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  스폰서채널 서비스란?
On June 10, 2013, LG U+ launched U+ HDTV multi-channel service (U+ tv G 4 Channel Service) that enables users to watch 4 channels at the same time through home STB. Later in July, it introduced the same multi-channel service in a mobile version based on LTE-A. In this post, we will analyze the U+ HDTV streaming on mobile devices that support LTE-A. U+ HDTV service offers two viewing experi...
In this post, we will talk about “jitter” introduced in the fronthaul network of LTE C-RAN. As shown in the figure on the right, jitter refers to the skew or variation in time or phase of a digital signal exchanged between communication systems. This jitter can eventually cause errors during the data and clock recovery process at RRH. Then, why should we be worried about jitter...
We will talk about LTE QoS this time. QoS functions provided by any network, whether wired or wireless, are all based on standards (IETF RFC, IEEE 802, 3GPP TS, etc.). They may work differently using different standards depending on whether the network is wired (Ethernet/IP/MPLS) or wireless (LTE/WiBro/Wi-Fi). But, basically what the QoS is about is that traffic quality is guaranteed (i) if...
Today's topic is IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) and GUTI (Globally Unique Temporary Identifier). These two are parameters (identifiers) used in identifying UEs in LTE networks. What is IMSI? IMSI is a unique ID that globally identifies a mobile subscriber. It is composed of two parts, PLMN ID and MSIN, as shown in Figure below. A PLMN ID is an ID that globally identi...
Enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Coordination (eICIC) As noted in the previous post about ICIC, we will find out about enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Coordination (eICIC), an interference control technology in LTE-A in this post. In LTE/LTE-A, one key challenge for operators is that they have to increase network capacity to keep up with fast-growing traffic. Especially, crowded areas in m...
Today, we will talk about GTP tunnels used in the LTE network. As seen in Figure (a) below, IP packets sent by an LTE device (UE) are delivered from an eNB to a P-GW through GTP tunnels. What it means is that "all IP packets that a UE sends are always delivered through an eNB to a P-GW regardless of their specified destination IP addresses (i.e., even though their destination IP addresses a...
In this blog, we analyze the current state of commercial 5G network construction of KT and SK Telecom, and the difference of 5G value pursued. First Release: 2019.03.29 Last Updated: 2019.10.11 1. End-to-End 5G Network Architecture The 5G network can be functionally divided into 5G Core network and 5G RAN, and can be divided into Central Cloud and Edge Cloud which are geograp...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Anuradha Udunuwara who is International Telecom & Technology Evangelist, a Visionary, a Researcher, a Speaker, a Trainer and a Consultant. Anuradha Udunuwara Architect, design and plan SME/B/I ICT solutions at Sri Lanka Telecom...
[Man speaks as the same is written on the screen] Only 1 minute before the gate is closed. My daughter is upset. And I am called on the intercom. I am running to the gate. [Girl cries] Dad! Animation movie! [Man speaks as the same is written on the screen] Oh no! I forgot to download the movie. Olleh GiGA LTE! Can you please do something? Anything? [Female narrator s...
For the rest of the Q2 2015 issue of Korea Communication Review magazine please click here Contela, a leading Smallcell solution provider based in Korea, introduced its new Smallcell solutions at MWC 2015. The company has provided SK Telecom, a Korean network operator, with LTE Femtocell solutions through years of cooperation with SK Telecom. At MWC, Contela presented three wire...
Emergence of C-RAN (Separation of Baseband and Radio, and Baseband Centralization) Today, global LTE operators are competing with one another more fiercely than ever, under the pressure to provide better service quality and higher speed. Conventional Internet traffic has been increasing steadily. What's more, mobile traffic resulting from OTT video services, such as YouTube, Mobile IPT...
This post will analyze the streaming methods used in YouTube's Live TV streaming services for mobile devices in an LTE network and a Wi-Fi network based on our actual measurements. YouTube's Live TV Streaming in Mobile Devices: HLS & Adaptive First, measurements in an LTE network The mobile device and network used for our measurement were Galaxy S4 and KT LTE network. First,...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Mahmoud Ali who has 10 years of experience as Network, RF Planning and Optimization Team leader / Solutions Architect / Expert in GSM/UMTS/LTE. Mahmoud Ali LTE Team Leader/SME at AdvaComm All Articles by Ma...
For the rest of the Q1 2015 issue of Korea Communication Review magazine please click here 2. 5G Strategies by SK Telecom Immediately after KT announced its new vision GiGAtopia in May, 2014, SK Telecom, the No. 1 mobile operator in Korea, also presented ICTnomics (ICT + Economics) designed to integrate ICT into a wide range of industries as the core concept of its 30-year growth plan....
SK Telecom, the Korean No. 1 telecom operator, launched Btv Mobile service (in SD/HD) offering a variety of live broadcasting and VoD contents for mobile devices in around July 2012. And a year later in July 2013, boosted by the commercialization of LTE-A, it began a "Full HD" streaming service with drastically enhanced video quality. The following is the press release by SK Telecom about its n...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Mohamed Abdel Monem. Mohamed Abdel Monem Radio Optimization Senior Engineer at Vodafone Egypt All Articles by Mohamed Abdel Monem...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Saurabh Verma. Saurabh Verma Chief Technology Consultant & Founder at Fundarc Communication All Articles by Saurabh Verma How to...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Dean Bubley who is mobile & telecom sector analyst, expert consultant & conference speaker. Dean Bubley Founder and Director at Disruptive Analysis All Articles by Dean Bubley...
Before we begin Earlier in late June, SK Telecom completed deployment of a nationwide LoRa network in Korea. A few weeks later, it announced LoRa service plans (ranging from KRW 350 (USD 0.30) to KRW 2,000 (USD 1.72) per month excluding VAT) while offering free LoRa modules for accelerated commercialization of LoRa services (see 'SK Telecom's IoT Target and Strategies: LoRa-based IoT...
Earlier this year in May, the South Korean Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning (MSIP) adjusted the maximum transmit power in the 900 MHz unlicensed band from 10 mW to 200 mW, offering frequencies dedicated for wide area IoT purpose. Initially, 6.5 MHz (917 - 923.5 MHz) was offered, and additional 6 MHz (940 - 946 MHz) is scheduled to be offered in the 2nd half of the year. The de...
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