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  스폰서채널 서비스란?
Verizon teams with Microsoft to offer private 5G mobile edge computing

​Verizon은 얼마전인 9월 10일에 Verizon 5G망 에지에 AWS Wavelength를 도입하여 MEC 서비스를 개시했고(아래 8월 6일 기사), 현재 5개 도시에서 상용 서비스중이다. 10월 20일 이와는 별도의 방향으로 5G망과 Microsoft의 Edge를 기업고객의 On-Premise에 도입해주는 서비스를 발표했다. 현재 Ice Mobility라는 회사공장에서 테스트를 수행하고 있다.  



1. Verizon 5G망 에지: AWS Wavelength (MEC)

2. Customer On-Premise에 Verizon 5G 에지: Microsoft Aure Edge (MEC)



What you need to know:

  • Combining Verizon’s on-site 5G Edge network with Microsoft Azure can bring more computing power even closer to end customers, allowing businesses to create extremely low lag experiences
  • Ice Mobility is already using 5G and mobile edge computing (MEC) to help with quality control in their pick and pack process by using computer vision to drive efficiencies

Verizon teams with Microsoft to offer private 5G mobile edge computing.


NEW YORK and REDMOND, WA – Verizon is joining forces with Microsoft Corp. to create new ways for enterprises to accelerate the delivery of fast and secure 5G applications, benefiting from reliable and low-latency connections. Verizon’s on-site 5G Edge network integrated with Azure edge services can enable ultra-low latency, many times faster than the blink of an eye, which can help businesses tap into real-time data analysis and delivery. Applications incorporating computer vision, augmented, mixed and virtual reality, digital twins or machine learning can be enhanced with 5G and MEC on the customer premise, helping transform the way industries such as retail, transportation, and logistics operate.


Think of automated high-precision asset localization, tracking and positioning in manufacturing. In healthcare, the increased speed, reduced latency and high bandwidth connectivity of 5G networks could enable real-time precision medicine leveraging mixed reality and AI capabilities as well as seamless and fast sharing of large files to improve patient care.


The collaboration brings Azure cloud and edge capabilities together with Verizon’s on-site 5G Edge, a mobile edge computing platform designed to enable developers to build applications for mobile end-users and wireless edge devices with ultra-low latency. By utilizing on-site private 5G, businesses will be able to realize increased power efficiencies and reduced costs of end user devices while addressing their privacy and security needs.


“We have built a network that provides real-world, 5G-enabled solutions TODAY,” said Rima Qureshi, EVP and Chief Strategy Officer at Verizon. “By bringing together Verizon’s 5G network and on-site 5G Edge platform with Microsoft’s expertise in cloud services, we will enable the development of the next generation technologies everyone has been envisioning.”


Logistics and supply chain solutions company Ice Mobility is already testing on Verizon’s on-site 5G Edge platform, integrated with Microsoft Azure. The company is using 5G and MEC to help with computer vision assisted product packing. By gathering data in near real-time on product packing errors, the company has the potential to improve on-site quality assurance and save 15% to 30% in processing time.


“We are especially excited to join Verizon and Microsoft to test how 5G and MEC can improve the quality assurance process,” said Mike Mohr, CEO of Ice Mobility. “They truly have listened to our needs to provide automated real-time quality oversight and feedback, which will enable us to cost-effectively launch unique new products, while maintaining the highest execution standards, significantly increasing throughput and reducing costs. And, this is just the beginning.”


“By leveraging Verizon’s 5G network integrated with Microsoft’s cloud and edge capabilities, developers and businesses can benefit from fast, secure and reliable connections to deliver seamless digital experiences from massive industrial IoT workloads to precision medicine,” said Yousef Khalidi, corporate vice president Azure for Operators at Microsoft.

Moving forward, Verizon will explore opportunities to co-innovate with Microsoft to deliver new value to industries ranging from manufacturing to healthcare.


Verizon’s 5G Ultra Wideband network enables throughput at least 25 times faster than today’s 4G networks*; delivers ultra-low latency; and offers very high bandwidth. Verizon 5G Ultra Wideband is expected to eventually enable 100 times larger data volumes than 4G; and the ability to connect more than a million devices per kilometer. Verizon’s 5G Ultra Wideband service is available to people in 55 cities and its 5G Nationwide service is available to more than 200 million people in more than 1,800 cities around the U.S.


Learn more information about Verizon 5G Edge, Verizon’s 5G technology and explore how Microsoft is working with operators.


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  넷매니아즈 신규 컨텐츠
Date: 03/26/2025
Tags: 5G, 5G 특화망, Private 5G, 이음 5G
Date: 03/11/2025
Tags: 5G, 5G 특화망, Private 5G
Date: 02/13/2025
Tags: 5G, 5G 특화망, Private 5G, 이음 5G
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