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NGMN Field Trial Requirements v2.7
May 23, 2011 | By NGMN
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NGMN(Next Generation Mobile Network) Trial WG 문서로 Setup Requirements, Test Requirements, Reporting Requirements를 기술하고 있습니다.

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NGMN Field Trial Requirements
by NGMN Alliance

Document Type:
Confidentiality Class:
Authorised Recipients:
(for CR documents only)
Final Deliverable (approved)
P - Public

Working Group: Trial WG
Editor / Submitter: Liu Lei
Contributors: G. Companie, Y. Umezawa, J. Alvaro, J. Boggis, H. Chang, I.
Collotta, T. Dohi, Klaus-J. Krath, Li Xin, Liu Lei, T. Puch, F.
Thepot, Anne-F. Roger, P. Besson, S. Said
Approved by /
NGMN Board / 11 November 2010

For all Confidential documents (CN, CL, CR):
This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to NGMN Ltd. The information may
not be used, disclosed or reproduced without the prior written authorisation of NGMN Ltd., and those so
authorised may only use this information for the purpose consistent with the authorisation.
For Public documents (P):
ⓒ 2010 Next Generation Mobile Networks Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission from NGMN Ltd.
The information contained in this document represents the current view held by NGMN Ltd. on the issues
discussed as of the date of publication. This document is provided “as is” with no warranties whatsoever
including any warranty of merchantability, non-infringement, or fitness for any particular purpose. All liability
(including liability for infringement of any property rights) relating to the use of information in this document
is disclaimed. No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property rights are granted herein. This
document is distributed for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Readers
should not design products based on this document.

Abstract: Introduction and Scope of document


The mission of the NGMN Alliance is to complement and support the work within standardization bodies by
providing a coherent view of what the operator community is going to require in the decade beyond 2010. In
2008 the Alliance will provide its guidance on the NGMN-preferred technology candidate(s) following an
assessment against the NGMN performance, functional and timeline requirements. This assessment and
evaluation is based on the requirements formulated in the NGMN Whitepaper [2] and a Methodology for the
Radio Access Network performance evaluation [9]. In continuation of the technology evaluation through
simulations trials will play an important role in the assessment of technology capabilities under realistic
deployment conditions.

NGMN has established a trial working group to:

Validate technology candidates by the means of trials
Evidence the technology capabilities in a realistic deployment scenario
Compare technologies and benchmark results against NGMN whitepaper requirements
Ensure a effective collaboration on trials

The work of the trial group is based on the results that have been achieved within NGMNs Technical
Working Group and will complement the technology evaluation activity. The trial group aims to verify the
results of the theoretical considerations and simulations in practical implementations.

NGMN encourages the industry to conduct trials within the scope of trial initiatives. Associations like the
LTE/SAE Trial Initiative (LSTI) allow an effective cooperation and will help to accelerate the growth of
technology ecosystems. Trial results achieved in individual trials will be considered if the trials meet the
requirements defined by NGMN.

NGMN contributes to trial activities by formulating common requirements that represent the coherent view
of operators. While most requirements are technology independent others may focus on specific properties
of a technology candidate.

Scope of document

NGMN has defined a common simulation environment to ensure the comparability of different simulation
results [2]. Based on this common prerequisites different system level simulations have been performed.
The simulation results aid the technology evaluation activity of the technical working group.

The scope of this document is to extend this concept to the area of trials. It describes a set of requirements
to verify to which extend each technology meets the NGMN White Paper requirements in field trials.
Additionally this document includes definitions of environmental factors that are important to facilitate a
comparison between various technologies.

The Field Trial Requirements document is structured in three areas:

NGMN Trial Setup Requirements
NGMN Trial Test Requirements

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NGMN Trial Reporting Requirements

The Trial Setup Requirements sections defines key parameters for the setup of field trials. These
parameters are important to be documented to allow the comparison and consolidation of results from
different trials.

The Test Requirements section describes tests that should be performed in field trials. The description of
the setup to be applied during the test as well as expected results for the tests are given.

The reporting requirements define the procedures how results of trials can be input to the NGMN trial
Group. A template is provided that enables the consolidation of different trial results.

The first NGMN Field Trial Requirements focuses on the metrics and features that are anticipated for the
first field trials. In a second release additional Test Requirements will be added reflecting the development
of systems under test.

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1 NGMN Trial Setup Requirements ............................................................................................................... 6
2 NGMN Trial Test Requirements .................................................................................................................. 9

