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5G 특화망


Private 5G/이음 5G


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[5G 특화망 구축 사례] 한국식품산업클러스터 | 반월시화산단 삼성서울병원 | 롯데월드 | 한국수력원자력 | 해군본부 | 한국전력공사 | more  [이통사] KT

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 HFR Mobile의 5G 특화망 솔루션 (my5G)  Updated   |   뉴젠스의 5G 특화망 구축 및 운영 서비스  NEW  

  스폰서채널 서비스란?

KT 유무선 서비스 커버리지




Q2 2016



Currently the LTE service is available nationwide from KT. KT, using a wideband (20 MHz@1.8 GHz) as its primary frequency, serves the entire nation with wideband LTE service. However, LTE-A services are not quite nationwide yet, and mainly available in crowded areas like cities, counties, etc.



Internet and Wi-Fi

Q2 2016



As far as 'wired' Internet coverage is concerned, KT remains unbeatable. KT has been offering wired Internet service as an almost 'universal service', guaranteed to be available for anyone in the nation, like landline phone service. Also, what is notable is it provides the same coverage for both 100M and GiGA Internet service. KT has over 8.43 million wired Internet service subscribers, which corresponds to 49% of market share, the highest of all three. Of all the subscribers, 21% (1.73 million subscribers) are GiGA Internet service (up to 500 Mbps and 1 Gbps) subscribers.


KT boasts unbeatable coverage in Wi-Fi as well. In addition to home Wi-Fi, the operator has over 200,000 Wi-Fi zones, including over 40,000 GiGA Wi-Fi zones, across the nation. In accordance with its 3W (WCDMA, Wi-Fi and WiBro) strategies, KT has long been aggressively and constantly deploying Wi-Fi zones even from before the arrival of LTE, leveraging its well-established wired infra. Now, it is reaping the truits of such efforts.


With the most Wi-Fi hotspots across the nation among the big 3, KT will likely give easy-to-connect Wi-Fi and benefit the most from GiGA LTE service, which is aggregation of LTE and Wi-Fi.




관련 정보


• SK Telecom 커버리지맵

• LG U+ 커버리지맵