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  스폰서채널 서비스란?
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Harpreet Kaur who is currently working as System Design Engineer in the Network Infra Team at Hughes Systique. She has 18 years of experience in telecom industry. She has been leading the SDN/NFV initiatives in the organization. Harpreet Kaur System Desig...
Mobily의 Abdulaziz Khan 님이 보내온 기고글입니다. '지연 시간 (latency)'은 일반 사용자에게도 일부 숙련된 사용자에게도 새로운 단어다. 우리는 일반적으로 Mbps급 속도를 지원하는 통신 링크의 장점에 대해서만 알고 있다. 많은 기기가 있는 집이나 사무실에서 좋은 연결 상태를 원할 경우, 우리는 경험상 예상되는 사용량에 따라 30, 50 또는 100Mbps 같은 고속 연결을 갖고 싶어한다. 설치 당일 수행되는 유일한 테스트는 속도 테스트로, 이는 획득 가능한 최고 속도 급의 다운링크 속도를 보여준다. 따라서 우리가 좋은 상태의 고속 링크를 가지고 있다면 latency는 어디서 오는 걸까? 주식 거래 앱을 이용하는 한 사용자를...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Mina G. Nasry who has decent experience in Data Carrier/ISP scope. Mina G. Nasry Network Engineer, Core Team at NOOR Data Network All Articles by Mina G. Nasry...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Abdul Aziz Khan who is a Telecom Professional having more than 18 years of diverse Telecom Experience of Planning, Project Management, Optimization and Operations, he is currently working in Network Optimization team of Mobily KSA. Abdulaziz Khan Technical...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Abdul Aziz Khan who is a Telecom Professional having more than 18 years of diverse Telecom Experience of Planning, Project Management, Optimization and Operations, he is currently working in Network Optimization team of Mobily KSA. Abdulaziz Khan Technical...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Zied TURKI. Zied TURKI onsultant at NetXP All Articles by Zied TURKI How to contribute your article to Netmanias.com !...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Mina G. Nasry who has decent experience in Data Carrier/ISP scope. Mina G. Nasry Network Engineer, Core Team at NOOR Data Network All Articles by Mina G. Nasry...
GSLB service enables users (clients) to connect to the most optimized server among those that serve the same purpose, improving service reliability. In addition, it helps to prevent traffic from being concentrated on a small number of servers, enhancing server availability. This post will discuss the benefits that GSLB can bring to an enterprise with distributed servers, and its service logic...
Quick Guide to OSPF 1. Building Shortest Path Tree Topology ► 2. Redistributing External Network Routes into OSPF Network In the previous post, we explained the procedure of how routers create their network topology maps using Router-LSA messages in an OSPF network, and build the shortest path trees based on link costs. Below, we will see how OSPF routers learn the routing informat...
Quick Guide to OSPF ► 1. Building Shortest Path Tree Topology 2. Redistributing External Network Routes into OSPF Network This time, we will discuss how routers discover IP network topologies and build shortest path trees by using OSPF protocols. Certainly, routing protocols like OSPF are based on operating principles that are hard to understand if you are not a routing expert. Man...
We will talk about call flow in IEEE 802.1X-based user authentication used in Korean network operators' Wi-Fi networks. Before we continue, let's take a look at what Korean operators' current Wi-Fi authentication are like first. KT provides the following SSIDs in its Wi-Fi Hotspots: ollehWiFi (with lock icon): Users are authenticated based on the IMSI stored in USIM of their...
Switching and Routing 1. Switching and Routing for Dummies - Ethernet Switching 2. Switching and Routing for Dummies - IP Routing 3. Switching and Routing - Part 1. Router Architecture 4. Switching and Routing - Part 2. Packet Forwarding by IP Router 5. Switching and Routing - Part 3. L2 (Ethernet) Switching by L3 Switch 6. Switching...
Switching and Routing 1. Switching and Routing for Dummies - Ethernet Switching 2. Switching and Routing for Dummies - IP Routing 3. Switching and Routing - Part 1. Router Architecture 4. Switching and Routing - Part 2. Packet Forwarding by IP Router 5. Switching and Routing - Part 3. L2 (Ethernet) Switching by L3 Switch 6. Switching...
Switching and Routing 1. Switching and Routing for Dummies - Ethernet Switching 2. Switching and Routing for Dummies - IP Routing 3. Switching and Routing - Part 1. Router Architecture 4. Switching and Routing - Part 2. Packet Forwarding by IP Router 5. Switching and Routing - Part 3. L2 (Ethernet) Switching by L3 Switch 6. Switching...
Switching and Routing 1. Switching and Routing for Dummies - Ethernet Switching 2. Switching and Routing for Dummies - IP Routing 3. Switching and Routing - Part 1. Router Architecture 4. Switching and Routing - Part 2. Packet Forwarding by IP Router 5. Switching and Routing - Part 3. L2 (Ethernet) Switching by L3 Switch 6. Switching...
Switching and Routing 1. Switching and Routing for Dummies - Ethernet Switching 2. Switching and Routing for Dummies - IP Routing 3. Switching and Routing - Part 1. Router Architecture 4. Switching and Routing - Part 2. Packet Forwarding by IP Router 5. Switching and Routing - Part 3. L2 (Ethernet) Switching by L3 Switch 6. Switching...
Switching and Routing 1. Switching and Routing for Dummies - Ethernet Switching 2. Switching and Routing for Dummies - IP Routing 3. Switching and Routing - Part 1. Router Architecture 4. Switching and Routing - Part 2. Packet Forwarding by IP Router 5. Switching and Routing - Part 3. L2 (Ethernet) Switching by L3 Switch 6. Switching...
NAT 문서 모두 보기 오늘은 지난 시간에 이어 NAT Traversal 기법 중 하나인 UDP Hole Punching에 대해서 소개해 드리겠습니다. RFC 5128에 따르면 Relaying이나 Connection Reversal 방식의 경우 효율성/환경 제약 등으로 인해 최선의 선택이 될 수 없으며 오늘 소개 드리는 UDP Hole Punching 방식이 가장 효율적인 NAT Traversal 기법이라고 합니다. 시작하기에 앞서 NAT의 Mapping Behavior와 Filtering Behavior에 대한 이해가 (반드시) 선행되어야 합니다. 자세한 내용은 예전 블로그 글을 참고 하시고 여기서는 간단한 개념도로 대신하겠습니다. 위 그림에 따르면 NAT의 Map...
NAT 문서 모두 보기 오늘은 사설 IP 주소를 가지는 두 단말 간에 P2P 통신이 가능하도록 하는 기술(NAT Traversal이라 부름)에 대해 소개 해 드리겠습니다. RFC 5128(State of P2P Communication across NATs - Informational)에서 설명하고 있는 NAT Traversal 기술은 크게 3가지입니다. Relaying Connection Reversal UDP Hole Punching 이번 시간에는 Relaying과 Connection Reversal에 대해서 알아보고 다음 시간에 UDP Hole Punching에 대해서 설명 드리도록 하겠습니다. P2P (NAT Traversal) 입장에서 가장 곤혹스러운 NAT Beha...
We will look into DHCP Option 82 used in the wireline networks of network operators today. Most of you are probably subscribing to a wireline Internet service provided by one of the network operators such as KT, SK Telecom or LGU+ (Korean Operators). When users subscribe to the Internet service, they pay a monthly fee to their network operator for using the Internet service. So, as a genera...
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