2.1 Latency .................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.1.1 Latency ........................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.2 32 Byte ping latency associated with different levels of loading ................................................. 10
2.2 Throughput .......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Peak Rate .................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.2 Average User Throughput ............................................................................................................ 12
2.2.3 Throughput at Cell Edge............................................................................................................... 12
2.2.4 Interference (TDD-TDD or FDD-FDD) ......................................................................................... 13
2.2.5 Path loss and system coverage performance ............................................................................. 13
2.2.6 Throughput depending on radio link quality ................................................................................. 15
2.3 Cell Capacity, Cell Load ....................................................................................................................... 16
2.3.1 Cell Throughput ............................................................................................................................ 16
2.3.2 VOIP call capacity........................................................................................................................ 16
2.4 State Transitions .................................................................................................................................. 17
2.4.1 Sleep, idle and paging modes ...................................................................................................... 17
2.5 VOIP..................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.5.1 VOIP Speech Quality.................................................................................................................... 18
2.5.2 VOIP Call Setup Times ................................................................................................................. 19
2.5.3 VOIP End to End Latency ............................................................................................................ 20
2.5.4 Coexistence of VOIP with other applications ............................................................................... 20
2.6 Mobility within NGMN system .............................................................................................................. 21
2.6.1 VOIP Call at different velocities .................................................................................................... 21
2.6.2 Downlink and Uplink Throughput in Mobile use .......................................................................... 22
2.6.3 Packet Loss.................................................................................................................................. 23
2.6.4 Service continuity of a RT / NRT session..................................................................................... 25
2.7 Inter-working Requirements / IRAT mobility ........................................................................................ 26
2.7.1 Inter-working with legacy networks .............................................................................................. 26
2.7.2 IRAT mobility................................................................................................................................ 28
2.8 User Experience .................................................................................................................................. 29
2.8.1 FTP Throughput........................................................................................................................... 30
2.8.2 Video streaming / live data streaming .......................................................................................... 30
2.8.3 Broadcast, Multicast and Unicast Services .................................................................................. 31
2.8.4 HTTP / Web browsing .................................................................................................................. 31
2.8.5 HTTP downloads .......................................................................................................................... 32
2.8.6 Email services (POP3 & SMTP) .................................................................................................. 32
2.9 Basic QoS............................................................................................................................................ 34
2.9.1 Verification of static QoS Profiles ................................................................................................. 34
2.9.2 Multi user scenarios with concurrent data sessions and different QoS profiles ......................... 35
2.9.3 Weighting verification during congestion ..................................................................................... 36
2.10 Advance Features ............................................................................................................................... 37
2.10.1 Beam forming gain evaluation ...................................................................................................... 37
2.10.2 Demonstration of interference mitigation schemes ..................................................................... 38
2.11 Self-Configuration ............................................................................................................................... 39
2.11.1 Planning of a new BS ................................................................................................................... 39
2.11.2 BS installation at the site .............................................................................................................. 40
2.11.3 Automatic Neighbour Cell List Configuration ............................................................................... 41
2.11.4 Physical Cell Identifier Configuration ........................................................................................... 42
2.12 Self-Optimization (SON) ...................................................................................................................... 43
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2.12.1 Subscriber and equipment trace .................................................................................................. 43
2.12.2 Support of centralized optimization entity .................................................................................... 43
2.12.3 Interference Control ...................................................................................................................... 45
2.12.4 Handover Parameters Optimization . Performance Optimization .............................................. 45
2.12.5 Handover/cell reselection Parameters Optimisation . Capacity Optimisation ........................... 45
2.12.6 Cell Outage Compensation .......................................................................................................... 46
2.13 “State of the Art” O&M ......................................................................................................................... 46
2.13.1 O&M KPIs .................................................................................................................................... 46
2.13.2 Fault Management (FM) ............................................................................................................... 47
2.13.3 Performance Management (PM).................................................................................................. 48
2.13.4 Configuration Management (CM)................................................................................................. 49
2.13.5 Inventory Management (IM) ......................................................................................................... 50
2.13.6 Software Management (SWM) ..................................................................................................... 51
2.13.7 Capacity Extension / Reduction on BS........................................................................................ 51
2.13.8 Automated Fault Correction ......................................................................................................... 52
3 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 53
3.1 User Experience Data Rate ................................................................................................................. 53
3.1.1 Basic Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 53
3.1.2 Scenarios Considere d ................................................................................................................. 53
3.1.3 Test Procedures ............................................................................................................................ 54
3.1.4 Expected Output.......................................................................................................................... 55
3.1.5 Note about Comparison of UEDR and Cell Capacity.................................................................. 55
4 NGMN Trial Reporting Requirements ...................................................................................................... 56
4.1 Communication interfaces and structure ............................................................................................. 56
4.2 NGMN Trial Reporting Template .......................................................................................................... 57
5 Annex ....................................................................................................................................................... 58
5.1 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................ 58
5.1.1 Speed / Velocity ............................................................................................................................ 58
5.1.2 Peak Rates................................................................................................................................... 58
5.1.3 Average User Throughput ............................................................................................................ 58
5.1.4 Throughput ................................................................................................................................... 58
5.1.5 Cell Edge ...................................................................................................................................... 58
5.1.6 Cell Load ...................................................................................................................................... 59
5.1.7 VOIP Call...................................................................................................................................... 59
5.1.8 VoIP cell capacity......................................................................................................................... 59
5.1.9 Call Success Rate and Call Setup Time Definitions .................................................................... 59
5.2 References .......................................................................................................................................... 61
5.3 Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................................... 62
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The typical topographical scenario for the trial is dense urban area including both outdoor and indoor case.
Other scenarios such as suburban outdoor area can also be applied to verify the performance under
different environment.

Support of Inter cell interference areas. There is at least one cell in the middle of the pattern which is
completely surrounded by at least 1 layer of cells to evaluate performance under interference.
The trial setup needs to support the minimum requirements listed in the following bullets below.
The following illustration serves as an example:

Picture 2.1-1

Area with excellent SNR for maximum performance measurements.

Area with poor SNR for minimum performance measurements.

Areas interfered by far serving cells . cells which are not planned as neighbour cells.

Intra BS and inter BS handover areas are required. The base stations must constitute a whole coverage as

needed by handover test.

Out of NGMN technology coverage scenario is required.

Possibility of various speed scenarios, supporting velocity ranges of:

Range 1 Range 2 Range 3 Range 4
0-15 km/h 15-60 km/h 60-120 km/h 120-350 km/h

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Security features like firewalls, ciphering / encryption is activated during trials, including, but not limited to
the following requirements:
Authentication, authorization, integration and confidentiality functionalities should be applied in both access
network and services
Protection is applied on all communication planes: the management plane, the control plane and the user

NGMN White Paper V3.0, Chapter 4.1.16 is referred for more information.

