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IPTV 플랫폼
nabiTV Gateway
Deployed in 동남아 방송사, 통신사


시앤디 nabiTV Gateway

DVB-S/S2, C/C2, T/T2 entered to MPEG-2 transmit with T.S transferred on the IP







O Input Analog & Digital A/V: Standard Definition, High Definition
  - 8x DVB, 8x RF
O A/V Input : x8 DVB-S/S2 
                     x8 DVB-C/C2
                     x8 DVB-T/T2 
                     x16 analog RF 
O A/V output : 8xSD or 8xHD MPEG2-T.S on the 4 Ethernet




O 8 DVB Channels input MPEG-2 transcoding to on the IP

O Satellite TV channels can be received from 8 different transponders and multiplex at a total bandwidth over 240 Mb/s, 100TV channels




O 1U rack-mount device for 19” telecoms rack

O 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports & 1 RJ45 type console port

O 8 CI slots & 2 USB ports

O Flash card for reliable storage of OS and configuration files

O Front panel LCD & Button for configuration with system information

O Remote administration Web & Java interfaces

O BISS support, ssh console, Linux 2.6.x OS





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