadcast Pay Per View Model

Advantages: Works with non IP Enabled STBs

Issues: Staggered Delivery Means Delay from Order to Viewing
Push VoD (Current On Demand Service)

Current Implementation = Broadcast via Hidden Channels to STB Hard Drive

Content Metadata Delivered to STB using Carousels

Authorization Implemented using Broadcast Pay Per View Model

Advantages: Works with non IP Enabled STBs

Issues: Additional STB Hard Drive Space Required for Movie Storage  Does not scale to Large Numbers of Titles
Future VoD Delivery Model
Next Gen On Demand Services can Leverage IP Delivery

Real Time Interactive Signaling Via IP

Content Can be Browsed Interactively

Vod Unicast Model for Content Delivery
PayTV Operator’s Box Office (Current NVoD Service)
Use IP Enabled Content Distribution Service :
Implement as VoD Based Movies on Demand Service
Advantages:  No Delay from Order to Viewing  Consistent Interface / User Experience for All On Demand Services  Single Infrastructure For All On Demand Services
Push VoD (Current On Demand Service)
Use IP Enabled Content Distribution Service :
Implement as VoD Based MoD / SVoD Service
Cost Savings over Unicast VoD + Push VoD Hybrid
Single Infrastructure For All On Demand Services
Distributed VOD to reduce network
ISP VOD servers
Storage of Video Content as Adjunct to IP Edge
A Movie Title Distribution Example

20 Titles = 10% of all views, 60 Titles = 15%, 100 Titles = 25%

500 Titles = 50% of all views

10% VoD Peak Concurrency
Fast Routing Convergence for Failure
PIM Dual Join Summary
PIM Dual Join
PIM Dual Join Strategy

Reuse lessons learned from multicast high-availability financial networks

Receivers join the multicast stream from 2 different places

Move this responsibility to the IP Edge, the last IP aware replication point before the multicast receiver

Keep IP Edge network as is from a routing & provisioning perspective, no need for MPLS just to transport multicast
Key Benefits

Static PIM Join for low latency channel join

Dynamic ASM to SSM conversion

Easy provisioning; the configuration is local to the IP edge

Will NOT increase traffic on any links in case of failure

Fast channel switchover in case of failure, due to local decision

Will be 50msec or better in both Link as well as Node failure
Signalling Protocol Choice for MPLS FRR
LSP Design  PE to Core Router
Failure Scenarios  LSPs originating from PE
Example using CRS-1 IP Core
PIM Fast Convergence w Dual Joins
MC Flow
Primary RPF Interface
Secondary RPF Interface
¾ Multicast Recovery is unrelated to IGP Fast Convergence
¾ Multicast Recovery is now a matter of a local repair time
PIM Dual Join  Test Results
Agg 1
Test Setup:

Test done with “Static” PIM Join, IGMPv2 & IGMPv3

IGMP ASM to PIM SSM translation

BFD: multiplier = 3, Tx & Rx = 10msec

Multicast traffic rate: 10,000 packets/sec

IP Edge send “primary” (S,G) PIM join to Agg 1

IP Edge send “secondary” (S,G) PIM join to Agg 2
Test Failure:

Introduce link failure between IP Edge & Agg 1

Introduce Agg 1 Node failure
Test Measurement:

Monitor the Multicast traffic switchover when failure

Monitor the Multicast traffic switchover when recovery
Packet Retransmission
Dynamic Forward Error Correction
ISP VOD servers
Calculation of FEC packets
WRED applied to Video
Guaranteed for key frames
FEC frames
Delta frames
Service Quality
IP TV Performance KPIs
User Requirements on System Performance (KPI Values)
System Service KPI:s Service
Service Service Change Menu Completion Drop Speech Audio Video Access Time Accessibility Success Ratio Interaction Rate Rate Quality Quality Quality
User Accessibility view User Retainability view User Integrity view
Requirements on  Monitoring
IP TV KPI Examples
Summary  Delivering IP TV Services with QoE
The integrated IP transcoded solution at the Head-End would reduce equipment footprint and improve compression performance compared to the equivalent decode/re-encode solution Important data elements such as Teletext, close captioning, active format descriptions and wide screen signalling are preserved in the Integrated Transcoding case
Variable GOP length in MPEG 4 could be a  significant challenge to deliver  deterministic IP TV channel change performance A standard based solution is recommended to expedite frame processing at the encoder and the set top box
A standard based IMS IP TV middleware solution could solve today’s middleware scalability, performance and vertical integration issues
MPLS FRR using RSVP TE in LDP Tunnel and/or PIM Dual Join could meet 50 ms failover requirements in a triple play network
IP TV Services and network infrastructures must be benchmarked against a set of IP TV performance KPIs to meet user accessibility, retainbility and integrity requirements
A distributed VOD architecture with strategic placement of content caching in the network could ensure optimised network resource usage in a triple play deployment
IP TV Network Testing
Why IP TV Testing ?
IP TV Test Challenges
Mixed Media
Video and Audio signal processing functions can result in different amounts of delay or loss quality resulting in acceptable quality of one type of signal, while other type of signal has unacceptable quality
Content Dependent
Some types of content look good, while other types of content look bad given the same level of network impairments
Multiple Conversions
Content may be converted multiple times between its high quality format and when the media is received by the viewing device eg Set-top box
Content Protection
Content may be scrambled and encrypted as part of the End to End Encryption system
Error Concealments
Codec may generate information that replaces the data with error
IP TV Testing Considerations
IP TV Stress testing -Realistic Conditions  
ISP VOD servers
Generate Triple Play Traffic
IP TV Quality Performance
Content Quality Measurements
Media Delay Factors
Frame Counts
Frame Loss Rate
Media Loss Rate
Buffer Time
Rebuffer Events
Rebuffer Time
TS Rate
PS Rate
Clock Rate Jitter
Jitter Discards
Compression Ratio
Image Entropy
Missing Channels
Channel Map
PTS Error
PCR Error
TS Error
Program Clock Errors
IP TV Network Measurements
Packet Loss Rate Packet Discard Rate Packet Latency Packet Jitter Packet Delay Variation Out of Order Packets Gap Loss Packet Gap Route Flapping Loss of Signals Bit Error Rate Connection Success Rate Line Rate Streaming Rate
MDI  Media Delivery Index to measure  Content and Network
VoD Server Testing Using MDI Method
Key MDI Measurement Parameters  MDIDF-Media Delay Factor MDR -Media Loss as Defined in RFC 4445
Maximum Video Server Throughput  225 X 375 Mbps = 84575 Mbps
Per Stream Statistics
Video Quality Measurement Using V-
Service Model based approach
Test Measurement and Monitoring (TM&M) equipment will be used to measure performance of all types of services delivery Video  Linear and VoD
Voice Streaming and file based Data Non-IP TV Video via Streaming, HTTP, Peer to Peer
Methods, Signalling traffic  RTSP, IGMP Performance
Head-end Video Distribution Middleware DRM system
MOS: Picture Quality Blocking Blurring Visual Noise Audio Drop-outs IGMP Latency RTSP Latency Channel Switching Time IPTV Content on Demand Sync Loss Delay Retrieval Success Ratio [%] Continuity Errors
IPTV Portal Information
Retrieval Success Ratio [%]  
End User / consumer statistics
Basic VoD Monitoring
Catcher VoD server
Basic Live Monitoring
IP TV Test Equipment Choices
IP TV Test Considerations
How Lab testing could model the real world deployment ?

Service Emulation for application layer QoE testing Voice and Video services emulated with data  Testing could include channel change, a broad mix of motions, colour ranges, scene changing
and special effects
Emulate different TV users behaviours
Interactive simulation of VoD and Web TV

Multiple Consumer Use Cases in normal and stressed simulated environments Too many subscribers are requesting for video titles from the VoD servers  Testing of Video Call Admission Control performance  Network behaviour under video congestion  Client software download performance on hundreds and thousands of STBs from Middleware
server  Simulate real subscriber behaviour by automated simulated button presses from a physical remote control
How IP TV Service could be measured and monitored in post deployment period ?

Place Monitoring Equipment at various points of the IP TV network  At the Head End-Demux, Decode, Transcode, rate conversion, A-D Conversion, Encoded
MPEG in Storage At the Storage  Video Server, Ad Server  At the Content Processing Point  Encryption, Live MPEG Video &Audio for IP Multicast  At Network Domain  Core, IP Edge, Aggregation, DSLAMs, STBs