Multi-cell scenario with constantly loaded cells (base load of the trial network) are generally requested. The
cells in the trial network shall contain a base load equally to 50% of available RF resources. This could be
achieved by performing DL and UL data transfer with same share generated by asynchronous users.

Multi-vendor scenario are encouraged. Multi-vendor trials should include terminal devices, BS and CN
elements from different vendors. Trials are not limited to single vendors. In addition scenarios which include
BS from different vendors are recommended. In case of multi-vendor setups the involved parties need to be

Each trial initiative is asked to provide for every measured KPI, a comparison with the performance of
existing deployed systems (e.g. 2G/3G systems) in similar conditions.

The following deployment parameters are required to achieve comparable results among different trials.
The document NGMN Performance Evaluation Methodology; Version 1.3 should serve as the reference
document for NGMN trial parameter recommendations. In cases of variation from these recommendations
then the parameter configurations need to be reported:

These parameters should be reported:

Carrier frequency
Operating bandwidth
Duplex mode (e.g. FDD, TDD). TDD specific configuration data needs to be specified (e.g. downlink and
uplink allocation configuration)
Site layout and site location. A kind of map including site information need to be reported.
Site-to-site distance
BS, Terminal Device antenna heights
BS, Terminal Device antenna gain
BS, Terminal Device antenna diversity configuration (number of antenna, cross polar, vertical separation...)
BS, Terminal Device antenna spatial separation and/or correlation
BS, Terminal Device Max output power (including BS feeder loss)
Type of environment (dense urban, urban, suburban, rural), details on building heights etc.
Terminal Device Antenna position (car roof top, indoor etc)
User location based on GPS position together with trial area map
Approximate proportion of Line of Site
Link budget calculation shall be provided by trial initiatives

Recommendation is that logging tools used during trials should cover the following listed parameters:

At the BS side:
Transmitted carrier power
Received total power
Noise rise over thermal
DL user and cell throughput (L1, RLC)

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UL user and cell throughput (L1, RLC)
Channel indicator reported by the Terminal Device
MIMO mode used
Modulation and coding used

At the Terminal Device side:
UL transmitted power
Signal to interference and noise ratio
DL throughput (L1, RLC)
UL throughput (L1, RLC)
Channel indicator
MIMO mode used
Modulation and coding used
GPS location

Reporting of typical Application Server / Client PC configuration data required:
Operating Systems of Application Server and of the client PC/Laptop
MTU Size
TCP Receiving Window Size
Default Sent Window
Selective Acks

General recommendation: Logging data on BS and terminal side should be time synchronized.

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In order to proof the NGMN provided platforms against the NGMN whitepaper requirements, the scope of
this chapter is to define executable proof points. The NGMN platform under test includes the whole chain of
required network elements (terminals, base stations, routers, gateways switches and application server)
which are setup according to the definitions in chapter 1 “NGMN Trial Setup Requirements”.

Performance verification is based on traditional measurements like latency, throughput, intra NGMN
platform mobility, traditional O&M cases. Also more complex scenarios like inter system mobility and more
advanced features like QoS are covered. The general expectation is that already within the trial phase the
Network Element Manager (NEM) will be available to provide support for operational tasks. Also it is
assumed that SON related functions will be supported via NEM.

The NGMN platform shall provide a enhanced platform to deliver a benefit for the end customer of each
operator. Therefore the NGMN trial group have defined benchmark measurements with various
representative applications like FTP, HTTP or Email. This shall demonstrate how a customer will
experience the new platform demonstrating all the performance related improvements.

2.1 Latency
The NGMN trial group sees the latency as one of the key requirements to ensure full customer satisfaction
based on a new NGMN platform. Latency or Round Trip Delay, is the most essential value which pays out
as most for user perception of various dialogue oriented (interactive) applications. Shorter latencies lead to
improved customer experience for applications like web browsing or mail synchronization services.

Latency should be measured for terminal devices that are in-sync, with an prescheduled and unscheduled
uplink, and for terminal devices in inactive (or DRX) state separately.

The latency measurement for un-scheduled users shall reflect the situation how fast an inactive user can
access a service. The scheduled case covers the response times of an active data transfer.

Principle scenario to verify latencies:

BSTerminalTransmissionApplication Serverat NGMNnetwork edgeE.g. Gateways,
FirewallsE2E Latency< 20 ms
Application Server
at NGMN network edge
E.g. Gateways,
FirewallsE.g. Gateways,
Picture 2.1-1

2.1.1 Latency Basic configuration
Latency is measured end-to-end covering user equipment, NGMN network structure and ending with a
target server located at the edge of the NGMN network platform. Single user per cell scenario is to be

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A ping with defined payload shall be used (details see below).

32 Byte ping latency (non-scheduled): The delay time between two pings should be larger than the
inactivity time. The terminal is still IP connected, but all other resources like radio link, BS internal resources
and transmission links have been released.

32 Byte ping latency (pre-scheduled): There is no delay between two consecutive pings. All system
resources are still occupied and available.

1000 Byte ping latency (non-scheduled): The delay time between two pings should be larger than the
inactivity time. The terminal is still IP connected, but all other resources like radio link, BS internal resources
and transmission links have been released.

1500 Byte ping latency (non-scheduled): The delay time between two pings should be larger than the
inactivity time. The terminal is still IP connected, but all other resources like radio link, BS internal resources
and transmission links have been released. Expected Output
Minimum 100 valid samples are required for result evaluation. The result will be calculated and reported as
an average from these 100 samples.

Result evaluation: Minimum value, Maximum value and Average value measured in msec.

