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Commercial Private 5G service cases (on-premise type: build both 5G core and 5G RAN in the workplace) - Japan, Germany, US and UK
April 21, 2023 | By Harrison J. Son (son@netmanias.com)
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Let's take a look at the on-premise type (building both core and RAN in the workplace) private 5G service cases of private 5G operators in Japan, Germany, and the United States.


<Private 5G operator's on-premise type service: network architecture>

SI companies such as Hitachi and NSSOL in Japan, Becon, Siticom, and Cocus in Germany, Betacom in the U.S., Hyperscalers such as AWS and Microsoft in the U.S., and MNOs such as DT, Vodafone Germany in Germany, AT&T, Verizon in the U.S., and BT in the U.K. are building a full set of private 5G networks at customer sites using private 5G spectrum in each country.


NSSOL, Fujitsu, and Betacom sell 5G equipment (Core, RAN) to companies for a lump sum and build 5G networks in the enterprise premises (purchase type).

Hitachi, Becon, DT, AWS, and Microsoft provide 5G equipment for free or at a minimum cost to reduce the initial cost of the enterprise customers and provide a monthly fee for equipment usage (core and RAN usage fee in the customer site, operation and maintenance fee) (subscription type).

Fujitsu reduces the purchasing 5G equipment cost of the enteprise by building CU, Core, and EMS on a single server (They were previously built on separate servers).


German SI companies Becon, Siticom, and COCUS and US SI company Betacom do not use expensive 5G equipment from major mobile carrier vendors such as Ericsson and Nokia, but use private 5G equipment from startups Druid, Metacom, and Airspan. By doing so, the construction cost per enterprise site is reduced.



  Table of Contents


    1. Local 5G service (nsraven) from NSSOL, Japan
    2. PW300 Starter Kit service from Fujitsu, Japan
    3. Local 5G Utilization Support Service from Hitachi+Mitsubishi, Japan
    4. 5G Campus Network Private (SA) service from DT, Germany
    5. Campus Isolated service from Vodafone Germany, Germany
    6. Becon's KMU Campus Network service, Germany
    7. Siticom Germany's Private 5G Networks service, Germany
    8. 5G Campus Networks service from Cocus, Germany
    9. AT&T's Private 5G Edge service, US
   10. AWS Private 5G Service by AWS, Worldwide
   11. Microsoft's Azure Private MEC service, Worldwide
   12. 5G as a Service (5GaaS) service from Betacom, US
   13. BT's 5G Private Networks service in the UK




1. NSSOL (SI Company)
  • Private 5G service: Local 5G (nsraven)
    • NSSOL sells Nokia's local 5G solution (NSSOL brand: nsraven) and provides deployment and maintenance services.
    • Service start on September 27, 2021
    • A service that builds and operates a local 5G full set at a customer's site (licensing application, wireless environment survey, design, equipment procurement, construction, maintenance, and provision of devices and applications necessary for the use case desired by the customer)
    • After consultation with the customer, local 5G equipment is configured according to the customer's environment and then delivered to the customer.
    • After system introduction, maintenance and failure detection are carried out through the Cloud.
  • Commercial model: Purchase Type (Project fees)

  • Deployment model: On-Premise Type


  • 5G spectrum: Japanese local 5G frequency (4.6-4.9GHz)
  • 5G vendor: Nokia NDAC (Nokia Digital Automation Cloud)


2. Fujitsu (SI Company)
  • Private 5G service: PW300 Starter Kit
    • Small area 5G systems made easy to deploy
    • Fujitsu preconfigures the equipment at the factory for the customer's environment and delivers it to the customer. 
    • Reduced on-site work, fast 5G network available
  • Commercial model: Purchase Type (Project fees)

  • Deployment model: On-Premise Type

  • 5G spectrum: Japanese local 5G frequency (4.8-4.9GHz)
  • 5G vendor: Fujitsu PW300 Starter Kit

Light-weight, Affordable Equipment:Reducing the cost of 5G equipment purchases for enterprises



3. Hitachi (SI Company) + Mitsubishi HC Capital (Lease)
  • Private 5G service: Local 5G utilization support service (Hitachi PR, Hitachi Video)
    • One-stop service for local 5G design, deployment, and operational maintenance.

    • Commercial service launch in December 2021. 

    • It is a subscription service that provides enterprises with 5G cores, 5G RAN (CU/DU, RU), security gateways, L3 switches, and SIM cards for free, and also operates and maintains enterprises' local 5G networks remotely in the cloud for a monthly fee.

    • Customers can deploy local 5G networks in factories, warehouses, plants, airports, etc. with no upfront investment. 

    • Hitachi will provide a cloud-based portal for enterprises to manage SIMs and monitor and control 5G networks in their workplaces.

    • Mitsubishi HC Capital is a leasing company that conducts financing/leasing/rental/building/asset management, showing that anyone can participate in the local 5G business and provide 5G services, even if they are not a mobile operator.

