next generation mobile networks
Requirement NGMN Equipment (SAE/LTE, Mobile WiMAX) Transport Equipment Mobile Network Operator transport design principles
R23 X X
R24 X X X
R25 X X
R26 X X
R27 X X
R28 X X
R29 X X
R30 X X
R31 X X
R32 X X
R33 X
R34 X X
R35 X
R36 X X
R37 X
R38 X
R39 X X
R40 X X
R41 X X
R42 X X X
R43 X X X
R44 X X
R45 X X X
R46 X X X
R47 X X
R48 X X X
R49 X X
R50 X X
R51 X X X
R52 X X
R53 X
R54 X X X
R55 X
R56 X X
R57 X X
R58 X X
R59 X X
R60 X X
R61 X X
R62 X
R63 X
R64 X
R65 X X
R66 X X
NGMN Optimised Backhaul Requirements NGMN Optimised Backhaul Requirements
Requirement NGMN Equipment (SAE/LTE, Mobile WiMAX) Transport Equipment Mobile Network Operator transport design principles
R67 X X
R68 X X
R69 X
R70 X X
R71 X X
R72 X X
R73 X X
R74 X
R75 X X
R76 X X
R77 X X
R78 X X
R79 X X
R80 X X
R81 X X
R82 X X
R83 X X
R84 X X
R85 X X
R86 X X
R87 X X
R88 X X
R89 X X
R90 X X
R91 X X
Aggregation Understood as packet aggregation as opposed to circuit multiplexing
aGW Access Gateway defined as the NGMN Edge Core Node to which NGMN RAN has to be connected. As an example, in 3GPP LTE/SAE, aGW refers to the Serving Gateway (SGW), Mobility Management Entity (MME) and Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service Gateway (MBMS-GW) which might be implemented as one or separated network elements.
Backhaul solution Defined as the transport network that allows connecting all NGMN RAN nodes together as follows: Each e-NB to one (or several) aGW(s) Each e-NB to its radio neighbour e-NB(s) if need be This term includes both the Transport Modules of all NGMN RAN nodes (at e-NB and at aGW) and any external transport network nodes (referred as Transport Equipment).
BE Best Effort
BS Base Station
CoS Class of Service
E2E End-to-End defined as between the NGMN BS and the NGMN aGW
EPC Evolved Packet Core
e-NB Enhanced Node B defined as the NGMN Base Station
FFS For Further Study
FIB Forwarding Information Base
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
MCE Multicast Coordination Entity
MSAN Multi Service Access Node. Refers to the Access Node used to aggregate DSL and/or FTTx broadband customers.
PSN Packet-Switched Network
QCI QoS Class Identifier
QoE Quality of Experience
NGMN Optimised Backhaul Requirements NGMN Optimised Backhaul Requirements
QoS Quality of Service
RAN Radio Access Network
RAT Radio Access Technology (e.g. 3GPP UMTS R’99/HSPA, 3GPP GSM)
RIB Routing Information Base
RNL Radio Network Layer
Service Continuity Refers to UE connectivity continuity (call does not drop). This could be achieved even with a short backhaul outage (usually in the range of 500ms . 2s)
SGW Security Gateway
SLA Service Level Agreement
SON Self Optimised Networks
S1 Refers to the interface between e-NB and EPC in the EUTRAN 3GPP architecture (3GPP LTE). The S1 interface supports a many-to-many relation between aGW’s and e-NB’s.
TNL Transport Network Layer
Transport Module Defined as the Transport Module of the NGMN e-NB/aGW and including (but not limited to) the following functions: -External Network Interface Functions - Internal Networking Functions - TNL QoS Functions (based on RNL requirements) - Network Interface Protocol Termination - Transport Synchronization Functions - Security Functions (including encryption when required) - Bandwidth optimisation Techniques (Header Compression, etc.) - TNL OAM Functions
Transport Equipment Defined as an external transport node strictly decoupled from the RAN nodes (even if it could be integrated in the same chassis as RAN node).
X2 Refers to the interface interconnecting e-NB’s in the EUTRAN 3GPP architecture (3GPP LTE). This interface is aimed to the communication between e-NB’s typically for the efficient support of handovers of UE’s in LTE_ACTIVE.
WFQ Weighted Fair Queuing
Examples of NGMN RAN Traffic Example of QoS mapping in Transport Modules Examples of QoS remarking in Transport Equipment preserving QoS consistency
UMTS WiMAX Name VLAN Priority Class Type VLAN Priority
Network Sync (e.g. 1588v2) Network Sync (e.g. 1588v2) Network Control 7 High Priority 5
Mobility & Signaling traffic Mobility & Signaling traffic High-1 6
Conversation Class (Real Time) Class 1 (Interactive Gaming . Real time), Class 2 (VoIP, Video Conferencing . Real Time) Expedited 5
Streaming Class (Real Time) Class 3 (Streaming Media . real time) High-2 4
Interactive Class (non Real Time) Class 4 (Information Technology . non Real Time) Low-1 3 Assured 3
Assured 2
Background class (non Real Time) Class 5 (Media Content Download . non Real Time) Low-2 1 Best Effort 1
Best Effort 0
R7: The NGMN Backhaul solution MUST be able to support different classes of traffic with different QoS parameters guaranteed. At least 4 transport CoS SHOULD be supported. The performance attributes of each CoS are FFS and should be in line with the Standardized QCI characteristics specified by 3GPP in TS 23.203 V8.2.0.
R8: The NGMN Backhaul solution SHOULD provide bandwidth savings by performing packet aggregation at any possible point in the network according to operator decision. This aggregation MUST be done in a differentiated way by taking into consideration the different transport marking levels.
R9: The NGMN Backhaul solution SHOULD support QoS-aware traffic shaping at the e-NB/aGW Transport Modules and at any demarcation point between the mobile operator and a third party transport provider taking into account the E2E delay budget (refer to R48).
NGMN Optimised Backhaul Requirements
Sccenario 2
Sccenario 3
Thhe following fi gures illustra te a possibleworst case sccenario wheree aGW’s are ddeployed in cuurrent SGSN loccation and 80000 Micro/Macrro e-NB\'s are distributed inthe following way:
Scenarioo 1 or 2: 5 Micrro/Macro e-NBB\'s per microwwave chain, 200 microwave cchains per \"MMetro Point of Concentrration\", 20 \"Meetro Point of CConcentrationss\" per \"Regionnal Point of Cooncentration\", 4 \"Regional Point of CConcentration \" per aGW sitee.
Scenarioo 3: between 11 and 30 Microo/Macro e-NB \'s per MSAN ((2 e-NB’s + 50000 home triplle play users per MSAAN as averagee), between 2 aand 20 MSAN ’s per \"MetroPoint of Conccentration\", be tween 5 and 15 \"Metrro Point of Conncentrations\" per \"Regionall Point of Concentration\", beetween 3 andd 8 \"Regional Point of CConcentration\" per aGW sitee
NGMN Optimmised Backhaul Reequirements