Expected target value for 32 Byte Ping pre-scheduled and non-scheduled:

NGMN essential recommendations < 30 ms (Note: RAN < 10 ms, Core < 10 ms)
NGMN preferred recommendations < 20 ms (Note: RAN < 10 ms, Core < 5 ms)
Reference to NGMN WP 3.0: Chapter 3.1

2.1.2 32 Byte ping latency associated with different levels of loading
This test shall validate the Over-The-Air latency performance of the NGMN BS under different RF
conditions and under different interference environments. Basic configuration
Latency is measured end-to-end covering user equipment, NGMN network structure and ending with a
target server located at the edge of the NGMN network platform. Multi-cell scenario considered with basic
load in neighbour cells. Scenario Considered
32 Byte ping latency (pre-scheduled): There is no delay between two consecutive pings. All system
resources are still occupied and available.
Measurements with different amount of users in considered cell under test
Start with no load in cell under test. Same result expected as verified in chapter 2.1.1.
Increase number of users in cell by steps of 1 user until 10 other users are active in cell under test.
Perform measurement with each increase of user.
Users are performing UL and DL traffic in at same time, like FTP UL and FTP DL with same terminal

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Minimum 100 valid samples are required for result evaluation. The result will be calculated and reported as
an average from these 100 samples.

Result evaluation:
Graph is expected depicting the results with increasing number of additional users in cell under test.
Minimum value, Maximum value and Average value measured in msec per measurement.

2.2 Throughput
The intention to verify data throughput under various conditions is that the NGMN group requests certain
bandwidth for user data transfer. Maximum achievable data rates, average user data rates and data rates
at various radio conditions are requested by NGMN. The NGMN trial group expects the requested data
rates to be understood as user data rates.

Principle scenario to verify downlink and uplink data rates is shown below. NGMN trial group recommends
to use a common tool like “iperf” to verify UDP or TCP throughput.

Note: Typical TCP based applications like FTP or HTTP, etc. are covered in a separate chapter dealing
with user experience.

BSTerminalTransmissionApplication Serverat NGMN network edgeE.g. Gateways,
Application Server
at NGMN network edge
E.g. Gateways,
FirewallsE.g. Gateways,
Picture 2.2-1

2.2.1 Peak Rate
Average DL data throughput with stationary end user equipment. Basic configuration
Measurements are executed with optimal RF conditions. Area in the trial network providing reproducible
maximum data rates. Scenario Considered
The measured average throughput represents the peak data rate of a single user in a cell (unloaded
condition). UDP or TCP throughput is requested. Expected Output
The peak rate shall be the average value out of at least 10 samples. Each sample represents the average
data rate of an at least 30 sec active data transfer with full buffer.

Result evaluation: Minimum value, Maximum value and Average value measured in kbps.

Expected target value for Downlink Peak Rate:
NGMN essential recommendations > 100 Mbps
NGMN preferred recommendations > 100 Mbps

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Expected target value for Uplink Peak Rate:
NGMN essential recommendations
NGMN preferred recommendations
> 30 - 50 Mbps
> 50 Mbps
Reference to NGMN WP 3.0: Chapter 3.1
2.2.2 Average User Throughput

Average User Throughput is the throughput what a user experiences in average at various equally
distributed locations within one cell. Basic configuration
The radio conditions vary with the different locations, means different SNR and receiving levels characterize
each location. UDP or TCP throughput is requested. Scenario Considered
Multi cell scenario where each cell is interfered by neighbour cells and far server cells (cells not considered
as neighbour cell). Expected Output
At least 10 equally distributed location within one cell are required. The DL average user throughput shall
be the average value out of at least 5 samples per measurement location. Each sample represents the
average data rate of an at least 30 sec active data transfer with full buffer.

Result evaluation: Minimum value, Maximum value and Average value measured in kbps.

Expected target value for Downlink Average User Throughput:
NGMN essential recommendations > 0.15 . 0.25 bps/Hz/sector
NGMN preferred recommendations > 0.3 . 0.4 bps/Hz/sector

Expected target value for Uplink Average User Throughput:
NGMN essential recommendations > 0.0099 . 0.165 bps/Hz/sector
NGMN preferred recommendations > 0.198 . 0.264 bps/Hz/sector

Reference: NGMN TWG TE WP1 Phase 2 Performance Report [10]

2.2.3 Throughput at Cell Edge Basic configuration
Average data throughput with stationary end user equipment in unloaded network - single user per cell at
cell edge. UDP or TCP throughput is requested. Scenario Considered
Multi cell scenario. Considered cell is interfered by neighbour cells. Reference to Definition of Cell Edge,
case b). Expected Output
The DL throughput at cell edge shall be the average value out of at least 10 samples. Each sample
represents the average data rate of an at least 30 sec active data transfer with full buffer.

Result evaluation: Minimum value, Maximum value and Average value measured in kbps.

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Expected target value for Downlink Throughput at Cell Edge:
NGMN essential recommendations > 0.06 . 0.1 bps/Hz/sector
NGMN preferred recommendations > 0.12 . 0.16 bps/Hz/sector

Expected target value for Uplink Throughput at Cell Edge:
NGMN essential recommendations > 0.03 . 0.05 bps/Hz/sector
NGMN preferred recommendations > 0.06 . 0.08 bps/Hz/sector

Reference: NGMN TWG TE WP1 Phase 2 Performance Report [10]

