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Content Delivery Technology: current practice and future trend
August 09, 2013 | By KT
코멘트 (0)

Table of Contents - Issues in Global Content Delivery market - Content Delivery based on Contents type - Transparent Internet Cache for Unmanaged Contents - CDN for Managed Contents - End User requirements - Telco CDN based on Smart Content Delivery - Status of Telco CDN interconnection

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Content Delivery Technology: current practice and future trend
24th, June, 2013Table of Contents q Issues in Global Content Delivery market q Content Delivery based on Contents type q Transparent Internet Cache for Unmanaged Contents q CDN for Managed Contents q End User requirements q Telco CDN based on Smart Content Delivery q Status of Telco CDN interconnection3
Conflict in Content Delivery Biz. o OTT’s own Cache in Telco network
o Is Hyper Giant OTT, paying any fee for their Cache installation and usage? ¡No line fee, No space fee, No power usage fee ¡No intervention and No regulation against Hyper Giant’ Cache in Telco network o Which Menace by free acceptance of OTT’s own Cache ? ¡ Is Telco philanthropist? ¡ OTT’s high quality application including TPS directly to End-User
,without any delivery fee over Telco’s dumb pipe internet.
End-User USA
Global Transit High Speed / Good Quality OTT’s Origin Server OTT’s own cache
in Telco network4
OTT’ Strategy in Content Delivery Biz. o TPS over Google Fiber (‘10.Feb.~: as the one of ‘Think big with a gig’ project)
o For Global Google’s TPS, Collaboration with 2nd or 3rd place Telco, in the world o Google’s world-wide virtual internet Backbone with SDN
¡Efficient usage of SDN for managing of two different BB, I-scale BB for end-user and G-scale BB for global synchronization of global Google DC.
Network Box TV Box Storage Box5
OTT’ Strategy in [ Content Delivery Biz. + Platform Biz.] o Case1: G-TV + Google DC with SDN + GGC in Telco o Case2: Google Glass as the Next generation Wearable Device ¡ [More Platform Controllability] Monopolization of Personal BigData market with the Cloud based Wearable Device ¡ [Information Hub/Service Hub] Personal Secretary service with “Google Now” ¡ [New Ecosystem] Contents and Application Hub with “Google Play”6
OTT’ Strategy in Platform Controllability o 단말/플랫폼/콘텐츠 등 전방위 적인 OTT 시장 지배력 강화
¡ OTT 클라우드를 이용한 서비스 전달 구조
a 높은 OTT 플랫폼 의존성
¡ 커넥티드 서비스 기반의 Telco 경쟁력 약화 가속화
¡ 퍼스널 빅데이터를 이용한 개인화 서비스 및 정보 독점 가능성
1세대 피쳐폰 2세대 스마트폰 Ex. 3세대 구글안경
o Platform Controllability를 바라보는 OTT의 Strategy7
Trend of Traffic pattern change and Contents type o Traffic Pattern Change a Video Traffic is main portion
o Unmanaged Contents vs. Managed Contents
Expected Portion of Video Traffic
Managed Contents (Charged)
High Quality Premium Delivery
Origin Server
Unmanaged Contents (Free)
In Network Cache
• Whole free acceptance of each CP’s Cache in ISP BB for High Quality delivery?
