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1Gbps between 2-pair Ethernet CPE and 2-pair Ethernet Switch SK Broadband announced last week (on the 21th) that it has successfully developed a solution that enables 1Gbps Internet speeds in both UL and DL over the legacy 2-pair cable without the need of installing extra cables for the first time in the world. Most of apartment buildings built before 2010 have only 2-pair LAN cables....
SK Telecom and Qualcomm announced on the 29th that they have successfully demonstrated Enhanced Licensed Assisted Access (eLAA) that utilizes both licensed and unlicensed spectrum at SK Telecom’s Corporate R&D Center in Bundang, Korea. eLAA technology increases data speeds in both uplink and downlink by aggregating licensed and unlicensed spectrum to create a wider data pipe in both d...
SK Telecom (NYSE: SKM) today announced that it has received three prestigious global awards for its pioneering efforts in the field of 5G. The company has won the “Biggest Contribution of 5G R&D” and “Most Notable Partnership between an Operator and Solutions Provider” held in Singapore on September 27, 2016. Also, on the same day, SK Telecom has been named the winner of...
SK Telecom on September 12th announced that together with Nokia, it has successfully implemented the world’s first cloud-based SDRAN (Software-Defined RAN) - also known as Cloud RAN - over a real commercial LTE network through a demonstration performed in its Network IT Convergence R&D center. "SK Telecom today announced that together with Nokia, it has successfully implemented the...
SK Telecom and Samsung Electronics Complete Field Trial of Handover between mmWave 5G Base Stations Successfully tested handover between 5G base stations at 28GHz in the outdoor environment Also demonstrated full HD video calling and UHD video streaming over mmWave 5G system, thus showing the possibility of large-volume, low-latency 5G SK Telecom (NYSE: SKM) today announced that it, toget...
SK Telecom and Nokia Implement World’s First Cloud-based Radio Access Network in a Commercial LTE Network The two companies successfully implement the world’s first next-generation, cloud-based, virtual base station The new technology takes advantage of virtualized functions to deliver new network scalability and elasticity, enhancing quality of service and network stability wit...
IoT platform for vehicle and mobile network from SK Telecom + Traffic infrastructure from KEC + Chipsets from KETI SK Telecom announced on the 8th that it executed an MoU with Korea Expressway Corporation (KEC, www.ex.co.kr) and Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI, www.keti.re.kr) for technological partnership in relation to V2X (Vehicle to Everything), a next-generation automob...
Now, SK Telecom is transforming itself into a networking equipment provider. It will be manufacturing certain types of equipment to be used in data center through technological cooperation with global partners. On the 4th, it launched ‘SCube’ (tentative name), a new brand for networking equipment it plans to offer. SCube equipment was developed by SK Telecom and manufactured...
SK Telecom unveiled NUGU, AI service powered by voice recognition along with a device specifically designed for the service last week (on August 31st). ■ What's NUGU? NUGU, which means 'who' in Korean, can be anyone the user wants it to be, friend, lover, family, assistant, and more. NUGU consists of an AI platform that can understand the Korean language and a specially designed...
SK Telecom executed MOU with Intel to develop IoT devices leveraging WebRTC, an Internet real-time communication technology of video, audio and data To provide all things connected via the Internet the ability to communicate in real-time Will lead to introduction of 'WebRTC’-enabled IoT devices specifically designed for online shopping malls and delivery service in the market...
<SK Telecom presented NV Array, next–generation storage medium capable of handling ultra-large volume content, at Flash Memory Summit 2016> SK Telecom announced on the 15th that it unveiled NV Array, a next-generation storage medium for 5G mobile communication that it co-developed with Facebook, at Flash Memory Summit 2016 (FMS 2016), the world's largest event focused on fla...
Joins hands with SOCAR to jointly build a connected car service supported by SK Telecom’s IoT network ‘LTE-M’ Plans to also provide its vehicle infotainment tablet installed with the T Map app to enrich driver’s in-vehicle experience The MOU marks as a milestone for its IoT business as it applies its IoT platform and infrastructure to car sharing business SK...
SK Telecom and Verizon will drive 5G standardization with co-developed 5G technical specifications and conduct joint studies to identify innovative 5G use cases The two companies aim to lead the next-generation network ecosystem through strengthened R&D cooperation at the OCP and M-CORD project SK Telecom today announced that it has entered into a MOU with Verizon, the largest wirel...
Host LoRa global meeting in Seoul in October Lead a global initiative for standardization of LoRa roaming, etc. Create synergy effect with IoT Week, a local event, leading to new partnerships between global and local businesses SK Telecom announced it is hosting a global meeting of the LoRa Alliance, an open, non-profit association for promotion of the IoT standard, in Seoul in Oct...
According to the recently amended Telecommunication Business Act (Article 56-2), telecommunication service providers now are required to release information needed for their subscribers to select wired and wireless Internet service, including which areas are covered, how service is provided, etc. To comply with the regulation, on the 28th of July, the South Korea’s big 3 operators ha...
Coverage Map for wired/wireless service now available in South Korea as well - It is the first released in South Korea KT: coverage.olleh.com/ollehIntro SK Telecom: www.sktcoverage.com LG U+: www.uplus.co.kr/css/iner/RetrieveCoverMap.hpi
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