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Netmanias interview with China Mobile at MWCS 2015: 4G evolution (LTE-Advanced, 4.5G) technologies Part 1. LTE-Advanced ► Part 2. 4.5G (TDD+) 4.5G (TDD Evolution, TDD+) China Mobile also introduced some TDD+ (also known as TDD evolution), which can be called "not quite 5G yet, but 4.5G" technologies, in cooperation with Huawei. The figure below shows the concept of 4.5G, along...
Netmanias interview with China Mobile at MWCS 2015: 4G evolution (LTE-Advanced, 4.5G) technologies ► Part 1. LTE-Advanced Part 2. 4.5G (TDD+) Earlier in July, China hosted MWC Shanghai 2015 (MWCS 2015), and Netmanias was there as a media partner of the event, analyzing LTE evolution and 5G strategies of many global leading operators and vendors. Today, we will look into 4G and 5G...
For the rest of the Q3 2015 issue of Korea Communication Review magazine please click here Hear from CTO of Korean Telcos 1. Dr. Dongmyun Lee, CTO of KT: Leading 5G through wired/wireless Integration ► 2. Mr. Changwoo Lee, CTO of LG U+: LG U+'s Mobile Network Evolution Strategies 3. Dr. Jingsung Choi, CTO of SK Telecom: SK Telecom's 5G Evolution Strategies...
NTT Docomo는 2020년 자국에서 개최되는 도쿄 하계 올림픽에 맞춰 5G를 상용화할 계획을 갖고 있다. 역시 2020년 5G 상용화 계획을 천명한 SK 텔레콤과 함께 5G 상용화에 가장 적극적인 사업자 중 하나이다. 이 글에서는 NTT Docomo가 5G를 어떻게 정의하고 있고 5G 구현을 위해 어떤 potential candidate solution들을 준비하고 있는지 5G radio access 기술 (RAT)을 중심으로 알아보도록 한다. 2010년 12월 LTE를 상용화한 NTT Docomo는 2015년 3월 LTE-A를 상용화하고 2020년 5G를 상용화할 예정이다. LTE-A 상용화를 위해 small 셀을 도입하여 HetNet을 구성하고 CA, eICIC, CoMP 등을 도입...
For the rest of the Q1 2015 issue of Korea Communication Review magazine please click here 3. 5G Strategies by LG U+ LG U+, acknowledging service as a more important factor in 5G than speed, is putting more efforts into developing differentiated services than mere technologies competition. That is, it is taking a stance that it would develop 5G services first, and then take care of t...
For the rest of the Q1 2015 issue of Korea Communication Review magazine please click here 2. 5G Strategies by SK Telecom Immediately after KT announced its new vision GiGAtopia in May, 2014, SK Telecom, the No. 1 mobile operator in Korea, also presented ICTnomics (ICT + Economics) designed to integrate ICT into a wide range of industries as the core concept of its 30-year growth plan....
For the rest of the Q1 2015 issue of Korea Communication Review magazine please click here In Korea, LTE service began back in July 2011. Then in June 2013 when LTE subscription exceeded 40% of the nation's total mobile subscription, LTE-A was commercialized for the first time in the world. Here are some facts about Korea's LTE. As of December 2014, i) Korea recorded an LTE sub...
목차 1. 개요 2. CA 진화 전략 2.1 3-BAND CA 2.2 펨토셀 CA 2.3 이종망간 결합: LTE와 와이파이간 CA 2.4 이종 LTE 기술간 결합: FDD–TDD CA 3. 셀간 협력 진화 전략 3.1 매크로셀 망에서의 INTER-SITE CA 3.2 SUPER CELL 1.0: VIRTUAL ONE CELL 3.3 SUPER CELL 2.0: ELASTIC CELL 및 INTER-SITE CA 3.4 SUPER CELL 3.0: HIERARCHY CELL 4. RAN 구조 진화 전략 4.1 통합 RAN (UNIFIED RAN) 4.2 지능형 기지국 (SERVICE-AWARE RAN) 4.3...
SK Telecom is the #1 mobile operator in Korea, with sales of KRW 16.6 trillion (USD 15.3 billion) in 2013, and with 50.1% of a mobile mobile subscription market share in 2Q 2014. It launched LTE service back in July 2011, and now more than half of its subscribers are LTE service subscribers, with 55.8% of LTE penetration as of 2Q 2014. Due to LTE subscription growth, more advanced device feat...
In the CoMP scenarios defined in 3GPP Release 111 and Release 122, CoMP is used within a single eNB (intra-eNB) with ideal backhaul only - in restricted areas in Release 11 among eNBs (inter-eNB) with non-ideal backhaul as well - in more expanded areas in Release 12 According to NGMN3, ideal backhaul refers to one with latency of 2.5 usecs or less and capacity of 10 Gbps or higher, whe...
Today, we will learn about CoMP, an inter-cell cooperation technology in LTE-A, since we learned about ICIC and eICIC in the previous posts. At an early stage of LTE/LTE-A, offering high speed is the most important marketing point for operators. However, as LTE subscribers and traffic grow, satisfying users with high Quality of Experience (QoE), for example, by improving user throughputs at cel...
CoMP 시나리오는 3GPP Release 11과 Release 12에서 정의하고 있는데요1,2, CoMP 적용 영역이 Release 11에서는 Intra-eNB & Ideal Backhaul로 제한되고, Release 12로 가면 Inter-eNB & Non-ideal Backhaul로 확장됩니다. NGMN에 따르면, ideal backhaul이란 일반적으로 2.5 usec 이하의 지연과 10Gbps 이상의 capacity를 갖는 backhaul을 말하고, non-ideal backhaul은 5~30 msec (혹은 그 이상)의 지연을 갖는 backhaul을 말합니다3. Release 11에서는 4개 시나리오가, Release 12에서는 3개 시나리오들이 정의되어 있는데, 여기서...
Enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Coordination (eICIC) As noted in the previous post about ICIC, we will find out about enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Coordination (eICIC), an interference control technology in LTE-A in this post. In LTE/LTE-A, one key challenge for operators is that they have to increase network capacity to keep up with fast-growing traffic. Especially, crowded areas in m...
지난 블로그들에서 살펴본 ICIC와 eICIC에 이어 이번 글에서는 또다른 LTE-A의 셀간 협력 기술인 CoMP를 살펴보겠습니다. LTE/LTE-A 초기 단계에서는 최고 속도가 얼마인가가 사업자에게 중요한 marketing point가 되지만, LTE 가입자와 트래픽이 증가함에 따라 최고 속도보다는 실제로 사용자가 느끼는 Quality of Experience (QoE)를 만족시키는 것이 중요해집니다. 예를들면 속도가 뚝 떨어지는 셀 경계 (cell edge)에서 사용자의 throughput을 높이는 것이지요. 무선망 용량 증대는 주파수 효율 (spectral efficiency)을 향상시킴으로써 이뤄집니다. 주파수 효율 (bit/sec/Hz)이란 단위 주파수 (Hz) 당 전송율 (bps)...
KT’s Vision: GiGAtopia Source: KT What? Chairman Chang-gyu Hwang of KT (with sales of KRW 23.8 trillion in 2013), at a press conference held at KT Olleh Square in Gwanghwamun, Seoul on May 20, announced that "KT will open up a new age of GiGAtopia by investing KRW 4.5 trillion (USD 4.4 billion) in GiGA FTTH, GiGA Path (heterogeneous networks convergence technology that combines...
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