  • Commercial model: Subscription Type

  • Deployment model: On-Premise Type

  • 5G spectrum: Japanese local 5G frequency (4.6-4.9GHz)
  • 5G vendorNokia NDAC (Nokia Digital Automation Cloud)


Provide free 5G equipment at customer sites (Core, RAN) + Monthly subscription fee: Eliminate upfront investment costs of enterprise customers



   4. Deutsche Telekom (MNO)

  • Private 5G service: 5G Campus Network Private (SA) (DT PR, 넷매니아즈 분석글, DT Brochure)
    • After launching 5G Campus Network S, L and M (all NSA) in early 2019, Deutsche Telekom (DT) is expanding its portfolio with the launch of 5G Campus Network Private (SA) on January 31, 2022.

    • DT installs both 5G base stations and 5G SA Core inside the enterprise, creating a private 5G network that is physically separated from the public network.

    • Data generated in the enterprise is distributed only in the private network, ensuring data security. 

    • 5G frequencies use private 5G frequencies (3.7-3.8 GHz) allocated by the German government for industrial use, with 100 MHz bandwidth fully monopolized by one company

    • Provides low-latency connections of several ms for real-time applications

    • Enterprise IT operators can access a cloud-based network management portal to add 5G modules and SIM cards, and prioritize data traffic by application

    • Managed services (built, operated and maintained by DT)

  • Commercial model: Subscription Type
  • Deployment model: On-Premise Type


  • 5G spectrum: German private 5G frequency (3.7-3.8GHz)
  • 5G vendorEricsson EP5G (Ericsson Private 5G)



   5. Vodafone Germany (MNO)

  • Private 5G service: Campus Isolated
    • The Campus Isolated service provides enterprise customers with a completely independent 5G private network that is not connected to Vodafone's public 5G network and utilizes private 5G frequencies (3.7-3.8 GHz) in Germany.

    • The purpose of the service is to provide the security of no data leakage to the public network and low-latency connectivity of 10ms or less for real-time applications.

    • Enterprise customers can adjust up and down speeds

    • First customer is Lufthansa Technik in Germany in February 2020

  • Deployment model: On-Premise Type

  • 5G spectrum: German private 5G frequency (3.7-3.8GHz)
  • 5G vendorNokia NDAC (Nokia Digital Automation Cloud)


6. Becon (SI Company)
  • Private 5G service: KMU Campus Network
    • Becon provides equipment delivery, planning, design/build/integration, training, and operations support.
  • Commercial model: Subscription Type​
    • Tiered subscription fees based on network size

IRU: Indoor Radio Unit, ORU: Outdoor Radio Unit

  • Deployment model: On-Premise Type

  • 5G spectrum: German private 5G frequency (3.7-3.8GHz)
  • 5G vendor: 5G Core (Druid), RAN (Airspan, O-RAN)


  • Provide free 5G equipment at customer sites (Core, RAN) + Monthly subscription fee: Eliminate upfront investment costs of enterprise customers
  • Adopt Light-weight, Affordable Equipment: Lower subscription fees



7. Siticom (SI Company)
  • Private 5G service: Private 5G Networks
    • Providing a total package of design, procurement, construction, multi-vendor integration and operation of 5G SA private networks to enterprises.
    • Commercial service launch in 2021
  • Deployment model: On-Premise Type
  • 5G spectrum: German private 5G frequency (3.7-3.8GHz)
  • 5G vendor: 5G SA Core (Druid, Metaswitch), 5G O-RAN (Airspan)

<5G in a Box delivered to customer sites>


Adopt Light-weight, Affordable Equipment



8. Cocus (SI Company)
  • Private 5G service: 5G Campus Networks
    • A service that installs a 5G full-set at an enterprise site and provides network design, licensing support, deployment, multi-vendor integration, operations, and maintenance.
    • Commercial service available in 2021
  • Commercial model: Offer both subscription type and purchase type
  • Deployment model: On-Premise Type
  • 5G spectrum: German private 5G frequency (3.7-3.8GHz)
  • 5G vendor: 5G SA Core (Cocus), 5G O-RAN (Airspan)

<5G in a Box delivered to customer sites>


Adopt Light-weight, Affordable Equipment



9. AT&T (MNO)
  • Private 5G service: AT&T Private 5G Edge
    • In February 2022, AT&T announced that it is developing a Private 5G Edge service using Microsoft's Azure Private 5G Core (Metaswitch's 5G Core) and Azure Private MEC (working with Azure for rapid commercialization and rapid deployment).

    • Self-ordering and self-installation: The goal is to make ordering AT&T Private 5G Edge as simple as ordering a new phone, and to make it easy to install network functions and applications.

    • Delivering 5G connectivity and edge computing in the workplace for real-time applications

  • Deployment model: On-Premise Type
    • Microsoft's Azure Stack Edge servers will be installed at the AT&T Private 5G Edge customer's premises, where Microsoft's 5G Core (acquired from Metaswitch) and enterprise applications (Azure Apps) will be installed.

