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  스폰서채널 서비스란?
HFR의 Packet xHaul Switch 소개 동영상
HFR Networks' flexiHaul M6424 Time-Sensitive Networking Switch - Packet xHaul
May 17, 2021 | By HFR Networks
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미국 Fujitsu Networks Communications(FNC)를 통해 미국 verizon에 공급하고 있는 HFR의 Packet 프론트홀 스위치 소개 동영상입니다.



HFR Networks recently delivered the industry’s first RAN packet transport solution with our M-Series products.


In partnership with Fujitsu Network Communications, we are working with Tier-1 service providers in the United States to reduce deployment and operational costs while facilitating a fast and smooth evolution to 5G wireless technologies. Solutions provided mark an important industry milestone with standards-based packet fronthaul able to normalize operations across radio solutions from leading 3rd party suppliers.


Solutions are purpose built to enable an advanced mobile network with nanosecond timing connecting cellular radios using Common Public Radio Interface (CPRI) and eCPRI packet solutions supporting both traditional and cloud-based NFV mobile architectures. CPRI traffic is encapsulated using IEEE Radio-over-Ethernet (RoE) standards to realize significant performance and cost benefits.






More Information about M6424 Packet xHaul Switch




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