2.2.4 Interference (TDD-TDD or FDD-FDD)
Evaluate NGMN system’s performance in synchronous configuration when presented with interference
environment from asynchronous TDD/FDD configuration, as well as other TDD/FDD system operating on
adjacent channel. For TDD/TDD interference, the interference caused by adjacent cells having different
DL/UL allocation should be tested. For example the interference should be tested in such scenario: one
cell is configured as 2:2 DL/UL allocation and the adjacent area is configured as 3:1 (Including both cases
that the interfered cell shares the same frequency band with adjacent area, and the interfered cell uses
different frequency band with the adjacent area.). Basic configuration
One TDD system and one FDD system, deployed in two adjacent bands with variable guard bands.
Two adjacent and synchronous TDD systems, configured with different DL/UL allocation. One system is
configured as 2:2 (DL: UL) and another system is configured as 3:1(DL: UL). The two TDD systems can be
deployed in the same frequency band or in different bands. Scenario considered
1. At least one BS for each system
a) same frequency band
- At least one BS for each system
b) different bands
For adjacent channel interference test,
- Two BSs are located very near each other
- Two BSs are separated sufficiently and mobile is located near the cell edge of one BS (where is near from
the other BS) Expected output
Measured C/I distribution
Call drop rate
The minimum required guard band that can keep the interference under the acceptable level. (Applicable
only for configuration 2. i.e. TDD/TDD interference)

2.2.5 Path loss and system coverage performance
Verify NGMN system’s path loss (or transmission loss) as submitted in the link budget tables and maximum
coverage range supported in the field environment.

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Influence of interference effects should be avoided as much as possible. DL throughput measurement shall
be considered. Only receiving level need to be taken into account. Scenario Considered
Single user in cell scenario. Single cell scenario. The system is unloaded. Velocity Range 1 shall be

One user is moving from good BS receiving level to lower BS receiving levels measured at terminal side or
user is moving from cell centre to cell edge until loss of coverage.

The data measurement shall be taken from a drive test using constant data streams with full buffer. UDP or
TCP data flow can be used.

The following antenna configurations shall be considered and verified:
2x2 MIMO
4x4 MIMO Expected Output
As result a graph shall be provided showing the dependency of average throughput over receiving signal
level for each antenna configuration.

The trial initiative shall provide a detailed description about the exact MIMO configuration used (Beamforming,
TX diversity, Rx Diversity, …).

The graph shall be scaled on x-axis in 1 dBm steps. Each valid point in the graph represents the average
value of at least 10 samples of a 1 dBm window. See example below.

Throughput(PilotPower) GraphPrinciples

1 t
1 t1 th
tt s
ee i
nn 1

tt o
ff at
atat l
tt 1
00 t
inin 1
11 d
mm w

1 dBm Pilot Power(dBm)

Goodcoverage Poorcoverage
Picture 2.2-2

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2.2.6 Throughput depending on radio link quality
Evaluate NGMN base station performance under realistic intra-cell and inter-cell interference in the
downlink path. Basic configuration
Single user in cell scenario. Cell is interfered by neighbour cells. The system is unloaded. Considered Scenario
Measurement of data throughput for Uplink and Downlink direction with various radio quality conditions.
Dependency of achievable data rates vs. various radio link qualities shall be verified.

The data measurement shall be taken from a drive test using constant data streams with full buffer. UDP or
TCP data flow can be used.

The following antenna configurations shall be considered and verified:
2x2 MIMO
4x4 MIMO Expected Output
As result a graph shall be provided depicting the average achieved throughput in dependency of radio link
quality in 1 dB steps (0..1dB, 1..2dB, etc.). Each reported graph point is averaged at least from 10 samples
to get statistical assurance.

The trial initiative shall provide a detailed description about the exact MIMO configuration used (Beamforming,
TX diversity, Rx Diversity, …).

One graph per transmission direction is expected (Uplink and Downlink). For both transmission directions
all antenna configurations shall be considered. See example below.

utut T
utut (
oo Li
)) G
pph P
h Ph Pr

X1 dBXXXXXXX1throughput samplein1dBwindowXAverageout of at least10throughputSamplesin1 dBwindowRadioLinkQuality(dB)
1 dB
1throughput samplein1dBwindow1throughput samplein 1dB
XAverageout of at least10throughputSamplesin1 dBwindowX Averageout of at least 10throughput
Samplesin 1 dB window
Picture 2.2-3

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2.3 Cell Capacity, Cell Load
This chapter considers system capabilities like cell capacity and cell load. Cell load is not well defined in the
NGMN WP document. For trial purposes NGMN proposes a call mix with a certain amount of users
distributed in a cell and to consider this as load. Furthermore cell capacity and the linked measurement of
spectrum efficiency is covered by cell throughput measurements which do consider multi user scenarios
and results which can be interpreted as spectrum efficiency.

2.3.1 Cell Throughput Basic configuration
Average data throughput with stationary end user equipment in loaded network.
Cell under test is surrounded by neighbour cells. Considered Scenario
10 users or more equally distributed in same cell (refer also to definition of loaded network).
Various Rx pilot levels from cell core to cell edge are represented. All users got a constant data transfer
ongoing with permanent full sending buffer. Expected Output
Averaging the sums of throughputs of all users will provide the average cell throughput. This cell
throughput represents the downlink cell capacity provided by the system. The cell under test is interfered by
neighbour cells.

