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Real World Private 5G Cases   4 Deployment Models On-Premise Cases 5G Core Control Plane Sharing Cases

5G Core Sharing Cases

Private 5G Deployment   Private 5G Deployment Status in Korea  UPDATED   South Korean government's regulations on private 5G and KT's strategy for entering the market
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Let's take a look at the development of Private 5G (Local 5G in Japanese) in Japan in terms of Sub 6 and mmWave frequencies. (In Japan, Sub 6 = 4.7 GHz, mmWave = 28 GHz) Table of Contents 1. Private 5G frequencies in Japan (local 5G frequencies) 2. Private 5G network demonstration projects in Japan (72 projects in 3 years) 3. Industry trends related to local 5G in Japan and the fu...
Challenges in the railway industry The railway industry is a basic industry that transports large numbers of people over medium to long distances through large-scale infrastructure. The most important factors in the railway industry are the safety of large numbers of passengers and the efficient maintenance of large-scale railway infrastructure. The following are the current challenges/issu...
This blog examines the situation of Iwamizawa City, Japan, as an example of private 5G in hospitals, which combines mobile medical vehicles (medical buses), 8K cameras, realhaptics telecopy robots, and ultrasound diagnostics to perform remote diagnostics. <Medical bus-based rural telemedicine system - Iwamizawa City, Japan> NTT EAST, Iwamizawa City, and Hokkaid...
In this blog, we will look at Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO)'s case of IoT-based predictive maintenance, unmanned maintenance inspection, safety and access control by introducing wireless IoT sensors, quadruped robots, CCTV, private 5G network, and AI at substations. <KEPCO's Shin-Jungbu Power Plant in Korea> 1. KEPCO's need for a priva...
In this blog, we will discuss the Korean government policy on private 5G and KT's private 5G network strategy (3 business models) in response to this policy. Advantages of building a private 5G network using private 5G frequencies Private 5G spectrum policy and regulation of the Korean government (MSIT) KT's strategy for entering the private 5G m...
In this blog, we look at the service cases of private 5G operators in Japan and the United States that share 5G core control plane (build UPF and RAN in corporate sites and use 5GC CP as a cloud service of private 5G operators). <Private 5G operator's service (5G core control plane sharing type) - network architecture> NTT East, NTT Com, NEC, and NESIC in Japan and AWS and G...
Let's take a look at the on-premise type (building both core and RAN in the workplace) private 5G service cases of private 5G operators in Japan, Germany, and the United States. <Private 5G operator's on-premise type service: network architecture> SI companies such as Hitachi and NSSOL in Japan, Becon, Siticom, and Cocus in Germany, Betacom in the U.S., Hyperscalers such a...
In this blog, we look at the background of the emergence of private 5G and private 5G operators, and examine four models for enterprises to deploy private 5G networks. In 2019, Germany's BNetzA, Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and Ofcom in the UK opened 5G frequencies for the industry to promote digital transformation, enabling enterprises to build and operate...
Non-mobile operators in Korea are now able to provide private 5G network services by establishing small 5G networks in limited areas such as land/buildings. The Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) in Korea confirmed and announced the "Private 5G network frequency supply plan" as a follow-up to the "private 5G network policy plan" announced on January 26th. MSIT Press Release (Korean):...
The Rise of Private 5G With the digital transformation fever of enterprises, the establishment of 5G standards (eMBB, uRLLC and mMTC) minding enterprise services and the emergence of private 5G spectrum (Industrial private 5G spectrum, CBRS), industries are opening up the era of digital transformation by building private 5G networks. The private 5G network is an enterprise-dedicated ne...
1. Private Network A private network is an enterprise-dedicated network that provides communication connections to people or things belonging to a specific enterprise and provides specific services necessary for the business of the enterprise. The enterprise operates its own network and uses it exclusively. Unlike public networks, only allowed people and devices can access this network...
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