CP1 ISP BB CP1 Cache CP2
CP3 CP2 Cache CP3Cache
Vs. ?8
Transparent Internet Cache for Unmanaged Contents o TIC for unmanaged contents
End-User USA W/O Cache
Global Transit
Low Speed / Poor Quality Global OTT Origin Server
End-User USA With TIC
Global Transit High Speed / Good Quality Global OTT Origin Server
Content from TIC
to End-User TIC
2 39
CDN market status and expectation oGlobal CDN market status and Revenue analysis
• 디지털 콘텐츠 유통 증가에 따
라 지속적으로 성장
• Akamai : 글로벌1위, ‘12년 전
년대비 19% 매출증가(약 1.5조
원 매출), Verivue 인수10
CDN market status and expectation q2015 Global CDN Expectation mFrost & Sullivan Research: ~6B$ mCisco IBSG: Premium Contents Delivery and Telco CDN Federation: ~12B$ 11
Global CDN Market Expectation qCDN Market Big 3 Parties mGlobal CDN Providers: Akamai, Limelight Networks, CDNetworks, Level3 mGlobal CPs: Google, Microsoft, Yahoo,… mTelco CDN and Telcos: Telco CDN federation, IETF CDNi wg mAnd, Others : BitTorrent, P2P CDN providers, … qCDN market possible 3 scenarios mTelco Last mile + Global CDN Providers mTelco Last mile + Global CPs mTelco CDN interconnection/Federation based on ‘Smart Pipe Concept’ q Key issues in CDN market mMobile optimized ? : Acceleration, Mobile CDN mGlobal Coverage ? mLow Cost, High Quality, and Premium Delivery ?12
End User wants Freemium Service ! q Ready for providing ‘Freemium’ Service ? mEnd User’s need: ‘Freemium = Free + Premium’e Low Cost/High Quality Premium Content Delivery Service Ø Any content + With Low Cost and High Quality + In Any time + On N-Screen terminal mBut current status of Content Delivery market Ø EUs: No Freemium service environment a They usually use ‘illegal Web hard download’, and they think ‘Every service from internet is Free’. But it’s not convenient and complex. [Time consuming + So many terminals and contents to manage] Ø Content Producers: 1~2B$ annual loss in Korean Contents exchange market by illegal download Ø Content Providers/Aggregators: They have their own interest only in getting Money instead of providing Freemium service for End-user with the collaboration of NSP Ø NSPs: NSP is philanthropist ? q Network issue point for Freemium service
Gold $$$
Silver $$ Bronze $
Free Riding
Operator BB
3G/4G Radio area 3G/4G MBH Wired Access net
IX/Overseas area
: Big point for Premium CD
: Small point for Premium CD13
Mobile CDN for Premium CD
o Mobile CDN Design issue for Premium Content Delivery ¡The optimization of mobile data traffic transmission ¡Highway for premium mobile data traffic in mobile area to provide QoS guarantee ¡Automatic and Dynamic Caching for premium mobile data traffic in the MBH for overcoming the QoS issue of IX/Overseas area
Operator BB
Gold $$$
Silver $$
Gold $$$
Silver $$ Bronze $
Free Riding Wired Access net
IX/Overseas area
Highway for Gold, Silver mobile data
Low Cost, High Quality, Premium Delivery By automatic and dynamic caching of premium mobile content
o How to make ‘Automatic/Dynamic caching of Premium mobile contents’ in MBH? ¡With the collaboration of Global CDN Provider like Akamai, but.. ¡With the collaboration of Global CP like Google, but… ¡With Telco CDN interconnection based on Smart Pipe14
Essential features for Mobile Content Delivery qWhich features for Mobile Content Delivery? mHow2get better TCP performance
from poor Radio resource ? mAcceleration mPrioritized Connectivity mJust in Time Delivery mTranscoding and Translating mDevice Aware Optimization mAdaptive Streaming mSmart Cache for Mobile CDN
Just in Time Delivery
Adaptive Streaming
* 출처: http://gojump0713.blog.me/14008046421315
Telco CDN based on Smart Pipe
URL Request
Request Redirect
Contents Origin (Network adaptive Content Delivery)
Static Routing
No more than QoS!
• Network-adaptable
• Pre-published
• Single-streamed
• Bandwidth Saving
• Quick response
• …
Service Request
Content Resolution
Contents Publisher
(Content Aware Network)
Content- aware Routing
• User-context aware
• Dynamically composable
• Multi-streamed
• Optimized delivery
• Support emerging services (Multi-view, Collaborative performance) • …
Service Mediator
Resource Planning
Content Capable Node
qContent Aware Capable Network m Content-capable Node (in-network cache, transcoding, encryption, Content- Aware, Dynamic Content Routing) m Telco CDN 구현 및 Telco간 CDN상호 연동으로 Traffic Monetization16
Telco CDN : Benefits AS-IS TO-BE
benefits As-Is To-Be
End User Perspectives
•Just BE internet access a No Killer App
•Quality degradation of HD Emerging
Service a QoS needs !
•Enjoy Huge # & various Emerging Service
•Prosumer, Open, Freemium Service
•Target Ad can save internet access fee.
Service Oriented
Smart Pipe
OTTs Apple QoS, Big Profit
B2B2C, Two-side market based on Smart pipe
In-Net Cache
In-Net Cache
In-Net Cache
Dumb pipe
OTTs No QoS, Small Profit
B2C, One-side market based on Dumb pipe
$ $
Small subscriber group
(limited market)
Big subscriber groups
(Economies of scale) -Online Ad $$$ -Target Ad $$$
Telco CDN : Benefits benefits As-Is To-Be
CP/OTT/ Cloud
Provider Perspectives
•Only B2C, Retail business for limited user group from Current BE IP network (W/O QoS guarantee)
•BE Internet a No Killer Service
•B2B2C business possible(Two-side market) with QoS guarantee Smart network
•Comparing with Retail business, SN can make Opex saving effect > 50% a Big Margin[Amazon case study]
Network Provider Perspectives
•Dumb pipe environment: Traffic increase, Revenue decrease
•No more investment from NSP??