Expected target value for Downlink Cell Throughput:
NGMN essential recommendations > 1.59 . 2.65 bps/Hz/sector
NGMN preferred recommendations > 3.18 . 4.24 bps/Hz/sector

Expected target value for Uplink Cell Throughput:
NGMN essential recommendations > 0.99 . 1.65 bps/Hz/sector
NGMN preferred recommendations > 1.98 . 2.64 bps/Hz/sector

Reference: NGMN TWG TE WP1 Phase 2 Performance Report [10]

2.3.2 VOIP call capacity
Multiple parallel VOIP calls including a call mix out of active MOC, MTC and MMC can be handled within
one cell. Basic configuration
The test scenario shall include mobility and different velocities according to velocities ranges defined. Considered Scenario
VOIP calls executed in one cell. Expected Output
Expected target value:
NGMN essential recommendations > 60 VOIP calls/cell/MHz
NGMN preferred recommendations > 80 VOIP calls/cell/MHz

Reference to NGMN WP 3.0: Chapter

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2.4 State Transitions
Not specified
Transfer, or
Picture 2.4-1

2.4.1 Sleep, idle and paging modes
These tests are intended to validate different mobility state transitions (control plane) and their transitions
times. In concrete:

Validate the paging procedure for idle state users under varied channel condition and fully loaded system
Quantify “idle to active”/“active to idle”, and “sleep to active”/“active to sleep” state transition times
Idle state is defined as the behaviour of a user when it is registered to network, but inactive for a long time,
so radio resources have been release.
Sleep state is defined as the behaviour of a user when it is registered to network, but inactive for a short
period of time, so it changes to long DRX cycle times.
Active State is defined as the behaviour of a user when it is making use of a service.
Verify the associated process for each type of state transition. Basic configuration
A basic configuration is established in order to facilitate implementation of tests and comparison of results.

Number of users: 10 users per cell on average and a homogeneous user distribution across each cell shall
be assumed as a reference case. Scenarios Considered
For this test users are considered to be in the same cell. Expected Output
The metric for validate the tests shall be the transition times between states.

Trial initiatives shall report on used trigger points to evaluate the state transitions times.

Minimum 20 valid samples are required for result evaluation. The result will be calculated and reported as
an average from these 20 samples.

Result evaluation: Minimum value, Maximum value and Average value measured in msec.

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Expected target value:
NGMN recommendations = Idle<->Active transition time < 100ms
NGMN recommendations = Sleep<->Active transition time < 50ms

Reference to NGMN WP 3.0: Chapter 4.1.7

2.5 VOIP
NGMN packet data systems should support an efficient use of system capacity for Voice over IP service.
For this reason VOIP service has to be tested in an NGMN network. For a definition of a VOIP Call, please
refer to Annex 5.1.7

2.5.1 VOIP Speech Quality Basic configuration
VoIP service has to be tested in stationary conditions.
Mobile terminals as well as data card have to be used. Scenario Considered
Single cell scenario, without interference as reference.
Multi cell scenario. Considered cell is interfered by neighbour cells. In this case, the terminals under test
have to be in different cells.

Evaluate speech quality also with increasing number of terminals (10%, 30%, 60% and 80% of VOIP cell
capacity) that have VOIP calls on the same cell. Expected Output
For each configuration (in all scenarios), VoIP speech quality shall be tested according with the support of
next indication:

The metric for validating the requirement will be the support of both codecs below mentioned with a speech
quality measured by two different parameters:
MOS (Mean Opinion Score) (ITU-T P.800, ITU-T P.862). For this last a comparative table is provided
in the next:

Mean Opinion Score (MOS)

MOS Quality Impairment
5 Excellent Imperceptible
4 Good Perceptible but not annoying
3 Fair Slightly annoying
2 Poor Annoying
1 Bad Very annoying

Table 2.5-1
PLR (Packet Loss Rate)
. Jitter
. Latency

Call Setup Time

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Call Success Rate
Call Set-up Success Rate

For both metrics (PLR and MOS), minimum 20 valid samples are required for result evaluation. The result
will be calculated and reported as an average from these 20 samples.

Result evaluation: Minimum value, Maximum value and Average value.

Expected target value:
NGMN essential recommendations = NB-AMR 12.2 kbps codec under comparable conditions
NGMN preferred recommendations = WB-AMR 12.65 kbps codec under comparable conditions

Reference to NGMN WP 3.0: Chapter

2.5.2 VOIP Call Setup Times
Time required to establish a VOIP call.. Basic configuration
Mobile terminals as well as data card have to be used (in particular, the configurations “data card originating

. mobile terminal terminating” and “mobile terminal originating . data card terminating” have to be used).
The VOIP call setup time has to be tested in the following configurations:
Mobile to PSTN Call (Mobile Originated Call, MOC)
Mobile Terminated Call (MTC)
Mobile to Mobile Call (MMC)

In all the test cases described below, the call setup time is measured on the originating node and includes
service request procedure (for Mobile Originated Call and Mobile to Mobile Call) or paging procedures (for
Mobile Terminated Call and Mobile to Mobile Call).
The pre-condition is that the involved mobile terminals are attached to the network and IMS (or SIP)
registered. It is also assumed that when the VOIP call is started the mobile terminals are in IDLE state,
which means that all radio and transmission resources must have been released as the result of a
sufficiently long period of inactivity.

Two types of delays have to be considered:
Call setup signalling delay (E2E signalling).
Start trigger: The mobile terminal delivers the initial session setup message (e.g. INVITE). This triggers
Service Request procedure, so that the mobile terminal transitions to ACTIVE state and an appropriate
radio bearer to convey IMS signalling is established.
Stop trigger: The mobile terminal receives the signalling message that bring the ringing message (e.g. 180

Total call setup (including E2E bearer setup).
Start trigger: The mobile terminal delivers the initial session setup message (e.g. INVITE). This triggers
Service Request procedure, so that the mobile terminal transitions to ACTIVE state and an appropriate
radio bearer to convey IMS signalling is established.
Stop trigger: The mobile terminal receives the signalling message that confirms the successful completion
of the call setup procedure (e.g. 200 OK). Scenario Considered
Single cell scenario, without interference, as reference.

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Multi cell scenario. Considered cell is interfered by neighbour cells. In this case, the terminals under test
have to be in different cells. Expected Output
The metric for validate the tests shall be the VOIP call setup latency time for the different configurations
(MOC,MTC, MMC) and for the different types of delays.