When and Where Video Quality Be Measured ?
At the Headend, At the Acquisition
As Content enters the Distribution Network
At the Core, IP Edge and Aggregation Network
At the CPE Devices-Home GW, STBs
IP TV Testing Summary
IP TV Test Challenges are significant due to mixed media, multiple conversion, error concealments and from content protection   IP TV Testing must conform with established standards and best practices Testing will be required
1At a Video Quality Level, through Signal Testing ( OSI L7-L8)
2At a network, QoS Level, through data testing ( OSI L1-L4)
3At a QoE Level through Application Performance Testing (OSI L4-L7)
Lab testing must model the real world deployment Equipments used are Video Analysers, MPEG Generators, Protocol Analysers and Network Impairment monitors
IP TV Services must be measured and monitored by placing network probes at various parts of the IP TV network in a post deployment period
IP TV Future Direction
Ericsson’s TV Vision of Converged Services and Service Creations
The different IPTV concepts
TV on demand
More than one TV Start over TV
Picture in Picture
NPVR Time Shift
The Personalized TV Roadmap
Towards a Converged World
Step 3
Step 2
Step 1
Step 0
Opening the access to multi-devices
Shift from manage closed environment to open access
IPTV IAD Proprietary standard
Expand TV service offerings
The market is ready
Could include TV Program and Internet Surfing in two screens
“Moving to Future”
(IMS as a key technology
IMS Value Proposition
1Identity the users based on post-code, demography profile and group preference
2Insert targeted ads to personalize customer experience with IP TV
1Ability to handle Multimedia messaging from TV
2supporting instant messaging, text, image, sound, video and other multimedia  files on the TV screen
1Extend multimedia conference such as Video sharing, file sharing, white board on TV
2Extend TV viewing experience with picture in picture by offering  TV Widgets and Sidebars
1Ability to create a personal phone book for each customer linking all subscribed services and calling preferences
2Services included but not limited to  : Fixed and Mobile access, broadband data and TV services
3Allow search and calling capabilities based on multimedia ID and destination calling ID on both fixed and mobile access
Convergence and Ease of Service Creation Seen as Key IMS Benefits
Ability to offer fixed mobile
Being a natural feature of IMS,
convergence-based services
ease of service creation has
been topping the list for some time
Ease of new service creation
Availability of rich media services
Our respondentssome of
on a single platform
whom are offering UMA-based FMC voice servicessee
Enhanced presence-based services
FMC services as going beyond voice
Better interoperability for diverse networks  Multimedia FMC services
Improved service integration
and management
Offering service transparency
across multiple devices
Ease of session management
Enhancing subscriber experience
Offering standards-based services
Source : Adapted from  Infonetics Service Provider Plan for IMS
Percent of Respondents Rating 6 or 7
August 2008 Study Highlights
Key Standardization Drivers for IP TV


Ericsson’s IMS IP TV-A Standard Based Solution
Enhanced Messaging Personal Phone
IMS Roadmap  A Viable Business Case book
Enrich Call Presence
Common AAA, Services
Future Direction Conclusions
IMS Platform Evolution for All Types of Telephony

Make sure IMS works for Broadband VoIP and Fixed IP Telephony First!

Develop VoIP siganlling, conferencing, Presence and Location services to decommission legacy IN and PSTN infrastructure rapidly

A common IMS based Session Control for Fixed and Mobile Telephony
Upgrade IMS Platform to Enable IP TV Applications

IMS IP TV Platform must scale up with the service build up

Make sure IMS IP TV Middleware is scalable and deployed in a cost effective way

Ensure that, IP TV Applications are developed based on Open TV Standardisation

Simplify  Set Top Box functionality using IMS enabled RG
Demonstrate an echo-system with efficient multi vendor environment  The future : A Converged World

PersonalizationI Your content, Adverstivement

Time and place shift will be key
Finally … The Key Messages
  Operators’ business model Emerging  1) Incumbent owned, 2) A collaborative approach with infrastructure managed by a white label infrastructure entity  
  High Availability and Resilient Triple Play Network Design Consideration  
  User Quality of Experience with Mixed Media is equally dependent both on Services and Network Parts  
  End to End QoS Management and Network control is a necessity for service differentiation in the network  
  IMS as the IP TV future to deliver middleware scalability and service convergence  
ASI Asynchronous Serial Interface
ATIS Alliance of Telecommunications Industry Solutions (USA)
http://wwwatisorg/  DVB Digital Video Broadcast
DVB-C Digital Video Broadcast for Cable
DVB-H Digital Video Broadcast for Handheld
DVB-S Digital Video Broadcast for Satellite
DVB-T Digital Video Broadcast for Terrestrial
FC-Fast Convergence
FEC  Forward Error Correction
FRR-Fast Re-Routing
IRD  Integrated Receiver/Decoder
SDI  Serial Data Interface
ETSI  European Telecommunication Standard Interface
http://wwwpdaetsiorg/pda/queryformasp/  HGI  Home Gateway Initiative
IPI  IP Protocol Infrastructure
IRD-Integrated Receiver/Decoder
IMS-IP Multimedia Services
MDI  Media Delivery Index
MLR-Media Loss Rate
MPLS  Multi Protocol Level Switching
MPTS-Multi-Programme Transport Stream
NGN-Next Generation Network
QoE  Quality of Experience
RTP-Real Time Protocol
RSVP  Resource Reservation Protocol
RTSP  Real Time Transport Protocol
SDI Serial Data Interface
SPTS-Serial Program Transport Stream
TS  MPEG Transport Stream
TE  Traffic Engineering
UDP-User Datagram Protocol
View All (864)
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