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  스폰서채널 서비스란?
주니퍼 네트웍스 WEBINAR Juniper SD-WAN 솔루션 소개 CSO Controller & CPE Platform 웨비나 05/24/2019 | 한국주니퍼네트웍스 박달수 이사 | 재생시간: 22분 목차 Network의 변화 그리고 도전과제 주니퍼의 Contrail SD-WAN 개요 및 제품 포트폴리오 최고의 안정성과 보안을 위한 CPE 아키텍쳐 LTE Module for SRX300 & NFX Series In...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Harpreet Kaur who is currently working as System Design Engineer in the Network Infra Team at Hughes Systique. She has 18 years of experience in telecom industry. She has been leading the SDN/NFV initiatives in the organization. Harpreet Kaur System Desig...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Kowshik Bhat who is Sr. director of product marketing at Riverbed Technologies. After spending over two decades in the networking and telecommunications industry, and engaging with businesses all across the globe, Kowshik knows his true passion is in educating people on how to apply technology to address business needs....
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by John Hardie. John Hardie Entrepreneurial Sales Manager at Apcela All Articles by John Hardie How to contribute your article to Ne...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Prayson Pate. Prayson Pate Chief Technology Officer for Ensemble at ADVA Optical Networking All Articles by Prayson Pate How to contrib...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Prayson Pate. Prayson Pate Chief Technology Officer for Ensemble at ADVA Optical Networking All Articles by Prayson Pate How to contrib...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Dean Bubley who is mobile & telecom sector analyst, expert consultant & conference speaker. Dean Bubley Founder and Director at Disruptive Analysis All Articles by Dean Bubley...
넷매니아즈에서 Juniper Networks의 Product Marketing Director인 Wayne Cheung과 이메일을 통해 인터뷰한 내용입니다. Juniper Network의 SD-WAN 솔루션에 관해 궁금한 사항들을 질문했습니다. 인터뷰에 응해준 Wayne Cheung에게 감사드립니다. 본문을 읽어보시고 추가로 궁금한 사항은 아래 코멘트에 남겨주시면 Wayne Cheung에 추가로 질의하여 답변을 게시하도록 하겠습니다. 국문으로 쓰시면 됩니다. 질의를 많이 남겨주세요. Netmanias recently had an interview via email with Mr. Wayne Cheung, Product Marketing Director at Juniper Networks. W...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Prayson Pate. Prayson Pate Chief Technology Officer for Ensemble at ADVA Optical Networking All Articles by Prayson Pate How to contrib...
Last time, we explored SD-WAN by Silver Peak (visit here). Today, we will discuss some key features of Citrix’s SD-WAN. 1. Network Measurement One of the key roles of SD-WAN is to measure the quality of underlay network paths and, based on the results, determine the best paths to use for delivery of each packet. Citrix’s SD-WAN CPE (CloudBridge ) performs re...
SD-WAN 기술은 매우 Vendor-Proprietary합니다. 공개된 자료들을 기반으로 최대한 확인한 사항들만 기재하였습니다. 만약, 해당 벤더 관계자분들이 아래 내용중 사실과 다르게 기술된 부분이 있으면 알려주세요(tech@netmanias.com). 업데이트하도록 하겠습니다. Comparison of the SD-WAN vendor solutions Lasted Updated: July 12, 2017 Velocloud Viptela Versa Silver Peak...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Michel Boulay who is expert in networks, security and architecture, specialized in SD-WAN and teacher in some IT engineer schools. Michel Boulay Expert network engineer and architect at FMlogistic All Articl...
Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN), as a killer application featuring SDN and NFV, is now attracting much attention. In fact, it was not just another promising future technology, but has already been adopted in many commercial networks around the world. Globally (especially in the USA), the past two years have witnessed many enterprises migrating from conventional operator-pr...
지난 블로그에서 Silver Peak, Citrix, Viptela, Velocloud의 SD-WAN 경로 제어 기술에 관해 살펴보았다. 본 블로그에서는 Versa Networks의 경로 제어 및 WAN 품질 향상 기술에 관해 살펴보자. Versa Networks(이하, Versa)는 2012년 설립된 인도 회사로 기업과 통신 사업자에게 SD-WAN 솔루션을 공급하고 있다(통신사업자 사례: 미국 CenturyLink, 미국 Comcast, 인도 Tata, 유럽 Colt 등). 1. 경로 품질 측정 (SLA Monitoring) 두 거점 (예, 지사와 본사)에 위치하는 SD-WAN CPE는 각 경로상으로 일정 주기로 SLA Probe를 주고 받아 경로의 품질을 측정한다(Act...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by John Hardie. John Hardie Entrepreneurial Sales Manager at Apcela All Articles by John Hardie How to contribute your article to Ne...
넷매니아즈에서 Nuage Networks (Nokia)의 Senior Product Marketing Manager인 Gary Kinghorn과 이메일을 통해 인터뷰한 내용입니다. Nuage Network의 SD-WAN 솔루션에 관해 궁금한 사항들을 질문했습니다. 인터뷰에 응해준 Gary Kinghorn에게 감사드립니다. 본문을 읽어보시고 추가로 궁금한 사항은 아래 코멘트에 남겨주시면 Nuage에 추가로 질의하여 답변을 게시하도록 하겠습니다. 국문으로 쓰시면 됩니다. 질의를 많이 남겨주세요. Gary Kinghorn Sr. Product Marketing Manager at Nu...
대규모 기업의 각 거점(Site)내에서는 응용별, 부서별, 내부인/외부인(협력사/게스트) 별로 각 거점내 자원에 대한 액세스/통신 권한을 구분하여 여러 개의 security zone(segment)을 구성한다. 아래 그림에 security zone의 예로 Intranet zone, PCI DSS zone, VoIP zone, Guest Access zone, 협력사 zone이 나타나 있다. 거점내, 즉 LAN에서는 세그먼트별로 VLAN을 할당하여 LAN망을 논리적으로 분리(Segmentation)하고, 각 세그먼트간에 통신이 필요한 경우는 해당 트래픽 Flow를 Firewall에 등록하여 세그먼트간 소통가능하게 해준다. * 네트워크 분리 ~ Security zone ~...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Amit Aneja who has expert level knowledge in latest SD-WAN technologies provided by multiple vendors, like Cisco IWAN, Velocloud, etc. Amit Aneja Sr. Solutions Architect at VeloCloud Networks All Articles by...
다음 문서도 보세요 SD-WAN 벤더 솔루션 비교 Version 1.1, 매니아즈 원샷 갤러리
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Andrew Sinclair who is a hands on, analytical and solutions orientated engineer. Andrew Sinclair Technical Solutions Architect at iomart All Articles by Andrew Sinclair...
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