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  스폰서채널 서비스란?
Samsung and Amdocs Collaborate to Deliver 4G and 5G Private Network Solutions

The collaboration brings 5G-ready CBRS solutions to enterprises across key vertical industries

Samsung Electronics America and Amdocs (NASDAQ: DOX), a leading provider of software and services to communications and media companies, today announced the companies will collaborate to deliver end-to-end 4G and 5G private network solutions to U.S. enterprises to help businesses across key industries leverage next-generation communications applications and services.


The agreement includes delivery of Samsung’s complete set of private network solutions, including Citizen Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) products, to enable private network and Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) use cases.


This will also provide the ability to transition from 4G to 5G through a simple software update. Amdocs acts as the systems integrator, leveraging its 4G and 5G, IT, and cloud capabilities to provide full end-to-end solutions to enterprises solving the challenges of tomorrow. 


With this collaboration, the two companies will bring enterprises of all sizes – ranging from SMBs to large campuses – a comprehensive set of private network solutions, services, applications and devices.


Through the collaboration, the companies will be able to increase speed to market and simplify the deployment of 5G-ready CBRS solutions for key industries, including education, utilities, manufacturing, logistics, transportation and retail.


They will also provide organizations, such as higher education institutions and factories, a way to unlock the full value of private 4G networks for next-generation use cases and leverage CBRS in hard-to-reach locations, helping to close the digital divide.


“A thriving partner ecosystem is essential in the next phase of network expansion, as more organizations seek ways to benefit from private networks and advanced communications,” said Imran Akbar, Vice President and Head of New Business Team, Networks Business, Samsung Electronics America.


“Similar to Samsung, Amdocs has deep expertise in customizing applications for companies within industries undergoing rapid digital transformation, such as manufacturing and education, and we look forward to accelerating the next phase of 4G and 5G networks for these markets.”


“As consumers and businesses become more reliant on ubiquitous connectivity, we’re pleased to be working with Samsung to accelerate our connected society,” said Anthony Goonetilleke, Amdocs Group President of Technology and Head of Strategy.


“With the successful rollout of private networks combined with advancements in 5G, a world of seamless connected experiences is just around the corner.”


About Amdocs
Amdocs helps those who build the future to make it amazing. With our market-leading portfolio of software products and services, we unlock our customers’ innovative potential, empowering them to provide next-generation communication and media experiences for both the individual end user and enterprise customers. Our 29,000 employees around the globe are here to accelerate service providers’ migration to the cloud, enable them to differentiate in the 5G era, and digitalize and automate their operations. Listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market, Amdocs had revenue of $4.3 billion in fiscal 2021. For more information, visit Amdocs at www.amdocs.com.

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