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  스폰서채널 서비스란?
SNMP서버 관련 문의드립니다.
Reg. Date: August 11, 2004 By 용의구슬

SNMP통신을 하고있읍니다.
서버쪽 엔지니어분이 아래와 같이 데이타를 올려달라고 하는데 이러한  OID는 본적이 없어서 자문을 얻고자 합니다.

아래 내용을 보시고 어떻게 접근을 하면좋을지 조그마한 내용이라도 알려주시면 큰 도움이 되겠읍니다.


EVENT OV_DataCollectThresh "Threshold Alarms" Critical
FORMAT $5.$6 threshold exceeded ($13 $7 * $14): $8.  Sampled high of $9 at $10 low of $11 at $12
This event is generated by HP OpenView data collector when a
sampled value exceeds a preconfigured level.  (See also
specific event #58720264 for rearm events).  The user may
also configure value exceeded events with specific trap
numbers in the odd range of 1 to 9999.

The data passed with the event is
    1) The ID of application sending the event
    2) The name of the host that caused the threshold event
    3) The HP OpenView object identifier, if available
    4) The MIB variable in dotted numeric format
    5) The name of the collection
    6) The MIB instance
    7) The threshold value compared against
       (for string variables, this will be the last value)
    8) The sampled value
    9) The highest sampled (peak) value
       (for string variables, this will be the last value)
   10) The time the highest value was sampled
   11) The lowest sampled (trough) value
       (for string variables, this will be the last value)
   12) The time the lowest value was sampled
   13) The threshold information string
       This string gives information about why the threshold
       was exceeded.  It varies based on the type of
       threshold that was defined.

       If both Standard Deviation and Fixed numeric
       thresholds are exceeded, the standard deviation
       information will be included in this string and the
       fixed threshold will be given in $7.  The form of
       this argument will be:
   mean: MEAN and FIXEDOP

       If only Standard Deviation numeric thresholds are
       exceeded, all but the mean is included here, and the
       mean is given as $7.  The form of the argument will
   mean: MEAN

       If only Fixed numeric thresholds are exceeded, this
       string will be:

       BUCKETNAME is the name of the bucket (from
       NUMPTS is the number of points that contributed to
   this calculation
       STDDEV is the standard deviation
       STDDEVTHRESH is the threshold value that was given
       MEAN is the mean value
       FIXED_OP: one of ">", ">=", "<", "<=", "!=", or "=="

       If the MIB variable is a string, this value will
       always be "!=".
   14) The threshold count

On UNIX, see the trapd.conf(4) manpage for complete details.
On Windows NT, see the trapd.conf reference page in the help
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