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5G 특화망


Private 5G/이음 5G


  넷매니아즈 5G 특화망 분석글 (142)   5G 특화망 4가지 구축모델   산업계 5G 응용   산업분야별 5G 특화망 활용사례  [5G 특화망 벤더Samsung | HFR | Nokia | more


  국가별 사설5G 주파수 [국가별 구축현황] 일본 | 독일 | 미국 | 프랑스 | 영국  [사설5G 사업자] Verizon | AT&T | DT | Telefonica | AWS | Microsoft | NTT동일본 | NTT Com    


  5G 특화망 뉴스 | 국내 5G 특화망 구축 현황  UPDATED  | 국내 5G 특화망사업자 현황 (19개사) | 국내 자가구축사례 일람 | 국내 특화망 실증사업사례 일람 | 5G 특화망 정책

[5G 특화망 구축 사례] 한국식품산업클러스터 | 반월시화산단 삼성서울병원 | 롯데월드 | 한국수력원자력 | 해군본부 | 한국전력공사 | more  [이통사] KT

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 HFR Mobile의 5G 특화망 솔루션 (my5G)  Updated   |   뉴젠스의 5G 특화망 구축 및 운영 서비스  NEW  

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이음 5G 포탈 홈 / Major Players / 이음 5G 벤더 일람


이음 5G 벤더 분석

유럽   Nokia (핀란드)   Ericsson (스웨덴)   ASOCS (이스라엘)   Druid (아일랜드)   Metaswitch (영국)   Athonet (이탈리아)        
아시아   Samsung (한국)   HFR (한국)   NEC (일본)   Fujitsu (일본)   Apresia (일본)   QCT (대만)            
미국   Airspan   JMA Wireless   Affirmed   Mavenir   Altiostar   Celona        


  Druid의 Private 5G Core


     Druid (아일랜드)의 Private 5G 솔루션  


  5G UE 5G RAN 5G Core  
  x x O (5G SA Core)  


Druid Software는 아일랜드 회사로 Private Cellular 코어망 전문 기업입니다. 5G RAN은 Airspan, ASOCS, JMA Wireless 등의 RAN 벤더와 파트너쉽을 통해 해결한다.  


• Druid의 Celluar Core Solution: RaemisTM

Source: Druid Softeware


• Network Slicing (기업내 Private 5G망을 슬라이싱)

Source: Druid Softeware



• Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard: Private Network Vendors


Source: Juniper Press Release, 2021.12



     Druid의 Private 5G | Private 5G Core 뉴스/고객 사례  





고객 기업   MNO/SI   관련 기사                    
  2022.06.02   MxD   Betacom (미국 SI)  

Betacom Selected to Deliver One of US’ First Indoor Private 5G Networks to Accelerate Manufacturing Innovation at The Digital Manufacturing and Cybersecurity Institute (MxD)


Betacom 5G as a Service, the industry’s first fully-managed private wireless service, is a game changer for many U.S. enterprises with access to cost-effective, high-performance 5G networks designed, deployed and managed by one of the most trusted names in wireless networking. Betacom has a long and successful history of wireless deployments in mid-to-large enterprises leveraging carrier-class equipment and expertise to meet users’ most pressing connectivity needs.


SI: Betacom (5GaaS: Turnkey Managed ServicE), 5G Core: Druid, 5G RAN: Airspan, 5G Spectrum: CBRS





Druid Software supports Airspan Networks Private 5G demonstrations at MWC 2022

Druids Raemis 5G core technology and Airspan Networks have been partnering since 2021 to provide cutting edge Private 5G network technology for Enterprises all over the world.  At MWC 2022 Airspan will be demonstrating their award-winning 5G Network in a Box/Starter kit powered by Druid’s Raemis 5G core platform. The solution enables organizations to easily set up their Private 5G networks and test the latest use cases to drive operational efficiencies and digital transformation.


5G Core: Druid, 5G RAN (O-RAN): Airspan







Druid Software collaborates with ASOCS and VMware on Private 5G at the enterprise edge


5G Core: Druid, 5G RAN (O-RAN): ASOCS





  2021.09.30   Opticoms (자사 5G Lab)  


(독일 SI사)


Opticoms kick-starts 5G Co-creation Lab


독일 SI사인 Opticom은 Druid사의 5G Core와 Airspan사의 5G RAN으로 본사에 Private 5G Open Lab을 구축함. Opticoms는 축적한 지식과 경험을 토대로 산업계 버티칼 시장에 Private 5G 망 구축 및 운영의 SI 서비스를 제공할 계획임. 





(독일 인공지능 연구센터)



(독일 SI사)


TU Kaiserslautern, MUGLER AG and Druid tackle 5G use cases for Smart Factories


5G Core: Druid, 5G RAN: Airspan



Source: Druid, German Market Experts Update on 5G Private Networks 2021, 2021.09






(독일 SI사)


Druid and becon partnership for KMU 5G campus networks


SI: Becon, 5G Core: Druid, 5G RAN: Airspan






본사 사옥

  Umlaut (독일 SI사)  

Druid Software and Airspan partner with Umlaut for their first 5G campus network



독일 SI사인 Umlaut (2021.10.01 Accenture에 인수됨)가 Druid사의 5G Core와 Airspan사의 5G RAN으로 본사 사옥에 Private 5G 망 구축시작함. Umlaut는 여기서 축적한 지식과 경험을 토대로 산업계 버티칼 시장에 Private 5G 망 구축 및 운영의 SI 서비스를 제공할 계획임. 




  2021.06.25       Siticom (독일 SI사)  

Druid to Partner with Expert German 5G System Integrator


siticom’s team is trained to the highest level, providing genuine expertise in many areas of IT Infrastructure  including 5G networks. siticom has already proved its expertise by combining Druid’s powerful RAEMIS platform with Airspan Networks RAN technology to deliver an end-to-end 5G network solution for businesses and mission critical use cases


[3사간 Privtae 5G 파트너쉽] SI: Siticom, 5G Core: Druid, 5G RAN: Airspan






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