In case that the trigger points for the measurement are different than the proposed ones, the deviation
needs to be reported.

Minimum 20 valid samples are required for result evaluation. The result will be calculated and reported as
an average from these 20 samples.

Result evaluation: Minimum value, Maximum value and Average value measured in msec.

2.5.3 VOIP End to End Latency Basic configuration
This is the mouth to ear delay as perceived by the calling parties. It includes voice coding on the originating
terminal, end-to-end transmission and voice decoding on the receiving terminal.
Mobile terminals as well as data card have to be used (in particular, the configurations “data card originating

. mobile terminal terminating” and “mobile terminal originating . data card terminating” have to be used). Scenario Considered
Single cell scenario, without interference, as reference.
Multi cell scenario. Considered cell is interfered by neighbour cells. In this case, the terminals under test
have to be in different cells.

Evaluate speech quality also with increasing number of terminals (10%, 30%, 60% and 80% of VOIP cell
capacity) that have VOIP calls on the same cell. Expected Output
The metric for validate the tests shall be the end-to-end latency time.

Minimum 20 valid samples are required for result evaluation. The result will be calculated and reported as
an average from these 20 samples.

Result evaluation: Minimum value, Maximum value and Average value measured in msec.

2.5.4 Coexistence of VOIP with other applications Basic configuration
The VOIP test cases described in the previous sub-sections should be repeated in case the VOIP call is
established when other applications are running on the mobile terminal. The following scenarios should be

VOIP coexistence with a packet data call (use TCP via iperf). VOIP call shall have a duration of at
least 20 sec and the data call shall take longer than the VOIP call. The data call shall fulfil a full buffer
scenario to stress the scheduler.

VOIP coexistence with an on-going UDP streaming. The reference codec configuration for the UDP
stream has to determined (e.g. MPEG4).

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VOIP coexistence with an on-going TCP streaming application. The reference codec configuration for
the TCP stream has to determined (e.g. MPEG4).
VOIP coexistence with bursty TCP traffic, such as web browsing and presence. The exact definition
of the reference model for such bursty traffic requires further consideration.
Mobile terminals as well as data card have to be used. Scenario Considered
Single cell scenario, without interference, as reference.
Multi cell scenario. Considered cell is interfered by neighbour cells. In this case, the terminals under test
have to be in different cells.
Evaluate speech quality also with increasing number of terminals (10%, 30%, 60% and 80% of VOIP cell
capacity) that have VOIP calls on the same cell. Expected Output
Refer also to chapter

2.6 Mobility within NGMN system
2.6.1 VOIP Call at different velocities
VoIP speech quality shall be verified in different speed ranges (i.e. different fading profiles) during mobility
scenarios including cell changes. Basic configuration
A basic configuration is established in order to facilitate implementation of tests and comparison of results.

Load: 2 configurations
Loaded network: 10 devices per cell on average, homogeneously distributed in each cell as defined in
chapter 1.
Unloaded network: Only one moving terminal device in the network.
Speed ranges indicated in chapter 5.1 are considered.

So, this scheme provides 8 possible configurations for the tests, detailed in the next table

Load network:
network: 1UE

Table 2.6-1 Scenarios Considered
For each configuration above considered several scenarios shall be proved:

User moving inside a cell
Intra Base Station handover inside a particular NGMN access technology (e.g. LTE, WiMAX, UMB)
Inter Base Station handover inside a particular NGMN access (Intra/Inter-Frequency)

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NGMN Field Trial Requirements_2.7_final_clean_neu_25012011.doc, 15 Expected Output
For each configuration (in all scenarios), VOIP speech quality shall be tested according with the support of
next indication:

The metric for validating the requirement will be the support of both codecs below mentioned with a speech
quality measured by two different parameters:

MOS (Mean Opinion Score) (ITU-T P.800, ITU-T P.862). For this last a comparative table is provided in the

Mean Opinion Score (MOS)

MOS Quality Impairment
5 Excellent Imperceptible
4 Good Perceptible but not annoying
3 Fair Slightly annoying
2 Poor Annoying
1 Bad Very annoying

Table 2.6-2

PLR (Packet Loss Rate)
Call Setup Time
Call Success Rate

For both metrics (BER and MOS), minimum 20 valid samples are required for result evaluation. The result
will be calculated and reported as an average from these 20 samples.

Result evaluation: Minimum value, Maximum value and Average value.

Expected target value:
NGMN essential recommendations = NB-AMR 12.2 kbps codec under comparable conditions
NGMN preferred recommendations = WB-AMR 12.65 kbps codec under comparable conditions

Reference to NGMN WP 3.0: Chapter

2.6.2 Downlink and Uplink Throughput in Mobile use
DL and UL throughput should be measured and verified in mobility situations. Handover interruption time
should be evaluated in different scenarios and configurations. Basic configuration
Trial configurations are set up for all scenarios:
Number of cells: at least 2 in order to trigger at least one HO during drive tests.
Load: 2 configurations
Loaded network: 10 UEs per cell on average, homogeneously distributed in each cell, as described in
section 4.1.6 , loaded network also as defined in chapter 1.
Unloaded network: Only one moving UE in the network.
Speed ranges indicated in chapter 5.1 are considered.

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16 possible configurations are derived for the tests:

Load / 1 2 3 4
Loaded Config
Unloaded Config

Table 2.6-3: DL and UL Throughput trial configuration Scenarios Considered
For each configuration from the table above, several scenarios shall be considered:
Intra Base Station handover inside a particular NGMN access technology (e.g. LTE, WiMAX, UMB)
Inter Base Station handover inside a particular NGMN access technology (Intra/Inter-Frequency). Particular
NGMN access technology feature gain related to HO should be evaluated (e.g. data forwarding on X2
interface for LTE) Expected Output
For each configuration (in all scenarios), DL and UL interruption time shall be evaluated. At least 20
samples are required.

