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  스폰서채널 서비스란?
SK Telecom on September 12th announced that together with Nokia, it has successfully implemented the world’s first cloud-based SDRAN (Software-Defined RAN) - also known as Cloud RAN - over a real commercial LTE network through a demonstration performed in its Network IT Convergence R&D center. "SK Telecom today announced that together with Nokia, it has successfully implemented the...
ArpaWare의 Reza Toghraee님이 보내온 기고글입니다. Reza Toghraee Technical Manager (CCIE, Cloud, SDN, Netwrok, Security Expert) at ArpaWare 오픈 네트워킹, 화이트 박스 스위치 - 이제는 현실이다. 베어 메탈 또는 화이트 박스 스위치라는 용어를 들어 보았을 것이다. 그리고 기업의 IT 분야에서 적용될 수 있는 저가형 스위치인가 보다하고 가볍게 듣고 넘겼을 것이다. 베어 메탈 스위치의 효용성을 논쟁하려는 것은 아니다(이미 대세이므로). 베어 메탈 스위치를 도입하려할 때 어떤 점들을 생각해봐야 하는 지에 관해 이야기하고자 한다. * 베어 메탈 스위치 = 화이...
손장우 (Harrison J. Son) 넷매니아즈 | (주)엔앰씨컨팅그룹 대표이사 son@netmanias.com 지난 9월 12일에 SK Telecom이 "SK Telecom 기지국장비, 범용 서버로 대체된다"라는 제목으로 보도자료를 냈다. 여기서, SK텔레콤은 Nokia와 함께 분당 SK텔레콤 종합기술원에서 클라우드 기반의 차세대 가상화 기지국 (SDRAN: Software-Define RAN, Virtualized RAN)을 실제 LTE 상용망에 적용하는 시험에 세계 최초로 성공했다고 선언했다. SK Telecom은 보도 자료를 통해, 다음과 같이 설명하고 있다. "이번 가상화 기지국은 기존 이동통신 기지국의 기능을 범용 IT 서버를...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Reza Toghraee. Reza Toghraee Technical Manager (CCIE, Cloud, SDN, Netwrok, Security Expert) at ArpaWare All Articles by Reza Toghraee...
3GPP security working group (SA3) 의장이며 NEC에 Chief Advanced Technologist인 Anand R. Prasad님이 보내온 기고글입니다. Anand R. Prasad Chairman of 3GPP security working group (SA3) and Chief Advanced Technologist at NEC This is second part of the article based on talks I have given on 5G security since last year. The first part on my thoughts regarding 5G is available here. In this part...
3GPP security working group (SA3) 의장이며 NEC에 Chief Advanced Technologist인 Anand R. Prasad님이 보내온 기고글입니다. Anand R. Prasad Chairman of 3GPP security working group (SA3) and Chief Advanced Technologist at NEC This is first part of the article based on several talks I have given on 5G security since last year. In this part I present my views about 5G. On purpose I have avoide...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Carlos Lopez- Lopez. Carlos Lopez- Lopez Senior Product Manager at AT&T Mobility All Articles by Carlos Lopez- Lopez How to con...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Anand R. Prasad who is information security leader experienced in developing successful businesses with over 20 years of proven professional track record. Anand R. Prasad Chairman of 3GPP security working group (SA3) and Chief Advanced Technologist at NEC...
ADVA Optical Networking의 CTO인 Prayson Pate님이 보내온 기고글입니다. Prayson Pate Chief Technology Officer for Ensemble at ADVA Optical Networking SDN and NFV are driving massive changes in the telco world. But what are the biggest of these changes? And what’s not likely to change at all? Five Biggest Changes 1. Closed Appl...
For the past year or so, you have probably heard of CORD, which stands for Central Office Re-architected as a Datacenter. CORD was developed by AT&T with the aim to transform conventional Central Offices (COs) in operators' networks into something similar to data centers of cloud service providers. AT&T, having conducted POCs and demonstrations on CORD architecture at its lab since las...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Anand R. Prasad who is information security leader experienced in developing successful businesses with over 20 years of proven professional track record. Anand R. Prasad Chairman of 3GPP security working group (SA3) and Chief Advanced Technologist at NEC...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Prayson Pate. Prayson Pate Chief Technology Officer for Ensemble at ADVA Optical Networking All Articles by Prayson Pate How to contrib...
손장우 (Harrison J. Son) 넷매니아즈 | (주)엔앰씨컨팅그룹 대표이사 son@netmanias.com 목차 1. 개요 2. AT&T - CO내 장비들의 분해/해체 3. AT&T - 댁내 CPE 분해 해체 1. 개요 작년과 올해 CORD (Central Office Re-architected as a Datacenter)라는 용어가 자주 들린다. 글자 그대로 기존 통신사업자의 통신 장비들로만 그득한 CO(Central Office: 국사)를 구글/페이스북/아마존같은 클라우드 사업자의 데이터 센터처럼 구조와 생리를 전환하겠다는 말이다...
Telco Systems의 R&D VP인 Avi Dorfman님이 보내온 기고글입니다. Avi Dorfman (https://www.linkedin.com/in/avidorfman) VP R&D, Telco Systems In 1997, Netflix started out offering online movie rentals. You paid per movie, delivered directly to your home PC. The company grew, slowly expanded their services from unlimited rentals for one monthly subscription in 1999, to the introductio...
On July 18th, AT&T, a mobile network operator in the USA, rolled out Network Function on Demand, a Virtual CPE (vCPE) service, followed by its rival Verizon who also launched the similar service named Virtual Network Service, three days later. So far, many debates have been held about "how to apply SDN/NFV technologies to operators' commercial networks", and dozens of use cases have b...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Avi Dorfman who is technology executive with over 20 years of experience in the development and delivery of telecommunications systems. Avi Dorfman VP R&D at Telco Systems All Articles by Avi Dorfman...
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