cisco 2501 flash 2개합치는방법알려주세요
Reg. Date: October 30, 2004 By 윤석범
ios 를 업하려하니 flash 2개가 합쳐지지 않네요
System flash directory, partition 1:
No files in System flash
[0 bytes used, 4194304 available, 4194304 total]
4096K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)
System flash directory, partition 2:
No files in System flash
[0 bytes used, 4194304 available, 4194304 total]
4096K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)
cisco 2501 이구요
넣을려고하는 ios 가 4M가 넘어요
아무리해도 안되네요
Router(config)#no partition ?
WORD Partition system flash devices
Router(config)#no partition flash
위와 같이하면 분할 된 Partition이 합해 집니다.