Expected target value:

NGMN essential recommendations:
Seamless mobility management across all bearers with service continuity through a minimum of 120 km/h

NGMN preferred recommendations:
Seamless mobility management based on intelligent infrastructure e.g., a unified network & service layer to
serve in all environments

Reference to NGMN WP 3.0: Chapter 3.1

The metrics for validating the requirements will be:
Interruption time on MAC layer
Interruption time on UDP/TCP layer.
FTP applicative throughput during the HO process in DL and UL.

2.6.3 Packet Loss
The trial purpose is to evaluate and verify the performance of mobile networks in terms of packet and
information loss in different mobility scenarios:
Stationary use
Mobile use
Intra Base Station
Inter Base Station

Performance requirements and target values in terms of packet loss rate (PLR, packet loss in network
layer) and frame erasure rate (FER, information loss at application layer) generally depend on the type of
service. Thus, several tests with different types of service shall be performed for all mobility scenarios.

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NGMN Field Trial Requirements_2.7_final_clean_neu_25012011.doc, 15 Basic configuration
Only one user in the whole test network
The trial shall be done for several services which have different behaviours compared to packet and
information loss:
UDP and TCP data stream (UL and DL to be considered)
VOIP Scenarios Considered
For each configuration above, several mobility scenarios shall be verified and evaluated:

In stationary use:

Cell #1 uses Carrier #1 and BW #1; it belongs to BS #1.
Put the single user in the center of cell #1.
Start a UDP or TCP transfer (Downlink and Uplink), or a VoIP call in good radio conditions to avoid
inopportune mobility procedure during the ongoing transfer. This stationary case will be used as a

In mobile use:

Intra Base Station
Cell #1 uses Carrier #1 and BW #1; it belongs to BS #1.
Cell #2 uses Carrier #1 and BW #1; it belongs to BS #1.
In this test case, the cells #1 and #2 belong to same Base Station #1.
Put the single user in the center of cell #1.
Start a UDP or TCP transfer (Downlink and Uplink), or a VoIP call in good radio conditions.
Attenuate the signal level of cell #1 and increase the signal level of cell #2 to trigger the intra BS handover
procedure from cell #1 to cell #2.
After the handover procedure is complete, attenuate the signal level of cell #2 and increase the signal level
of cell #1 to trigger the intra BS handover procedure from cell #2 to cell #1.
It is possible to repeat the same operation several times as long as the transfer is active.
Inter Base Station
Cell #1 uses Carrier #1 and BW #1; it belongs to BS #1.
Cell #2 uses Carrier #1 and BW #1; it belongs to BS #2.
In this test case, the cells #1 and #2 belong to different Base Station.
Put the single user in the center of cell #1.
Start a UDP or TCP transfer (Downlink and Uplink), or a VoIP call in good radio conditions.
Attenuate the signal level of cell #1 and increase the signal level of cell #2 to trigger the inter BS handover
procedure from cell #1 to cell #2.
After the handover procedure is complete, attenuate the signal level of cell #2 and increase the signal level
of cell #1 to trigger the inter BS handover procedure from cell #2 to cell #1.
It is possible to repeat the same operation several times as long as the transfer is active.
I Expected Output
At least 20 cell changes are expected.
Count the number of packet loss due to handover procedure.
The packet loss can be measured at different layers in the network system. So, it is necessary to report
precisely in which layer the packet loss is measured in the trial:

At network layer (layer 3 in OSI model)

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IP Packet Loss Rate (IP PLR)
At transport layer (layer 4 in OSI model)
TCP PLR or UDP PLR (equal to IP PLR)
At application layer (layer 5 in OSI model)
Frame erasure rate (FER) to evaluate the information loss

2.6.4 Service continuity of a RT / NRT session
NGMN technology shall provide seamless mobility functions. Seamless mobility implies handover of
services within NGMN with no interruptions or perceptible drop in performance (e.g. VCC).

Consequently, NGMN shall provide seamless mobility management across all required NGMN bearers with
service continuity, so user experience shall not be damaged during a mobility procedure.

Service Continuity of Real Time and non-Real Time Sessions shall be verified in different scenarios. The
metric used for validating results will be the interruption time of the service in successful situations. Basic configuration
A basic configuration is established in order to facilitate implementation of tests and comparison of results.

Number of users: 10 users per cell on average and a homogeneous user distribution across each cell shall
be assumed as a reference case, refer also to definition in chapter 1.
For simplicity a specific service will be analyzed in both RT and non-RT sessions
RT session: considering videoconference service
Codecs Audio: NB-AMR (12,2 Kbps), WB-AMR (12,65 Kbps)
Codecs Video: H.263, MPEG 4; BW: 128 Kbps
NRT session: considering web browsing service
Maximum BW: 128 kbps
Load: 2 configurations
Loaded network: 10 terminal devices per cell on average, homogeneously distributed in each cell, refer also
to definition in chapter 1.
Unloaded network: Only one moving UE in the network

So, this scheme allows for a configuration in the RT scenario and the NRT one. Scenarios Considered
For each configuration above considered several scenarios shall be proved:

User moving inside a cell (no service interruption should be experienced by the user)
Intra Base Station handover inside a particular NGMN access technology (e.g. LTE, WiMAX, UMB)
Inter Base Station handover inside a particular NGMN access (Intra/Inter-Frequency) Expected Output
The metric for validating the results for both configurations (i
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