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  스폰서채널 서비스란?
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Anand R. Prasad who is information security leader experienced in developing successful businesses with over 20 years of proven professional track record. Anand R. Prasad Chairman of 3GPP security working group (SA3) and Chief Advanced Technologist at NEC...
We are pleased to share with you all an interesting article contributed by Anand R. Prasad who is information security leader experienced in developing successful businesses with over 20 years of proven professional track record. Anand R. Prasad Chairman of 3GPP security working group (SA3) and Chief Advanced Technologist at NEC...
Earlier this year in May, the South Korean Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning (MSIP) adjusted the maximum transmit power in the 900 MHz unlicensed band from 10 mW to 200 mW, offering frequencies dedicated for wide area IoT purpose. Initially, 6.5 MHz (917 - 923.5 MHz) was offered, and additional 6 MHz (940 - 946 MHz) is scheduled to be offered in the 2nd half of the year. The de...
SK 텔레콤은 6월말 IoT 전용망으로 LoRa 전국망을 구축 완료 후, 7월초 LoRa 망 상용화 선포식을 갖고, 요금제와 올 하반기 상용화 예정인 20여개 LoRa 서비스 roadmap을 발표하였다. 올 3월 KT와 SK 텔레콤 양사의 LTE-M 망이 상용화되었으나 아직 LTE-M 서비스 상용화 소식이 요원하던 바, LoRa 서비스 roadmap 발표는 상용화에 대한 기대감을 높여주었다. 7월로 예정되었던 상용화 첫 주자는 • 이미 시범 서비스 중인 가스 AMI 서비스와 • Safe Watch 서비스이다. (아직 공식적인 상용화 소식은 없지만,) LoRa 전국망 구축 한 달을 맞아 SK 텔레콤의 target IoT와 전략을 간단히 정리해본다. [들어가는 글] 올해 5...
SK Telecom이 6월말까지 LoRa 전국망을 구축완료하고 하반기부터 본격적인 소물인터넷 서비스를 개시한다. SK Telecom의 LoRa망 기반의 소물인터넷 (IoST: Internet of Small Things) 생태계의 확산 전략은 크게 단말 전략(LoRa chip/module/device), 플랫폼 전략(Thingplug = SK Telecom IoT Platform 활성화), 회선료 전략(LoRa 회선 요금제)으로 나누어지는 데, 본 블로그글에서는 SK Telecom의 단말 전략 (LoRa chip/module/device) 정책에 관해 살펴본다. SK Telecom은 IoT 서비스별 속성에 따라 3개의 LoRa 전용 모듈을 정의했다. 아래 표에 3개 LoRa module ty...
The big 3 operators in South Korea, ST Telecom, KT and LG U+, each with a global standard oneM2M-certified IoT platform, are now aiming for global market. There is much attention in the industry towards which platform provider can build more partnerships with SMEs and startups, which is essential to present new, distruptive ideas and services. In order for the operators to expand the marke...
On June 20th, SK Telecom unveiled its strategies for utilizing the frequencies in 2.6GHz that it acquired at the last auction, and for developing more evolved next-generation network. The company has become an operator with most frequency in 2.6GHz band in the nation after acquiring additional frequency at the auction held earlier this year. Once new network utilizing these wider bandwidth...
[Issue analysis-1] IoST era begins with initiatives for a nationwide IoT network deployment IoT, the next generation growth engine in the mobile communication industry, is finally unveiled. South Korea-based SK Telecom and KT, geared up with cutting-edge IoT technologies including LoRa, LTE-M, and NB IoT, etc., are to be in fierce competition to deploy the nation's (and world's) fir...
Before we begin.. On March 10th, the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP) of the South Korea announced it would adjust the output power in unlicensed 900MHz band from the current 10mW to 200mW as an effort to stimulate the emerging IoT-related industry. The big 3, fueled by the announcement, are aggressively seeking ways to deploy IoT infrastructure. On March 18, SK Telec...
