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5G 특화망


Private 5G/이음 5G


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[5G 특화망 구축 사례] 한국식품산업클러스터 | 반월시화산단 삼성서울병원 | 롯데월드 | 한국수력원자력 | 해군본부 | 한국전력공사 | more  [이통사] KT

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IPTV 플랫폼
nabiTV OSS
Deployed in 동남아 방송사, 통신사


시앤디 nabiTV OSS

Order Service System within Subscribers Management of the middleware of the Smart IP Cloud TV platform







O Client management
O Marketing management
O Operation/equipment management 





O Client management integration (counseling included)
O Reception list management
O Client list management
O Standard policy management
O Product policy management
O Discount policy management functions
O Operation inquiry and assignment functions
O Warehousing management
O Equipment standard information management





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