•Revenue sharing from New & Big business market, which is providing Open, Collaboration business environment
•CAPEX/OPEX saving architecture with Distributed Computing technologies
o For the QoS guarantee of inter ISP Content Delivery, we need Telco CDN
interconnection. o Economy of scale for content exchange market ¡No economy of scale in Walled Garden content delivery market, but Big economy of scale in Open content exchange market ¡Big economy of scale for ‘Not only CP/OTT, but also for micro CP’ o Revenue sharing between Telcos from content exchange ¡Best Effort internet interconnection in Dumb Pipe a Free of Charge status a ‘Traffic
Increase, Revenue Decrease’ This miserable status keeps going! ¡With Telco CDN interconnection, we can make ‘Revenue Sharing and Traffic saving’ from dumb pipe interconnection’.
CP kt Telco CDN
Telco CDN Interconnection Content exchange($$$) Low Cost/ QoS guarantee Economy of Scale Revenue Sharing
Why Telco CDN interconnection ?19
o Low Cost & High Quality Content Delivery with Telco CDN PoC o Actively participating in CDNi Pilot Phase2(Dec ’11~Jun ‘12), Phase3(Dec ’12~)
KT Telco CDN PoC and Global Telco interconnection status
Smart Pipe: $$
Phase1 Feb ‘11 – Oct ’11 BT, KDDI, Orange, SFR, Telecom Italia Phase2 Dec ‘11 –
Jun ’12 KT, SFR, Telecom Italia, Swisscom, Telstra, Bytel, BICS Phase3 Dec ‘12 – planned20
Cisco CDS-IS
Global Telco CDN interconnection use case o BT is providing Telco CDN Wholesale service(WCC: Wholesale Content Connect) for some Operators in UK. o What is BT WCC Service ? ¡BT’s own cache in BT network Edge for Inter ISP content delivery ¡QoS guarantee between end-user point and cache server point, by using of network QoS.
ISP1’s Backbone
BT IP/MPLSBackbone
Cisco CDS-IS
Caching Caching
§ Better quality of CD service from ‘BT CD platform and QoS guaranteed network’ § Each ISPs can reduce video traffic increase in their BB and provide better quality of CD service for customers.
§ Better quality of CD service from ‘BT CD platform and QoS guaranteed network’ § Each ISPs can reduce video traffic increase in their BB and provide better quality of CD service for customers.
(Origin) .
Global Telco CDNi use case (Vendor compatibility) o Telco CDN interconnection between FT-Orange and Poland PT with different vendors ¡FT-Orange is using Cisco’s CDS solution for Telco CDN Service ¡PT(TPSA) is using Coblitz’s CDN solution for Telco CDN Service o Successful trial case of Telco CDN interconnection by using of different Vendors ¡No special issues even in different vendors for Telco CDN interconnection
(Coblitz) Coblitz Cache CP22
o Conflict between Level3(CDN provider) and Comcast ¡Level3 is making originally ‘free peering contract’ with Comcast for the Global CDN service and CDN traffic transmission. ¡After Netflix was changing their CDN provider from Akamai to Level3, Level3 CDN traffic
is making explosive increase. It is making Big burden and Big Load to Comcast ¡So, Comcast is asking another Payment for that Traffic increase to Level3. But Level3 claim that they can’t pay from the FCC’s Open Internet Rule. e This is making Another type of Big issue of Network neutrality. ¡Charging issue of Content Delivery Inter ISPs e Time critical issue !
Global Telco CDNi issue [Another Network Neutrality]
Transit Division CDN Division Free Peering
Paid Peering
25% in US total traffic Vol.
Huge traffic injection with Free peering23
Legacy CDN vs. Telco CDN
l No QoS (need network QoS) l Inefficient static caching (Prepositioning) l Global load balancing & Synchronization
l Traffic Monetization from Telco CDN Alliance l Need to define ‘standard & open interface’ for CDN
Overlay content routing based on Network Proximity
Intelligent dynamic caching Cooperative content delivery from caching nodes
KT Telco CDN24
Closing Comment
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