들어가기에 앞서.. 지난 3월 16일 미래부가 IoT 신산업 활성화를 위해 IoT 주파수로 활용될 900 MHz 비면허 대역의 출력 기준을 10 mW에서 200 mW로 올린다고 예고하였다. 미래부의 IoT 신산업 활성화 추진에 따라 이동통신 3사가 적극적으로 IoT 인프라를 구축하고 있다. 미래부 발표 직후, 3월 18일 SK 텔레콤은 세계 최초로 IoT 전용 전국망을 연내 구축한다고 발표했다. 이 IoT 전용 전국망은 LoRa 기반 저전력 광역통신망 (Low Power Wide Area Network; LPWAN)으로 LTE 망과는 별도로 구축되며 LTE를 무선 backhaul로 이용한다. 3월 28일에는 LG 유플러스가 LG 이노텍과 소물인터넷 전용 LTE 통신모듈을 출시하며 이 모듈...
Before you read this post, we recommend you read the following articles first: Mobile Network Architecture for 5G Era - New C-RAN Architecture and Distributed 5G Core 5G network as envisioned by KT - Analysis of KT's 5G network architecture 5G and Network Slicing With 5G being actively discussed everywhere, Network Slicing certainly is one of the most discussed technologies t...
손장우 (Harrison J. Son) 넷매니아즈 | (주)엔앰씨컨팅그룹 대표이사 son@netmanias.com 이 글을 읽기전에 5G 시대, 모바일 네트워크 구조의 변화는? - RAN과 Core의 변화 KT가 그리는 5G 네트워크 구조는 ? - KT의 5G 네트워크 구조 분석 을 먼저 읽으시길 바랍니다. 5G와 Network Slicing 최근 5G에 관해 논의가 활발해지면서 네트워크 슬라이싱(Network Slicing)이란 개념이 자주 거론되고 있다. 국내외 통신사업자들(KT, SK Telecom, China Mobile, DT, KDDI, NTT 등)와 벤더들(Ericsson, Nokia, Huawei 등)이 모두 5G 시대...
For the rest of the Q3 2015 issue of Korea Communication Review magazine please click here Hear from CTO of Korean Telcos ► 1. Dr. Dongmyun Lee, CTO of KT: Leading 5G through wired/wireless Integration 2. Mr. Changwoo Lee, CTO of LG U+: LG U+'s Mobile Network Evolution Strategies 3. Dr. Jingsung Choi, CTO of SK Telecom: SK Telecom's 5G Evolution Strategies...
넷매니아즈에서 발행하는 KCR (Korea Communication Review) 책자본을 무료로 배송해드립니다. 신청하세요. Table of Content Netmanias Interview with Korean Companies at MWC 2015 KT's demonstrations of LTE-H and LTE-U At Barcelona's MWC 2015, KT demonstrated a variety of new 5G, Hetnet and IoT technologies and services. Of all those presented, below we wil...
For the rest of the Q2 2015 issue of Korea Communication Review magazine please click here SKT and LG U+ to create more customer value, and KT to lead technology innovation through standardization...
The current systems that we are using now, like 3GPP LTE or LTE-A, are commonly called 4G mobile communication systems. Then, what are 5G mobile communication systems? To discuss 5G, we should first look into what the mega trends in mobile services are these days. [M1. Traffic growth] The biggest trend would be soaring demands for multimedia and social network services witnessed recently. As...
For the rest of the Q1 2015 issue of Korea Communication Review magazine please click here In Korea, LTE service began back in July 2011. Then in June 2013 when LTE subscription exceeded 40% of the nation's total mobile subscription, LTE-A was commercialized for the first time in the world. Here are some facts about Korea's LTE. As of December 2014, i) Korea recorded an LTE sub...
사물 인터넷 연재 순서 1. 사물 인터넷과 IPv6 2. 사물 인터넷의 Protocol Stack 3. 사물 인터넷의 Adaptation Layer와 CoAP 4. 사물 인터넷 표준화 동향 5. SKT의 사물 인터넷 Business Models 들어가기에 앞서서 2013년 12월에 발표한 가트너(Gartner) 보고서에 의하면 사물인터넷 (IoT: Internet of Things) 기기 시장이 2009년 9,466억원에서 2020년에는 약 30배 증가한 27조 3000억원에 이를 것이라고 합니다. 가트너 보고서 뿐만 아니라 각...
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