MODACOM announced the world’s first development of interworking technology between oneM2M and AllJoyn IoT platforms and introduced it in Mobile World Congress(MWC) 2015 held in Barcelona, Spain during 2-5 March 2015.
The AllSeen Alliance made a significant impact at Mobile World Congress 2015 which culminated in the all-day Partner Programme track on Wednesday, March 4th to demonstrate Alliance thought leadership at the intersection of mobile communications and the Internet of Things.
Sixteen member companies participated in thought leadership sessions throughout the day. Over 350 people attended the Partner Programme which was standing room throughout much of the day.
Dr. Yongjin KIM, CTO and EVP of MODACOM, chaired a technical session entitled “Standards and Interoperability: Creating a whole that is bigger than the sum of the parts” at the AllSeen Partner Programme track. At the session he also introduced the interworking technology between AllJoyn and oneM2M platform and showed how to amplify the synergy effects by combining the two technologies in IoT industry.
AllJoyn platform has been becoming popular in IoT market but its communication area is limited in proximal connectivity environment. By the way, oneM2M platform as an international global standard IoT platform, has remote monitoring, management and control functionalities. However, oneM2M devices are not shown in the market yet because oneM2M specifications were published recently.
The interworking technology developed by MODACOM makes it possible for AllJoyn enabled IoT devices can be managed and controlled remotely by using oneM2M platform technology.
MODACOM has been a member of oneM2M and European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) since 2011 for leading the international standardization activities on M2M and IoT.
In particular, MODACOM has introduced the interworking technique between AllJoyn and oneM2M at the 15th oneM2M technical plenary meeting held in Miami, USA on January 2015 and welcomed.
MODACOM has a plan to produce IoT gateway devices with the AllJoyn and oneM2M interworking technology in the market this year.
Dr. Yongjin KIM, CTO and EVP of MODACOM, chaired a technical session of AllSeen Partner Programme, MWC15, and introduced interworking technology
oneM2M-AllJoyn Interworking function and its companion devices