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  스폰서채널 서비스란?
[RE] [긴급질문] 시험문제 ㅡ.ㅡ;; 풀어주세요~
Reg. Date: August 27, 2004 By 김준현
여긴 숙제해 주는 곳이 아닙니다.
풀려고 애써보시고 이해안되는 부분에 대해 질문해 주세요.

>3) Which type of situation is Ethernet NOT suitable in?
>        a. Hosts send data sporadically in bursts
>        b. Most of the times the hosts are idle but sometimes they all want to transmit data at the same time
>        c. Hosts do not send data most of the time but they send data sometimes.
>4) A 4kHz Analog signal is to be transmitted such that it obeys Nyquist's Theorem.
>   The quantization is done such that after quantization 1 byte represents each sample.
>   what will be the minimum data rate required to carry such a signal?
>        a. 6Kbps
>        b. 64Kbps
>        c. 128kbs
>        d. 32Kbps
>10) In an AWGN channel with bandwidth of 3000 Hz and an Signal-to-noise ratio of 63. What is the theoretical maximum data rate possible?
>        a. 18Kbps
>        b. 128Kbps
>        c. 56Kbps
>13) How many full duplex should be there in a full-connected mesh of 6 nodes?
>        a. 15
>        b. 30
>        c. 36
>        d. 6
>16) In HDLC whenever there are 5 ones occurring in the message a zero is placed after it. This technique is called :
>        a. Byte stuffing
>        b. Bit stuffing
>17) In a token-ring (delayed) mechanism when the data frame is on the network the frame is with :
>        a. sender
>        b. receiver
>        c. on the network
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