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Apple's iOS11 - due for release this fall - will support an API for 'TCP Multipath'. So what does that have to do with Wi-Fi, you say? Well, a lot, actually. It means that app developers, carriers, anyone with services running on iOS11 will finally be able to combine Wi-Fi and cellular into a sin...
Date: 08/18/2017
Author: Claus Hetting @ Wi-Fi NOW
Tags: Wi-Fi
Online viewer:
Actually the answer yes, we are limited by these resources. But there are actually some affords to use the light band Millimeter wave (mmWave) where it lies between 30 GHz and 300 GHz, this spectrum can be used for high-speed wireless communications as seen with the latest 802.11ad Wi-Fi standard...
Date: 08/10/2017
Author: Astro Ahmed @ GrEEK CAMPUS
Tags: 5G, LTE, Wi-Fi
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Wi-Fi is not as ubiquitous as cellular but finding Wi-Fi is like finding a coffee shop. Though there are initiatives to make it more ubiquitous as it has potential to cater largest share of internet data flowing over wireless access networks. Before going into the main theme of cellular (note, t...
Date: 07/26/2017
Author: Saurabh Verma @ Fundarc Communication
Tags: LTE, Wi-Fi
Online viewer:
The more I look at enterprise mobile, especially its focus on verticals and IoT, the more I'm convinced there needs to be a change in industry structure, regulation and network ownership/operation. And that means new spectrum policy, as well.
Date: 05/31/2017
Author: Dean Bubley @ Disruptive Analysis
Online viewer:
The original purpose of small cells was to efficiently reuse spectrum as a capacity solution – not as a replacement for cell towers. However, outdoor small cell use as a coverage solution has grown significantly, both in rural areas and dense urban areas.
Date: 05/09/2017
Author: Matt Walsh @ Blue Signal Search
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In this part, I want to share my view of that perfect future and the opportunities around Wi-Fi. Our lives are made up of a complex network of pathways that we can use to move from one phase of life to the next. The first step in determining which "next step" will land us to the most direct route...
Date: 04/11/2017
Author: Ajay Malik @ Google
Tags: Wi-Fi
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Wi-Fi is 18 now! The journey to now has been a tremendous one. It started in 1999, yet it seems just like yesterday. Six companies (3Com, Aironet, Harris Semiconductor, Lucent, Nokia and Symbol Technologies) came together to form a global non-profit association Wi-Fi Alliance.
Date: 04/05/2017
Author: Ajay Malik @ Google
Tags: Wi-Fi
Online viewer:
Ignore any reports of WiFi's demise, or the ability of 4G/5G to replace it in the future. It's simply not going to happen, except in a couple of tiny overlaps on the big wireless Venn diagram. WiFi puts downward pricing pressure on cellular data - it's probably part of the reason for the return o...
Date: 03/24/2017
Author: Dean Bubley @ Disruptive Analysis
Tags: 5G, Wi-Fi
Online viewer:
How do you monetize Wi-Fi? To answer that we are kicking off a series of blogs that will be zooming in on this issue. We will try to keep this short and sweet.
Date: 01/26/2017
Author: Claus Hetting @ Wi-Fi NOW
Tags: Wi-Fi
Online viewer:
With '5G' (whatever that is) likely more than 5 years away (if it happens) this could be a good time to point out that high-performance, low-latency, low cost wireless is already here and it's called Wi-Fi. So why wait for 5G to happen?
Date: 01/12/2017
Author: Claus Hetting @ Wi-Fi NOW
Tags: 5G, Wi-Fi

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Private 5G Frequency Allocation Status in Korea


  Netmanis One-Shot, Private 5G Frequency Allocation Status in Korea (36 locations),2024.01.02  


  Private 5G Deployment Case Study in Korea  


  Enterprise DIY   Private 5G operator  

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power








Republic of Korea Navy



Korea Electric Power Corporation




More >>


SK networks service


   - Customer:  Korea Food Industry Cluster




   - Customer: Lotte World


  - Customer: Daeduk University





   - Customer: Samsung Medical Center


Sejong Telecom


   - Customer: Banwol-shihwa Industrial Complex



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KT Private 5G: Multi-Slice and Multi-MEC for an Enterprise




KT 5G and 10Giga Network Architecture



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