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IPTV 플랫폼
nabiTV Streamer
Deployed in 동남아 방송사, 통신사


시앤디 nabiTV Streamer

Real-time telecasting streaming system of the LIVE, Video On Demand and Schedule Broadcasting



 데이터시트 다운로드





O Transports the real-time streaming of Video On Demand
O Transports the real-time streaming of Live broadcasting
O Transports the real-time streaming of nVoD broadcasting
O Relay the real-time streaming of LIVE & nVoD broadcasting





O Patent : SIMD Acceleration, Instant-on, RTP-redirection 
O Instantly watching (not need waiting time of buffering)
O Trickle play VoD (Low(x0.5, x0.7) & Fast(x1.25 ~ x4) speed play)
O Jog-shuttle VoD (Real-time Searching of Forward/Backward Random Speed)
O Mass access (Concurrent users 6,000 per 1 server)




O 1U rack-mount device for 19” telecoms rack
O 2x 10Gigabit Ethernet ports & 1 RJ45 type console port 
O Remote administration Web & Java interfaces
O ssh console, Linux 2.6.x
O RTSP, RTP, RTCP, SDP, ISMA profile 0,1,2,3,4
O Instantly watching & mass access with Trick play & Jog-shuttle





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