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  스폰서채널 서비스란?
[긴급질문] 시험문제 ㅡ.ㅡ;; 풀어주세요~
Reg. Date: August 19, 2004 By zelone
3) Which type of situation is Ethernet NOT suitable in?
        a. Hosts send data sporadically in bursts
        b. Most of the times the hosts are idle but sometimes they all want to transmit data at the same time
        c. Hosts do not send data most of the time but they send data sometimes.

4) A 4kHz Analog signal is to be transmitted such that it obeys Nyquist's Theorem.
   The quantization is done such that after quantization 1 byte represents each sample.
   what will be the minimum data rate required to carry such a signal?
        a. 6Kbps
        b. 64Kbps
        c. 128kbs
        d. 32Kbps

10) In an AWGN channel with bandwidth of 3000 Hz and an Signal-to-noise ratio of 63. What is the theoretical maximum data rate possible?
        a. 18Kbps
        b. 128Kbps
        c. 56Kbps
13) How many full duplex should be there in a full-connected mesh of 6 nodes?
        a. 15
        b. 30
        c. 36
        d. 6

16) In HDLC whenever there are 5 ones occurring in the message a zero is placed after it. This technique is called :
        a. Byte stuffing
        b. Bit stuffing

17) In a token-ring (delayed) mechanism when the data frame is on the network the frame is with :
        a. sender
        b. receiver
        c. on the network
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