  • 5G spectrum: AT&T will use CBRS or AT&T's 5G license spectrum, or both.
  • 5G vendor: 5G Core (Microsoft's 5G Core-Metaswitch)


10. AWS (Hyperscaler)
  • Private 5G service: AWS Private 5G (Presentation Video, Technical Introduction Video)
    • In December 2021, AWS announced the availability of AWS Private 5G Preview.
    • AWS ships private 5G H/W (AWS Outpost servers, RU) pre-integrated by AWS to enterprises, and enterprises install it.
    • Free equipment (both H/W and S/W are provided by AWS, no initial investment required)
    • Subscription fee policy (only charged for the 5G capacity requested by the enterprise, not per device)
  • Commercial model: Subscription Type​
  • Deployment model: On-Premise Type

  • How AWS Private 5G services can be sold: Both ways are possible
    • AWS can sell directly to enterprises (using CBRS spectrum to build private 5G networks)

    • AWS can partner with a mobile operator to sell AWS Private 5G services to enterprises through the mobile operators (specifically to leverage the mobile operator's public network licensed 5G spectrum in countries or regions without private 5G spectrum).

  • 5G spectrum: U.S. CBRS 5G spectrum, private 5G spectrum in each country, and licensed spectrum from mobile operators (in countries without private 5G spectrum).
  • 5G vendor:


• Provide AWS cloud servers (AWS Outpost) and RUs to enterprises for free, and install 5G NF (UPF, vRAN) from partners on AWS outposts for free • Subscription model
•  Primarily utilizes 5G NFs from startup vendors • Service coverage is worldwide



11. Microsoft (Hyperscaler)
  • Private 5G service: Azure Private MEC
    • Microsoft announced Azure Private MEC in June 2021, evolving the Azure Private Edge Zone announced in April 2020.

    • Microsoft provides Azure Stack Edge servers to enterprises and installs 5G network functions (5G Core, CU, DU) and enterprise applications on them.

    • Microsoft pre-integrates Core NF, RAN NF, RU, CPE, and enterprise applications from multiple 5G vendors and ISVs into a single solution.

    • Enterprises can purchase enterprise applications from Azure Marketplace (e.g., Foghorn, iconics, ptc, spyglass, sight Machine, XXII, etc.)

    • Orchestration and network management in the Azure cloud

    • Mobile operators or SIs build private 5G networks on-premises, enabling low-latency applications to run in the enterprise (for example, AT&T announced a preview of AT&T Private 5G Edge, built on Azure Private MEC).

  • Commercial model: Subscription Type​
  • Deployment model: On-Premise Type


  • 5G spectrum:U.S. CBRS 5G spectrum, private 5G spectrum in each country, government-allocated private 5G spectrum, and mobile operator's public 5G spectrum (when a mobile operator deploys Azure Private MEC to build a private 5G network at an enterprise customer site).
  • 5G vendor:


• Microsoft brings Microsoft's cloud servers (Azure Stack Edge Server) to the enterprise customer's site

• Microsoft installs partner's 5G NF (5G Core, vRAN) and enterprise applications on Azure Stack Edge Server

• Microsoft relies primarily on solutions from startup vendors for 5G NF 
• Service coverage is worldwide



12. Betacom (SI Company)
  • Private 5G service: 5G as a Service (5GaaS) (Service Datasheet, Introduction Video)
    • A managed service where Betacom designs, builds, and operates a full set of 5G networks in enterprise locations. 

    • Launching May 25, 2021

    • SSOC (Security and Service Operation Center: AI/ML-based network management center): Provides AIOps (Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations: AI-based autonomous operation) tools and 5G experts to remotely monitor and manage customers' private 5G networks in real time. 

    • Betacom emphasizes that there is no need to hire new 5G specialists in the enterprise, allowing existing IT staff to focus on their core business.

    • SSOC is hosted in the Microsoft azure cloud

    • Enterprise owns and controls the private 5G network and Betacom operates the private 5G network

    • No traffic charging (Unlimited Usage)

  • Deployment model: On-Premise Type
    • A full set of 5G networks is installed in the business premises, emphasizing that corporate data is only circulated within the business premises, ensuring data security.

  • 5G spectrum: US CBRS frequency
  • 5G vendor: Betacom Integrates Druid's Raemis Core with Airspan's 5G O-RAN for a Turnkey Private 5G Network Solution (5GaaS)


13. BT (MNO)
  • Private 5G service: 5G Private Networks (BT PR, BT page)
    • In May 2022, BT partnered with Ericsson to enter the private 5G market for enterprises in the UK, announcing a service offering called "5G Private Networks" targeting the manufacturing, healthcare, logistics, defense, retail and transportation industries.

    • BT's 5G Private Networks offering is a service where BT will deploy and operate Ericsson's EP5G solutions (5G SA Core, 5G RAN and MEC) on-premises at enterprise premises using UK private 5G spectrum.

    • BT will work with Ericsson on private 5G network deployment projects (such as the Port of Belfast in Northern Ireland) and commercialize them as a regular product.

  • Deployment model: On-Premise Type
    • BT emphasizes that by deploying a full set of 5G networks in customer premises, it can effectively support ultra-low-latency, high-capacity applications, and that 5G spectrum capacity and 5G core capacity can be used exclusively by one company.

  • 5G spectrum: UK private 5G frequencies (3.8-4.2 GHz)
  • 5G vendor: Ericsson EP5G (Ericsson Private 5G)


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